5 reasons to outsource your custom e-learning development

4 minutes reading

In an increasingly competitive market, companies need to ensure that their employees are constantly and continually expanding and developing new sets of skills and competencies to face the challenges that present themselves daily in the corporate environment.

Developing efficient projects that meet your team's expectations and your company's objectives is not an easy task, especially because each organization has its own set of training needs.

But if your company suffers from generic content, outdated training, missed deadlines, loss of quality, low retention and budget restrictions, outsourcing e-learning is the best way to bring a competitive advantage to your operation.


The top 5 benefits of outsourcing e-learning

specialized knowledge

Working with an e-learning development company gives you access to a full suite of dedicated experts who focus exclusively on creating the best online learning for your specific training needs. Outsourcing complements the strengths of your internal team through the high level of experience of graphic designers, software developers, content specialists and authoring tools, for example. These are essential points for developing high-quality courses that focus on your main objectives and really deliver good results.


Competitive advantages

Partnering with an external expert allows your operation to make use of best practices in emerging technologies and trends, offering innovative solutions to improve your training results and your team's performance in relation to the competition. With outsourcing it is possible to create scalable, on-demand solutions that add value to learning using different instructional design strategies and modern teaching methodologies that take advantage of every feature of authoring tools, such as interactivity and embedded templates, to deliver courses that motivate your employees not only to complete the training, but also to engage in its practical application, achieving inspiring results.


Smart use of resources

Hiring an external partner helps to reduce or even eliminate a series of heavy costs that would exist if course production were carried out directly by your team, no matter how prepared it was. Recruitment, training, team maintenance, acquisitions and development of systems and technologies – the correct choice when outsourcing offers important advantages, such as creation tools and production systems that consider the knowledge and best practices previously established by your company. This capability not only reduces financial costs, but also frees up your team and other resources to work with a focus on other areas and objectives of your operation.


More effective training

Experience and knowledge are important when it comes to creating and delivering high-quality e-learning. Finding the right supplier not only speeds up results, but also saves important time and resources in all the main structuring and development stages, ensuring agility and assertiveness when creating or adapting content. This feature allows you to develop targeted online training materials, with practical application of knowledge. This means that corporate students enjoy the learning experience much more and are able to achieve the performance objectives set. Not least: internal changes, new hires, acquisitions, product and service launches – this effectiveness allows route changes and new training needs to be met much more quickly and objectively.


Long-term gains

Another big difference with e-learning outsourcing is that the gains for your company will not only be immediate: innovative solutions and projects aligned with the most modern methodologies and approaches deliver results in the short term, but the partnership with a specialist also adds future value. By understanding your strategic objectives and working towards learning solutions that meet the cultural and technical requirements of your operation, the outsourced provider is able to diversify your corporate training program to broader scopes, acting as a global partner always looking for improvements that strengthen your business results.

Finding the right partner to develop the production of e-learning training is a great challenge, but the numerous advantages of having a specialist at your side automatically add value to your operation: greater engagement, faster and more efficient learning, productivity growth and reduction of costs help demonstrate the positive return that this type of investment offers!

Count on Take 5 to develop your e-learning trainings!


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