How to develop KPIs for a Corporate University

3 minutes reading

With the aim of strengthening and building a solid brand, as well as a differentiator in the market, organizations invest in preparing and qualifying their team through resources that promote corporate education.

In fact, successful companies have used a variety of methods to ensure that corporate learning aligns with business strategy, and the details of each program must match the contours of its corporate host.

However, for this teaching format to be truly effective, it is necessary to understand the best way to create content that can meet the needs of professionals and the company.

But with the adjustments of KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), which are metrics that have the function of evaluating performance, combined with the organization and scope outlined, it is possible to measure and improve the value offered by corporate universities.

Corporate University

If a corporate university is to play a central role in advancing long-term strategy, it cannot be isolated from the rest of the organization. On paper, corporate universities often fall under the purview of human resources departments or sometimes CEOs themselves, but in practice they are often distanced from real centers of power.

Ultimately, the curriculum of corporate universities must reflect needs required by corporate strategy. For example, a high-level workshop on finding the right balance between products and services should be designed to attract eager participants, ready to have open conversations around the challenge, explore a wide range of scenarios, and introduce new ideas.

Close links with management also help shift the focus of corporate universities. Many follow an approach to fill capacity gaps, which impede ongoing business. But this perspective must address the resources needed to implement new strategies.

From a broader organizational point of view, corporate universities that develop people to face new challenges and seek opportunities can help a company minimize the need to recruit externally. Retained talent returns greater value from the investment a company has made in their training, creates loyalty and helps maintain a valuable institutional memory.

Best Corporate Education indicators

To know which actions related to development are really paying off, you can use the Corporate Education Indicators, also known as KPIs (Key Process Indicators).

However, to use KPIs you need to know what results you intend to measure. And how do you know that? Outlining the objectives of the enterprise.

There are several indicators to carry out such a measurement, such as:

- Training and engagement: knowing how the student used the program, based on the number of training sessions completed, hours calculated and total hours.

- Usefulness of training: you can ask your employees for their opinion regarding the usefulness of the training, asking questions such as individual development plans, whether the training would really be recommended, among other questions.

- Cost of training: what is the overall expense, per hour and per student?

- Members who will participate in the training: how many employees have completed the course or topic? Who should participate in the course?

- Understanding of training: did everyone understand the reasons why training was important? What is the failure percentage? And approval?

- What is the impact of the training: were there improvements in quality? Productivity increase?

As can be seen, the use of KPIs in a Corporate University context is really essential to assess several vectors, such as the need for training, understanding, filtering of employees who will need to carry it out, expenses, among other issues and are also used as triggers for possible payments of variables to employees who reach the agreed target.

Such measurements should be used depending on your needs and business objectives.

Staff Take 5


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