Online Learning Fatigue: 6 Ways to Overcome Fatigue

4 minutes reading
online learning fatigue

Online training has become essential for the ongoing professional training process. With the arrival of the pandemic, practically all sectors needed to turn to digital platforms to continue traditional routines. But in corporate education, this solution faces a recurring problem: online learning fatigue.

Imagine the routine of an employee, who spends the day working, participating in remote meetings, immersed in various tasks and goals. All this in front of the computer! Suddenly, a notification appears on his computer screen warning him that the company's training begins in a few minutes. Do you think this professional will feel excited to participate? Will fatigue allow it?

This is a reality that affects many professionals. To prevent this from happening in your company, you need to understand the problem. That is our goal with this article.

What does online learning fatigue look like?

Fatigue in online learning consists of the feeling of total exhaustion, lack of energy, symptoms of anxiety, accumulation of stress or mental exhaustion. All these variables hinder the virtual learning process, once the mind has reached an exhaustive stage.

Thus, the person is unable to pay due attention in class nor is they able to assimilate the content. This is a problem that fundamentally undermines the objective of corporate training.

Why does online communication end up becoming tiring?

Considering that most professionals work in front of a computer screen, with their cell phone in hand, doing more than one task at the same time and also participating in several video conferences throughout the working day, it is reasonable to understand that this excess exposure to Screens promote tiredness, don’t they?

Therefore, as time passes, energy runs out, which is why online communication, which occurs all the time — whether through text messages, video meetings, social networks — is so tiring.

In the context of a home office, being in the same space as your children, partners and pets also contributes to increased fatigue and can impair your ability to concentrate during online training.

How does fatigue affect employees’ online learning?

But what does all this information indicate, anyway? This new routine model does not favor the learning process of employees in online training.

Many studies have even shown that the number of professionals with Burnout Syndrome is increasing. So much so that the World Health Organization (WHO) added this problem to the list of occupational diseases.

We can say, then, that fatigue does not only affect corporate education, but also people's mental and physical well-being.

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How to overcome fatigue in online learning?

But is it possible to reverse this situation and avoid fatigue in online learning? We have good news for you, because the answer is yes. To achieve this, there are different actions that need to be put into practice. We have selected some for you to reduce fatigue and increase student engagement.

  1. Prioritize conciseness and objectivity. This involves offering shorter training sessions, breaks and brief lessons. This type of format attracts more attention and improves employees’ expectations. However, remember to check retention between classes, which helps with dynamics and contributes to learning;
  2. Offer maximum flexibility, so that the student has complete autonomy to complete the training according to their availability and favorite times. This freedom helps alleviate stress and tiredness, as professionals are able to organize their schedule so that their routine is not so compromised;
  3. There is also the possibility of offering live training, with more interaction and a greater number of people. This format can be more motivating by involving a greater number of professionals and avoiding the feeling of isolation, creating a sense of community and collectivity;
  4. Create dynamics and use game elements to make training more relaxed and fun. With a relaxed mind, people learn more and increase engagement with content. LMS features to add gamification components to training are very important. Sometimes a game with healthy competition can inject more energy into students and engage them in the learning process;
  5. Invest in creating engaging, interactive content that offers practical value. It is necessary to capture students’ interest and make them see meaning in the proposal;
  6. Insert training into your work routine, during working hours, so that training is a benefit and not a task beyond working hours.

These practices have the potential to avoid or alleviate fatigue in online training, increasing employee engagement and improving the organizational climate as a whole.

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