Business training report: what is it? Whats the matter?

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Business Training Report


Many people are already uncomfortable just reading or hearing the words business report, either because they think they are very long documents, where it is not possible to understand half of them, or because they are often required to produce one, which without the correct techniques, can be a nightmare. When starting to use corporate education in your company, it will be no different, it is necessary to create a training report at each stage.

There is a variety of information that can be included in a report, much of it easy to find in your LMS or even in online analysis tools, but others require a little more work.

An important situation that must be taken into consideration is that each situation requires a different training report, with more or less information. A huge report does not mean that it will be complete or appropriate for the situation, in the same way that something without the necessary metrics and developments will not be effective.

But after all, do you know what exactly a training report is? Why create reports and how can your company benefit from it? How often should this happen? What items should be included and why should you analyze them? Follow us and we will talk about all these questions and much more!

What is a business training report and what is it for?

To begin, we must define what a report actually is. A report is a spoken or written, organized and careful description of something that was done or observed, be it the activities of a sector, the training of a company team or even the sales of a product or service. Its objective is to communicate the progress of an activity in comparison with the objectives set for it.

What about a business training report? Following the same logic, the goals set for the employees who were present in that specific training must be, after the end of the course or workshop, compared with the results achieved by those involved with the aim of drawing conclusions about the success or failure of the undertaking, using statistics and training indicators for this analysis. 

When introducing your employees to corporate education, however, the speed and manner in which everyone learns is not the same. Therefore, it is important that these reports do not indicate “who learned” and “who did not learn”, as presenting content once does not guarantee immediate absorption.

Based on these initial analyzes and reports, a strategy must be created so that employees can make the best use of them.

What is the importance and benefits of this resource for companies?

By creating consistent and periodic reports, your company will benefit from several points. The training report feature is essential, especially in periods of digital deepening like we are experiencing, with the need for working from home and manage your employees remotely. The main benefits are:

  • Allows quick and efficient decision making, dealing with problems when they arise;
  • The information contained in the reports allows the identification of the positive and negative points of the training, which are necessary to adapt it for the next cycle. It is very important that we evaluate the negative aspects of the course content;
  • With a training report, the responsible manager can observe the performance of each participant, thus understanding the best way to deal with each one, or even how each one learns best;
  • It is possible to create a performance average, after some reports, making it possible to create indicators for expected training results;
  • You can use this tool to talk to employees and show them where they need to improve. This is a way of engage employees, even from a distance.

How often and why analyze training reports? 

The frequency with which training reports should be analyzed does not follow a general rule, as each company has different processes and activities.

You must analyze the reports at each training period, so that you can make parallels between different classes, or even different content.

Making this your process, if you offer training per semester, you must analyze the results during these periods, so that the information does not become outdated.

By carrying out this analysis, it is possible to derive several insights from the reports. Some examples are:

  • Those who trained in the morning had better results than those who did it in the afternoon;
  • The most accessed types of material were videos;
  • The per capita cost was higher than expected;
  • 80% of the class passed, of which 20% achieved excellence;
  • 20% failed (it is possible to identify who did, and then work to understand the reasons why these people did not perform satisfactorily, offering support when possible).

It is important to emphasize that the points presented above were examples.

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6 tips: What points should I analyze in training results

Like any report, there will be a lot of information, so you must pay attention to the most important ones, to draw conclusions in the best possible way. The most relevant points are:

1 - Cost per capita

This data must be clearly presented in the training report, as it is how the company calculates what it spent on each participant. It is the total cost divided by the number of employees who participated.

2 - Average time

It is possible to identify which media are most popular by observing the average viewing time for each one. Furthermore, you can see who is more engaged with the training.

3 - Feedback

Asking for feedback from participants is extremely important for the evolution of training for the next cycles.

4 - ROI

The return on investment indicates the impact of a given training or course (Please can you put the link to the content we created on how to calculate the ROI of training) on ​​the results that the company obtained in the period, thus showing its effectiveness.

5 - Results

Observing employee results can provide important information about the difficulty or ease of training. A lack of materials or options may also be identified.

6 - Membership

The adherence rate shows how many employees took the training among those offered. This statistic should be used together with the others to draw greater conclusions.

In this article we learn about reporting business training, what it is, its importance and even how often to analyze them.

Furthermore, still We worked on the main points that should be observed in these reports. For more information and corporate tips, don't waste time, access the Take5 Blog, where you will find dozens of articles like this.





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