The importance of good integration of new employees

4 minutes reading

The importance of good integration of new employeesIntegration is one of the most important stages of joining new employees at the company. It is there that professionals will acquire the main concepts of the corporation, such as mission; values; internal rules; rules for relationships with internal and external customers; culture; and, above all, what is right and what is wrong to do within the work environment, that is, the company's ethical values.

It is through integration that the employee will feel located and, thus, be able to perform their job more quickly. In this process, the new employee will be inserted into your team and will come to understand exactly what their role is within the team in which they were placed.

Good integration allows the company to retain new talent and make the most of the deliveries that a new professional is capable of making. Furthermore, it makes the work environment much more positive, encouraging the creation of teams with good interrelationships with each other. And most importantly: good integration increases productivity from the beginning and creates employees who are fully engaged with deliveries and goals.

But do you know what the best practices are to speed up integration? So let's get to know them:

Talk a lot about the company

It is necessary, from the beginning, to teach new employees the most basic information about the company and demonstrate how they are used in practice, that is, in each professional's day-to-day life. This will make it clearer what they should expect and what the company expects from them in return.

As soon as the employee begins to be part of the corporate structure, his superiors or HR must take him on a tour of the main points of the office and introduce him to all his co-workers. He must be shown the most important spaces he will use, such as his cubicle or work desk, useful areas of the room, etc. At this stage, it is also important to provide information about the company’s culture.

When the corporation's values ​​are taught, integration can be done through videos. The audiovisual material is very practical, as it standardizes the information that all new employees will receive and makes HR's work easier, as it will not be necessary to repeat the same concept that has been discussed before to each new employee.

Know in advance what is the best way for each new employee to learn

The employee must learn during integration what role he will play, his practical functions and the organization of the company, but it is necessary to know some characteristics of the new employee for this, such as: whether he learns best through a presentation or practical exercises ; whether he prefers closer guidance during a day or whether he is more spontaneous and learns just by observing; whether he feels better being introduced to new co-workers in a large gathering or in a one-on-one meeting.

Although this information is not included in resumes, one way to obtain it is through the selection process, in a job interview. Instead of focusing solely on the corporate experience, you can use this time to find the answers to these questions.

Make a plan with a script and activities for the first few weeks

There are some points that will make new employees more comfortable and better integrated into the company's activities, these are: knowing what work they will have to do; when will they actually start a practical work routine; and who they will work with.

The less uncertainty there is in the minds of new hires, the better their productivity and engagement will be.

Have a plan to always monitor the new employee

Continuous monitoring is very important when integrating each new employee. The process of adapting to a new company is difficult and, therefore, staying alongside the newly arrived professional is very important. The manager needs to have at least one conversation a day with him to learn about any doubts, motivations and even criticisms that may arise. After a while, these conversations may last a week and then take place monthly. But then you need to follow the company culture.

With that, you've already realized that a lot of work can be done on integration, right? Therefore, when new employees arrive, it is good to be as prepared as possible to welcome them. Your company thanks you.


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