How to stimulate your team’s innovation in 5 steps

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business engagement


The Digital Era has arrived to revolutionize all work relationships present in companies. This is due to the fact that access to information has grown exponentially, as well as the ease of communication between people.

Innovation, often associated with technology, benefited from this, creating more and more space and more and more need for it, even if not necessarily linked to the world tech. Because of this, it is increasingly necessary to business engagement in this regard.

The most innovative companies in the world, Apple, Google, or in Brazil, Cielo, Pepsico, Rappi, show that innovation is essential for excellent results, it is not possible to give up on this.

More traditional companies have the need and obligation to renew themselves and those that resist this phenomenon will certainly not be among the most productive or with the best results.

However, to clarify, it is necessary to understand a little more about the reasons and importance of having an innovative environment. Additionally, we will address the role of corporative education in modifying organizational culture as a form of business engagement and a brief step-by-step guide with five tips for stimulating corporate innovation within companies. Follow us!

The importance of an innovative environment

The main definition for the importance of an innovative environment is: Competitive Advantage. In other words, the importance of innovation goes beyond improving products, services, processes, but rather taking the company to a higher level than its competitors, differentiating them both in the eyes of the public and in the eyes of the market.

An extremely important point to highlight is the way in which innovation should be carried out. The old vices of avoiding mistakes must be abandoned, so that failures must be not only tolerated but encouraged as a path and process through which, later, success and something new can be achieved. 

Furthermore, there is a relationship between need and operationalization, so that innovating just for the sake of doing something different, without bringing benefits to the company or the consumer, should be avoided, focusing efforts, resources and attention on real problems and needs.

The role of corporate education in innovation

Corporate education plays a central role in the development of innovation in companies. This happens because this characteristic can be trained and developed, unlike popular belief, which believes only in inspiration, as Thomas Edison said, 1% is inspiration and 99% perspiration.

With the implementation of a system of education corporate that aims to train the company's employees, through an LMS (Learning Management System), it is possible to accelerate the company's innovation process and create a culture of business engagement in innovation, making it possible to break the frontier of creation of the organization itself. This is certainly not a process that happens overnight, but rather a training process. Below, see five tips for stimulating corporate innovation.

5 steps to stimulate corporate innovation

1 - Technological tools

As mentioned at the beginning of this article, technology is the great friend of innovation, bringing several tools that can speed up the process of creation, communication and aggregation of ideas. Within a company that is starting a corporate education process, for example, the use of an LMS, insertion of a Trade Marketing consultancy, or even training management is essential to implement business engagement.

2 - Business culture

The company's culture must be adapted or even shaped in order to accept innovation as part of its processes. There is no point in having employees who think outside the norm and have different ideals that can help the company, when culturally the highest levels of the company's hierarchy refuse any type of change because they are bureaucratically stuck with the current system.

3 - Feedback and dialogue

This is potentially the most important item on this list, as it legitimizes the efforts of employees, giving them the incentive to continue the creative process. Listening to ideas, publicly recognizing them, encouraging continuity, giving feedback on what is presented by employees and encouraging cooperation and sharing of ideas are key points for the company's innovation environment and culture.

4 - Stimulate creativity

This stimulus can happen through several different tools. Brainstorming, team activities, learning through gamification, workshops, challenges or seminars are just some of the ways to carry out this stimulus. Another option could be to offer rewards, through challenges, for the best ideas of the month or week.

5 - Collaboration before competition

A work environment focused on collaboration between co-workers can be the difference between a great innovation or just a good idea that doesn't get off the ground. This happens because the thoughts are complementary, and when you have the feeling that the colleague next to you can “steal” your ideas, this will not be discussed, improved and will not reach the level of necessary innovation.

What is LMS?

O LMS (Learning Management System) or learning management system, works as an aggregator and manager of online courses, where it provides materials for study, support and contact with coaches and any other type of input necessary for the student or collaborator. 

Now it has been possible to delve a little deeper into the meaning of innovation in the day-to-day lives of companies and how to encourage their presence and demonstrate business engagement for this purpose. 

Don't waste any more time in the past, take your company into the future and start this process now. A Take 5 has LMS platforms, training management services, video production. Among several other services that will help your company take the next step, essential for the advancement of your company.

Want to know more? Speak to one of our experts right now: 

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