Team training: 5 tips for achieving corporate goals

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Team training: 5 tips for achieving corporate goals

Also known as corporate training, team training é a process of continuous improvement of the collective and individual performance of the members of a professional team. Most of the time, their focus is on developing new technical and interpersonal skills, improving the quality of work and achieving goals.

O team training It is a global trend, in a market that is constantly changing. Data from Allied Market Research, an international market research and consultancy company, show the importance of training corporate, which is expected to have an annual growth rate of 8% until 2030, totaling more than $487 billion.

Investing in Training programs and Development (T&D) is already a reality in most organizations. According to a survey by ABTD - Brazilian Training and Development Association, a national reference in T&D solutions, 94% of Brazilian companies have an annual budget dedicated to corporate education.

However, without the right resources at your side – and applied effectively – this process ends up becoming difficult, especially in relation to employee engagement with the team training. Therefore, many organizations prefer to count on the support of other companies specializing in software programs and tools. corporative education.

In this article, you will learn how to put into practice training corporate that will transform your employees’ learning experience, as well as the tools needed to achieve this. Also discover the main types of training team and which one best fits your company's goals.

Categories team training

Before delving into more technical concepts about team training, it is important to understand that there are types of training specific to each business objective. To help you gain a clearer perspective on the subject, our experts have selected the three types of training most common in the current scenario.

  • Team training focused on people management

Centered on Human Resources (HR) demands and leadership skills, people management training focuses on training managers in relation to their teams. Internal communication, conflict resolution and feedback meetings are some of the key points of these types of training.

  • Team training focused on skills development

Seen as a process to improve or acquire skills, this team training focuses on developing technical and interpersonal skills. Courses, workshops and group activities are great resources to strengthen your team and build a culture of continuous learning, improving collective productivity.

  • Team training focused on sales

“Selling more” is a very common objective in most companies. Therefore, the team training focused on sales ends up standing out among the rest. A team with a good training sales, such as prospecting, negotiation and customer relations, can put your business in the market.

It is important to note that all the team trainings mentioned above may branch into more types of training, bringing specific perspectives to the business challenges to be faced. Therefore, having well-defined objectives and clear business goals is vital to the success of your corporate education strategies.

Sales training: a great ally to achieve goals

Sales training is a fundamental initiative to improve sales techniques and skills within a company. This kind of team training It is essential in the employees' journey, from the initial integration process to regular training, and directly impacts the organization's results.

invest in training of sales allows your team to be better able to deal with business closure and support situations. Furthermore, the improvement in performance in companies that work on conversion and sales volume strategies in a more professional and specialized way is notable.

In other words, in addition to expanding your team's technical knowledge, the team training sales team helps your company reach existing goals and new levels of success. Increased profitability is a consequence of all this, as a business with more effective sales strategies tends to sell more.

5 tips to evolve yours team training

Now that you know the basic concepts and main types of training, it becomes much easier to apply the tips that our corporate education experts have prepared for you. Discover five practical actions to evolve your team training and achieve even more satisfactory results.

  • Start by defining clear goals and objectives

Um good training Corporate governance begins by defining business goals and objectives in a solid and scalable way. This, in addition to bringing more direction and strategic alignment to the team, helps you make data-based decisions and optimize resources and time to invest in business engagement.

  • Promote a culture of learning and feedback

A big point importance of training team is to create an environment that values ​​learning and continuous development. Therefore, it is important that you encourage a culture of internal motivation, recognizing individual and collective achievements, and greater sharing of experiences and feedback. 

  • Utilize emerging technologies and innovations

Every day, new technologies emerge to help you put training into practice corporate more effectively. Artificial Intelligence (AI), Business Intelligence (BI), microlearning and Learning Management System (LMS) platforms are some of the resources available to help you in this mission.

  • Invest in an LMS platform

LMS is the acronym for Learning Management System, in Portuguese. These platforms allow you to create, distribute and manage all of your content. team training online and customizable, with detailed progress monitoring.

  • Count on a partner providing corporate education solutions

Finally, counting on a partner that connects you to innovation and delivers intelligent solutions to evolve your training programs, involving all the previous tips, is a great way to stay updated and able to offer the best learning experiences to your employees.

The tips above represent insights for you to better understand how you can achieve even more effective results in your team training. Use them to make your business's corporate education a more effective process, always aligning strategies with your needs and organizational objectives.

LMS: tool and training equipment for corporate environments

count on a LMS platform (Learning Management System – Learning Management System in Portuguese) is essential for good management and administration of your training programs. This type of tool allows you to organize content and manage users with much more practicality and efficiency.

O Take 5 LMS offers comprehensive solutions for managing team training and all content related to corporative education. Equipped with advanced security features, the tool provides an innovative and customizable experience for all user levels: employees, collaborators and partners.

Fully adaptable to the specific needs of each company, the Take 5 LMS stands out for its integration of blended learning methods and multiplatform content, enriched with gamification elements and personalized reports, in a dynamic and effective learning environment.

How is the hiring training of Group LMS Take 5

O Group Take 5 has established itself as a big name in providing specialized corporate training solutions. Internationally recognized for its advanced technology and specialized knowledge, the group serves a wide range of clients throughout Latin America, the United States and Canada.

Besides the Take 5 LMS, you can also hire other services related to content management and creation for team training, as experts in corporate engagement and in-depth Business Intelligence (BI) analysis. Do like the big players in the market and have the Group Take 5 as a partner in your business.

Click here and schedule your free Take LMS demo now.

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