How to engage your employees: overcome this challenge!

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engage your employees


An engaged, excited and motivated person is always capable of bringing the best results in whatever they choose to do, whether embracing a voluntary cause or pursuing hobbies. And the work environment is no different. 

An employee who is enthusiastic about what he does, motivated by the environment and in a good mood, tends to perform tasks with greater enthusiasm and, consequently, puts more effort into projects and activities in which he is involved. Being engaged means being committed and connected to what you do, it is being connected, often even emotionally, with the completion of that project or activity.

But one study carried out by Michael Page - one of the world's largest players in specialized recruitment - with more than 400 people linked to the human resources area, resulted in the information that employee engagement is a challenge for 30% of HR professionals and 41% for CEOs.

Given this scenario, let's understand and discover how to keep employees engaged in your company and activities. Stay with us and find out!

How to engage your employees?

To understand what engages people within a company, we must first know who its employees are. People of different ages and cultures have different sources of motivation. It is necessary to know the profile of the professionals, or better yet, which the profiles.

More experienced employees tend to value professional stability, higher positions and salaries, benefits, quality of life, distance of the workplace and travel time. These are professionals, most of whom already provide for their families, and who value maintaining levels and standards already achieved throughout their careers. 

A survey carried out by the company Gartner showed that younger people, such as generation Z, which includes those born between the years 1990 and 2000, are looking for innovations and changes. 23% of respondents mentioned development opportunities as a decisive point when choosing a vacancy in the job market. It is a generation that prefers opportunities and challenges to higher salaries and positions. 

Cultural factors must also be considered when we think about engaging people. Understanding employees' desires and aspirations will help HR to map employees and draw up action plans.

But anyone who thinks that keeping employees engaged is the exclusive role of the human resources area is mistaken. The environment must be conducive and the company's guidelines must be focused on practices that aim to help HR overcome the challenge of engagement.

Speaking of innovation, we suggest a complete article on the topic at: HOW TO BOOST INNOVATION IN YOUR TEAM IN 5 STEPS

This task is not just for HR

Organizational culture

The way a company is managed and its guidelines go beyond (far) the scope of HR. The company's culture is linked to the concepts of its foundation, its mission, vision and values. The company must have as its pillars the appreciation of the human being, as an individual and as a professional. It is impossible to make an employee feel good in an environment that is not conducive to good practices of respect, coexistence and individual appreciation.

Awareness of leaders

Managers are key players when it comes to disseminating the company’s culture. They have the role of making all employees on their team feel part of the processes, projects and results. 

Support, encouragement and team spirit need to be present in the company's leadership, as these people are the first point of contact with all other hierarchical levels below, which include people who generally play operational roles that are extremely important for the operation and progress of the company. company. Managers need to motivate and inspire people.

Resources and internal support

Once the internal audience is known, the organizational culture is focused on developing people and managers are engaged in the mission of motivating their team, it is necessary for them to provide support and resources for employee engagement initiatives. A good tool is survey and evaluation systems, where employees can express their opinions and also obtain an overview of their career. 

Knowing the challenges of employee engagement, now let's find out how to overcome them.

How to engage your employees

How to overcome the engagement challenge in your company

When we talk about motivating people, we cannot think of just a single, punctual action. It is necessary not only to “have” an engaged team, but to “keep” them engaged, and for this you need an action plan, with short, medium and long-term measures. 

Here we list practices that could be a recipe for success in your company if you have understood everything we have said so far about knowing the public, the importance of the role of leadership and obtain the diagnosis of your company in relation to team motivation.

1 - Maintain clear and transparent communication with employees

The first point for someone to engage in something is to feel part of it. Only with clear communication, reinforced by behaviors and attitudes will employees feel responsible and part of the results. 

Share goals, objectives and clearly communicate the specific role of each person in the process. In this aspect, the role of the manager is fundamental, since in most companies, individual and team communication is carried out directly by the immediate manager. He needs to clearly pass on and share the information.

2 – Develop training programs

Training people through studies and training aimed at better performance and results is an advantageous practice for both the employee and the company. Use this space not only for technical content, but also to reinforce the company's pillars and culture. 

Discover the LMS, a learning management tool with excellent resources for training and professional training: FIND OUT 6 SIGNS THAT INDICATE THAT YOUR COMPANY NEEDS AN LMS!

3 – Reward people

Create incentive programs that aim to reward people at all levels based on their performance. Since we want to engage and involve professionals in projects, they must also be part of the results. 

If the project he participated in was successful and successful, why not make him part of it through a reward? At this point, we can mention as rewards not only financial results, but also incentives such as career growth, gifts, awards, among others. Believe me, this will motivate other employees too.

But remember, motivation needs to be lasting. It cannot be temporary, generating ups and downs throughout the professional journey. Therefore, keeping employees motivated is essential for consistently good results. Check out how to keep your team engaged

Still unsure about how to engage your employees? We have a complete article that can help you with this challenge: DO YOU KNOW HOW TO ENGAGE YOUR EMPLOYEES?


As we have seen so far, keeping employees engaged is essential to obtain good results. If you still don't know how to manage engagement or don't have a sufficient internal structure, we at Take5 can help you. 

Discover our engagement management, which has a team of experts ready to help you on this journey. We have flexible contracts, including for small companies, after all, what counts is not the number of employees, but how much they are actually involved in achieving goals and solving problems. 

A Take 5 carries out strategic and operational management, creating incentive campaigns, research and much more. Find out more right now!



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