Discover 5 LMS reports that will improve your company's KPIs

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Engaging and directing teams and employees towards a culture of results is an essential role of corporate education. Having tools that encourage the promotion of knowledge is not only important for developing talent, but they also, consequently, have a direct impact on your company's key performance indicators (KPIs).

To achieve this goal consistently, there is nothing better than bringing technologies into the corporate routine of the professional responsible for corporate training: the talent management leader.

It is in this context that the Learning Management System, or LMS, as a powerful development tool – this system is essential in building and improving competencies, skills and behaviors in a more agile and profitable way in organizations.

With resources such as gamification, videos, knowledge trails, assessments and research, the LMS guarantees development managers greater planning, management and control in the learning process, whether carried out entirely in the digital environment or in a mixed way, online and offline. line.

But how to find out if employees are really evolving throughout this universe of knowledge? A good LMS has so many Features It is impossible not to have reports that present the gaps and strengths of employees and teams in managing people development.

Below, you will learn about the five main reports extracted from a tool of this type and how they will improve control of your company's KPIs, such as increased sales, increased revenue and talent retention.

Participation, completion rates and student performance

A good start to measuring whether your team bought into the idea of ​​your LMS is the participation report. Through this analysis, the company will be able to see how long each of its corporate students took to complete a course or, if they did not finish it, at what point they stopped progressing through the programmed modules and classes. Student attendance provides input for a complementary report in this context: performance. It is possible to monitor the advancement of skills, identifying individual and collective learning gaps – this is a great indicator of the need (or not) to review the content of your training, keeping your platform always updated.

It is also possible to monitor the completion rates of each course or how each student finished classes, whether in just one session or more, for example – in this case it is interesting to measure not only participation, but also engagement.

The explanation for a low participation and completion rate may lie in employees' lack of awareness about the effective benefits or applications of the LMS for day-to-day practice. A tip here is to bring real simulations and case studies to training, in addition to practicing the practice more frequently. blended learning, a mix of online and offline learning that expands the benefits of both modalities and results in greater engagement and retention of learning.

How it influences KPIs

Imagine that a new sales process will be implemented in your company and the person responsible for disseminating the news is corporate education: your organization will certainly invest resources, time and a lot of energy so that the commercial area changes its way of working for the better.

This situation is a great example of how participation, completion and performance reports can influence key indicators. A good LMS tool allows you to monitor the performance of each student, so that the manager understands where the gaps are and quickly develops the sales team. This way, the organization's expectations regarding the implementation and execution of the new sales process will be met quickly.

Certification follow-up

Often simply completing the course is not enough to qualify a corporate student: certificates are important to ensure the level of knowledge of each professional and help to increase motivation and active participation in training.

LMS reports for certification tracking are very useful in ensuring that all employees are performing with up-to-date skills and abilities and also help the company understand which points need to be adjusted in its own certification course, thus avoiding costly violations.

An interesting point about learning management systems is that they allow you to automate the certification and recycling process, so that students receive notification at the right time – this functionality helps to maintain an updated schedule of professionals who need to be trained in new certifications. or who need annual or seasonal updates to operate correctly in their respective areas.

How it influences KPIs

The more certified (and valued) professionals, the more qualified the company will be, not to mention the excellent sign of employee engagement. Factors like these lead us to believe in the power that an online certification report has on talent retention. With it, the people development manager raises signs that the corporate climate and the teams' involvement in relation to the company's goals and mission are well aligned.

Student satisfaction reviews

Developing and implementing an online course is not always a guarantee of success and results. How useful is the content really to each employee? Is what is passed on to your corporate students satisfactory? It is because they allow adjustments to these and other important points in the training structure that evaluation reports prove to be so useful.

A satisfaction survey at the end of each knowledge trail, whether quantitative or qualitative, will be important to align expectations and adjust materials offered in your courses. Through this feedback, we understand whether more videos would facilitate understanding or whether daily pills of knowledge, instead of long content, would be more assertive for absorbing new skills, for example.

These are notes that a satisfaction report provides - the idea is for the manager to discover the best ways to engage teams and personalize the learning experience offered by the LMS.

How it influences KPIs

When it comes to education, there is nothing better than offering materials that make it easier for students to understand. In the corporate environment it is no different - it is the evaluations that will indicate to managers whether or not the classes are being satisfactory on a daily basis. Listening to those at the forefront of the process is also very important to develop great content, after all, your professionals are the agents who will directly impact the company's key indicators.

Satisfaction assessment reports give a complete view of the application of knowledge and public acceptance.

Online facilitator approval

Within an LMS platform, every course has a responsible facilitator. And just like the content, this professional must also be evaluated - their actions must match the quality of what is offered, motivating and engaging students in the total execution of the training in which they are involved.

Give space for your professionals to give their opinion on the facilitators’ performance and aggregate their responses in your platform reports. Approval ratings provide a clear indication of whether your leadership is meeting expectations or whether they need work on certain aspects of their approach.

How it influences KPIs

Does the online trainer speak authoritatively about the topics covered? Is he engaged with the purpose of the course? Does it inspire and motivate? Receiving feedback on who is in charge of delivering training is essential to understand whether the human factor is also aligned with expectations.

As important as technology for corporate training is having people who motivate people to complete the courses.

Time Records

How much time are students actually spending going through your LMS system completing a knowledge pill, a module, or an entire course? Analyzing this issue more carefully is an important tip so that the company can understand whether the planned content and formats are in line with the needs and expectations of its corporate students.

If an online simulation is not completed within the initially estimated time, it may be a sign that the resources present to engage and educate the student are not sufficient or are at odds with the profile of the target audience. Consider diverse and multimedia content, such as videos, gamification and real-life applications, which help to fine-tune and personalize delivery and ensure better results.

How it influences KPIs

Having a report on the completion time of online courses being closely monitored will help the company identify any planning flaws in both the content and structuring of the training. This is another important factor when identifying challenges and opportunities, where the content is lagging and where it is succeeding. In this way, we align the company's expectations and the learning needs of its students with the goals established for the project.

Use and abuse reports

Many companies use LMS as a fundamental part of their e-learning strategies, but not all of them understand the importance of the management reports that these platforms offer.

Continuous monitoring of the progression of your corporate students, measuring the effectiveness of each stage of training, feedback from your professionals: all of this is essential for planning your project and making possible adjustments to your training, which will total difference at the end of the process, that is, in the development and retention of talent.

KPIs are a key part of measuring the assertiveness of the strategies defined for your training: use and abuse the reports and metrics generated by your LMS to guide your team in the search for the best results for your operation!

Staff Take 5


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