Training evaluation: learn how to test your employees

4 minutes reading

How do you understand whether all your efforts in corporate education are having an effect? In other words, how is employee performance measured, after so much knowledge has been passed on?

The answer is in training evaluation, the most efficient way to test professionals and teams to find out if they are really applying, on a daily basis, what they learned in online courses or in the blended learning.

Create tests capable of evaluating the development of skills and abilities makes it possible to understand in depth whether your employees have absorbed what they need to know and/or execute.

In this article you will learn about the importance of effectively testing your employees, in the context of knowledge management.

More than understanding a professional's progress in a module or whether they participate in discussion forums, for example, the idea here is to present why it is extremely important to evaluate them in the scope of practice, in the essential objective of e-learning, which is to apply the training and development for the company's results.

How to do a training evaluation questionnaire

After completing an online course, it is time to assess skills and abilities. There are several ways to test this acquired knowledge: essay, multiple-choice questionnaires and even practical activities, for example.

The idea is that you adapt your type of test according to the answer you want to collect at the end. It is necessary to combine the learning objectives with your tests.

One of the most important items to think about: the questions in your assessments should correspond as closely as possible to the behaviors you want employees to have in their work routine.

It's also worth a warning. If you plan your knowledge trails before creating the tests, you will run the risk of leaving out something that you would like to evaluate. The tip is to think, together with the instructional designer, about the best way to design the courses with a focus on what the subsequent assessment will be like.

The process of e-learning, from planning to results, is complex and often costly. Therefore, it is very important to create tests that meet the company's expectations.

How to know if your training assessment is working

After implementation and execution, you will be able to collect information and perceptions from students about the quality of the tests administered.

This survey can be both qualitative and quantitative. For example, you can create a note by adding the participant evaluation, or even listen to them to understand what the possible gaps of knowledge identified. Discover some options:

- Verbal reactions from employees during tests;

- Average test score;

- Scoring scale for the test;

- Percentage of workers who pass and fail;

- Percentage of students who never finish the test;

- Questions that everyone gets right;

- Post-test verbal feedback, with rating scales.

Listen to employees and obtain detailed feedback from testing application This will make your training assessments increasingly accurate over time.

It is a relevant tool for reevaluating the content produced and changing the learning route midway. After all, offering training material is a practice that can never stop.

This feedback stage should be seen as part of the training and development process. Only in this way will you produce courses that require less effort, but, at the same time, deliver more effectiveness.


Carrying out training evaluation in the form of tests will give your company the speed it needs to make decisions, be it when it comes to new hires, dismissals or even more investment in T&D.

With the information collected in the tests, instructors, instructional designers and managers gain a vision of what really works or what should be rethought in corporate education.

There is also no point investing heavily in training that is not having the expected effect. High costs, if not justified, are one of the worst enemies of any company. Therefore, understanding which tests are best (and how they are received by employees) makes perfect sense.

Can you understand why assessments are so important in e-learning processes? Share your experiences in the comments. Tell us what your doubts, difficulties or tips are when applying tests in your company.

Staff Take 5


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