How to work from home: 10 tips that will help you

5 minutes reading

In times of crisis we must adapt intelligently and this is exactly what is happening during the pandemic caused by COVID-19. Many companies have adopted the work model known as 'Home Office' and are getting used to working from home.

We can say that the 'Home Office' is known among many employees as the job of dreams. This practice has grown more and more, as, even at Home Office, many companies have seen great results from their employees.

But it's not such an easy task and sometimes obstacles may arise that you need to know how to deal with: like, for example, the dog that won't stop barking or the children who want attention, and even your neighbor who decided to do that cleaning and turn the sound up to the highest volume.

So, if you are new to 'Home Office' or if you are already used to this work model, continue reading. We, from Take 5, we have prepared 10 tips that will help you work from home and deal with this routine. Check out!

1 - Turn on the key

We put it as one of the first functions, as many people think that working from home means spending the day in pajamas or even in bed. And here's a little secret: our body behaves according to the environment we provide for it. In a comfortable environment like our bed, he feels that we are comfortable and reacts accordingly.

So, “turn on the switch”, wake up and do a routine in the morning, whether it’s drinking your coffee, changing your clothes or doing your morning exercises, you’re in charge! Get your body used to this new routine and get used to this environment.

2 – Establish your schedule

If there is one factor that we must consider when working from home, it is to have discipline about your work and functions and, at the same time, know how to deal with the flexibility that the Home Office provides us. This adaptation is carried out little by little without pressure, so that it does not become tedious work.

Determining your working hours is a very important step because, from there, you will be able to organize your daily tasks, thus making your day much more productive.

3 - Find a place

This function can be easy for some and difficult for others, many people already have an environment dedicated to work at home, which helps with the practice of Home Office.

So, look for a place to work in your home. Preferably a place where you can maintain your posture, where you will feel comfortable and willing to work calmly, an environment that is, if possible, silent and pleasant.

4 - Determine some rules

Establish ground rules with the people who live in the same environment where you work. Because, the lack of these little rules can interfere with your day, so analyze and talk to everyone explaining that the functions of the house can be redistributed or that stopping all the time for other reasons can directly influence the quality of your income, reserve this time for the breaks or before and after your working hours.

5 - Breaks are welcome!

Taking that little time to rest is more than necessary. Because, without this moment, your day could become boring, so align with your manager by reserving your breaks to stretch your legs. It's worth remembering that determining a lunch break is very important, because just because you're at home doesn't mean you have to take this reduced time.

6 – Free yourself from your cell phone

This may not be an easy task but it depends entirely on you. Your cell phone will take away your attention, which can directly influence your focus. So, go to settings and disable notifications on your personal cell phone. This may seem radical, but it is only during your working hours and serves to ensure that you will not have any distractions during your Home Office.

7 – Ensure the necessary support

If the company you work for provides the necessary support for employees to work from home, great! Align with them what equipment you will need so you can work from home, requesting what is actually relevant and will make a difference in your routine and the quality of your work.

8 - Train even at home

There is no shortage of time during quarantine days, so don't stop training your employees, being a great opportunity for them to take those courses that ended up being left behind or were unable to take due to the rush of everyday life. You can be sure that it will be very productive for them to carry out corporate training at home and remotely.

9 - Finish with routine

Since you started your day with a routine, nothing better than ending it by maintaining a routine as well. An essential moment to analyze and see if his day was productive, if he managed to accomplish what he had determined to do and deliver, after that simply switch off!

10 – Be present

Finally, we have prepared this tip for HR managers or those responsible for training in the company. Since we recommend the practice of organizing, why not indicate an environment where you can have direct contact with employees, through a platform where you can share information that arises throughout the day?

It is important for everyone to be up to date and encourage this direct contact, remaining present in the employees' routine during their work hours, which reinforces this convivial experience.

Now that you know some steps to working from home, take advantage and share these tips. If you need help, you can count on Take5!


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