Agile Learning: the best way to make success come to your company faster

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Agile Learning


Agility. This is a key factor for companies that want to stay ahead in a market where profound changes happen all the time and at great speed. The ability to learn quickly is another of those differentiators that distinguish the company that remains in the past from the one that has its feet in the future. 

Combined, these two skills are capable of guaranteeing the competitiveness of your organization and making it ahead of the competition. And, therefore, we chose to talk about them below. Check out!

What is it and how does it work? Agile Learning

The terms that make up Agile Learning They are, in themselves, self-explanatory: agile, fast learning. But what is behind this concept?

O Agile Learning It is the ability to learn quickly to adapt to the constant changes present in the tools we use, the new concepts we need to absorb, the new indicators we must understand and monitor, the new technologies available. 

In other words, learning quickly means being ready to quickly understand new things, bring them into our daily lives and, eventually, create other new things based on those that originated our ideas. insights.

Impacts of Agile Learning on your organization

O Agile Learning brings positive impacts not only to your company, as well as for your client. And below, let's get to know them.

  • Increased productivity: o Agile Learning allow reduce the time it takes to actually learn new content and concepts. And this directly impacts productivity, which has a significant gain.
  • Results in less time: to Agile Learning, results appear much more quickly for the client, since the process is divided into shorter steps, which allows the company to deliver even before the project reaches the end.
  • Constant improvement and lower costs: o Agile Learning invests in iterative and incremental development to generate constant process improvements and reduce costs. What does that mean? On the one hand, repeating each step throughout the process leads to rapid learning and improvement. On the other hand, each stage delivered undergoes a review to define what works and what needs to be improved. 

In the next stage, the improvement is already incorporated. And this cycle starts again until the project reaches higher quality and lower costs.

  • Greater dedication and focus of employees: in the culture of Agile Learning, the fact that employees themselves manage the distribution of tasks and the collection of delivery deadlines means that they are more focused and engaged in both day-to-day tasks and large projects.
  • Reduction of risks and failures: one of the models adopted by the Agile Learning, delivering the project in phases brings an important benefit to the process — at each stage, errors and problems are detected and resolved more quickly, which results in an improved, higher quality product at the end of the project.
  • Greater customer satisfaction and loyalty: In addition to the strong increase in productivity, the Agile Learning enhances customer satisfaction, who receives the product of a project that has already gone through several cycles until reaching its best version. But not only. 

The method that supports the Agile Learning It also opens up space for the client to have a more active participation in the development of the project, by allowing them to provide feedback on what they believe can or should be improved. And it is the increasingly better deliveries and this close relationship that generate irreplaceable value in this virtuous cycle: customer loyalty.

Agile Learning

benefits of Agile Learning

By now, you have already understood how many important contributions the Agile Learning can bring to your company. Even so, its main benefits are worth highlighting.

Faster and better deliveries: it can be said that there was the aA era, before the Agile, and now we live in the AD era, after the Agile. In the AA era, problems were only detected when the project was completed. In the AD era, the process steps allow failures to be identified much earlier and guarantee much faster solutions.

Better use of time: Smaller teams know how to manage the deadlines they have to complete tasks with much greater efficiency, without wasting time in meetings that could last longer than necessary and with a focus on making deliveries faster and faster. The result are deadlines always respected and a constantly satisfied customer at the other end.

Optimized communication: as with all processes conducted based on the principles of Agile Learning, communication between members of the same team and between teams is much more agile and efficient. The reason is that interaction is part of the essence of Agile Learning and cooperation is always incorporated both by the people who lead the projects and those who are responsible for developing them.

How to build culture Agile Learning in your company

There are some factors that can help your company successfully implement the culture of Agile Learning. And you will meet them now.

Prioritize continued learning

Acquired knowledge is applied knowledge and improved results. Therefore, the more your company invests in training to empower its employees, the greater the return it will have.

For your teams to incorporate the culture of Agile Learning, encourage them to share what they learned and look forward to new learning. As for managers, leave the responsibility of engaging teams in training to them.

Important: reinforce the commitment of the most dedicated employees by rewarding them and mobilizing them to become instructors and knowledge multipliers.

Bet on content sharing

If there are experts among employees on your teams, don't think twice — they can be excellent knowledge replicators. Being trained by colleagues, in addition to facilitating the process of transmitting knowledge, which can even take place informally, makes learning faster. And those who contribute to expanding their colleagues’ knowledge feel motivated and recognized.

Give preference to team projects

The relationship between employees in projects carried out as a team is another important factor in building the culture of the Agile Learning. Learning happens naturally, with each person's knowledge being shared with everyone, based on a cooperative spirit. This makes the organizational environment even more dynamic and productive, generating gains for both employees and the company.

Choose concise content

The shorter the duration of content transmission, the faster your learning will be. Therefore, ask your content developers to focus on producing micro-units to be consumed as quick and continuous learning.

Incorporate mobility into rapid learning actions

Nowadays, people check their cell phones every 12 minutes. At least. So, nothing more natural than using this mobile media to make information reach your employees quickly and effectively. Corporate education via distance learning resources such as LMS with gamification, video classes, microlearning and others brings flexibility to the transmission of knowledge and makes it accessible wherever, whenever.

If you want to learn about more topics like this, visit our article on: Blended Learning: Are you already using it to train your employees?

Do you want to know right now how to put the Agile Learning culture into practice in your company to get ahead of your competitors? Speak to one of Take5's experts:




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