Advantages and benefits of LMS for companies and professionals

6 minutes reading
benefits of LMS


There is a lot of talk about e-learning, distance learning and distance learning platforms. And, as we know, the pandemic accelerated the process of digital innovation in many areas, including companies that previously did not think about remote work or online training.

Adapting in a hurry to previously unexploited systems can be a challenge that requires attention when hiring the best services for corporate demands. 

One of the main tasks, in addition to implementing a home office, is the implementation of virtual learning systems, whether for training new employees who need to know the company's culture, services and products, or for old professionals who need to stay up to date through trainings. 

But how can we ensure that the result of this effort is effective and capable of resulting in good results? How to monitor and evolve training?

Today we can say that the answer lies in the LMS (Learning Management System) in free translation: Learning Management System, which is what we will get to know and understand in more depth in this reading.

LMS: what is it?

LMS, as we mentioned, are distance learning systems, which we can also call an EAD platform, and which are capable of offering various functionalities for companies that need to provide training virtually to their employees. 

These systems bring several functionalities to the corporate environment, allowing participants to not only attend training, but also take tests and receive certificates.

Among the various characteristics and functionalities of these systems, we can highlight three:

1 - On demand

This means that people can watch content wherever they are and whenever they want (following, of course, the company's guidelines and deadlines), making learning easier, as availability becomes much wider.

2 - Content customization

The materials displayed on the platforms undergo internal approvals and can cover different formats, such as texts and videos. The company can develop its content with experts, including internal ones, and make it available on the platform. 

The ideal is to explore different topics, both related to organizational culture, reinforcing the company's pillars, and technical training aimed at training the team in relation to a specific product or service.

3 - Learning management 

Being traceable, learning systems allow a management process to be carried out, the results of which can help in various decision-making processes. The monitoring and management of EADs platforms, which are generally carried out by administrative teams or human resources, the results can be used to develop action plans.

Advantages of implementing learning systems in companies

Being part of a digital model, especially nowadays when in-person events and training are unfeasible, given the pandemic scenario we are facing, makes distance training essential for companies that need and want to keep their employees up to date. . 

Among the main benefits, we can highlight:

Cost reduction

If we compare the virtual structure with in-person training, it is easy to see the advantages of distance learning. In the face-to-face format, training only reaches participants who can fit into a specific room or auditorium, for example.

The material needs to be printed and the environment needs to have tables, chairs, computers, projectors and other accessories for proper functioning. Not to mention the cost of the speaker for each new training. 

To finish the calculation, we can also think about the transportation costs for participants and the time spent. Only in this first topic is it easy to see how advantageous virtual training is.


As we mentioned previously, employees who need to undergo training can do it on a day and in a place that is most comfortable for them, advantages that the face-to-face system is unable to offer.

Control of activities

With an integrated system capable of managing professionals' participation in corporate training, the task of monitoring and controlling access becomes much faster and more efficient. LMS systems are capable of generating monitoring and utilization reports in a very simple way, which facilitates the routine of HR, managers and the team that monitors this activity within the company. 

Through the reports, it will also be possible to identify talents, transforming them into internal knowledge multipliers and even speakers at upcoming training sessions.

Unified team enablement

Another advantage of these systems is that, in this way, it is guaranteed that the entire team has received the same content, training and qualifications. Employees become more qualified and able to carry out tasks with the same instructions.

You can also use the tool as a basis for setting goals. The training can also generate tests and certificates of completion, enabling the employee to progress in learning.

Talent identification and retention

Learning tools function as instruments to guide and evaluate the individual capabilities and performance of each employee. Through the results, tests and reports made available by the LMS, it is possible to discover talents and people who are equipped for a given task and transform them into multipliers of this knowledge. 

Furthermore, it is also possible to allocate them to other projects and positions that require such competence that the professional has already stood out on the platform.

LMS - 5 valuable tips to implement successfully

How to identify the best LMS system for your company?

The first question you may be asking yourself is: does my company need an EAD teaching system? If you have a company, you need to train professionals and keep them updated, the answer is: yes! So the time has come to identify the best model for your business, and here are some tips for you to consider when choosing an LMS system for your company:

Define the goals: Calculate how many training courses you will make available on the platform, who the audience will be, what the demand will be for this content and what its practical applications will be. The implementation of a learning system must be treated as a project.

Size the project: The implementation of an LMS system requires involvement from several areas, such as processes, projects, HR and IT, among others. See if the company has a sufficient structure or if, with the supplier, it is possible to guarantee that the implementation and operation of the system will flow without major complications.

Talk to employees: Select some key employees and do internal research on the topic, understanding what features they expect from the tool and ask for suggestions from professionals who have had this experience previously.

Evaluate the supplier and service packages: Like all hiring, checking the supplier's cases is essential. Like every system, the LMS also requires updates and support. Size the project and make sure that all the assistance necessary for the smooth running of the platform is included in the supplier's service package.

Test: Put yourself in the user's shoes and try the tool before hiring. If necessary, ask for some employees from different areas to be available to carry out testing and give their opinion on the ease of understanding and navigation, thus ensuring that it is easy to access and understand.


Distance learning systems have become an excellent distance training tool, capable of offering advantages for the company and employees. With the project well designed and the choice of a system that suits the company's reality, the result will be a well-trained and more engaged team.

To ensure security and maximum use of benefits, do as large companies such as AkzoNobel, Vivara, Samsung and Philips do and count on Take 5 LMS, which guarantees agility and ease for the company and the user. Learn more about our tool!






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