Learn how to implement and sustain a culture of continuous improvement in your company

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culture of continuous improvement


At first, it may seem like a big deal, but the continuous improvement, term that comes from English - continuous improvement culture (CIC), It's simpler than it seems. It's about never stopping investing strategically in the quality of processes, optimizing labor, carrying out tasks and reducing costs and errors in everything the company does. 

It is a project that demands attention during implementation and a solid foundation to sustain itself in the long term, which ends up becoming an indispensable part of the organization's internal culture.

Steve Jobs said that “A single person doesn't do incredible things in the business world, a team does.” We agree with him and think that continuous improvement is an essential part of corporate education, involving team training, the formation of participative leaders and, of course, the support of technology to improve the business and retain talented employees.

Is your company culture well defined? Do you know how to implement and sustain a culture of continuous improvement? Keep reading to find out more!

The concept of  Continuous Improvement Culture (CIC)

A organizational culture is nothing more than the set of values, concepts, missions, interests and beliefs that determine the functioning of a place, while the culture of continuous improvement seeks to maintain or raise the company's level in all sectors.

A CIC visa optimize work processes, that is, reduce expenses and eliminate practices that impede the smooth progress of tasks from rules, planning, training and other activities. The culture of continuous improvement seeks to improve the quality of work, production, service and/or product, always focusing on a healthy organizational culture.

On the path to continuous improvement, employees are essential. Employees are part of the company's cornerstone, that is, what sustains the entire organization and which, when poorly positioned, can collapse.

The importance of a culture of continuous improvement in companies

The organizational health of companies is not a new topic. However, since the Covid-19 pandemic, more than ever, we have turned our eyes to this very important issue, which is directly related to the culture of continuous improvement.

Versus increasingly demanding consumers with the quality of what they buy, use and invest, the culture of continuous improvement becomes a strategic ally for companies that wish to serve and retain partners, stakeholders, customers and employees. The key to obtaining results lies in uniting employees with technology and innovation. 

In the next topic, we will explain how to involve employees in the actions that make up continuous improvement processes; stay with us.

How to involve employees in continuous improvement?

In general terms, continuous improvement seeks to transform the way employees think about their day-to-day activities and develop the sense of productivity, collaboration, efficiency e efficacy in the living organism called “labor market”.

To involve employees in the process, it is important to identify problems, define objectives and identify solutions. The more employees are listened to and have information about what is happening with leadership, the more participatory they will be; that is, to collaborate, they need to actively participate in all stages.

5 Initiatives to build a culture of continuous improvement in organizations

Perhaps, when reading the concepts regarding increasing productivity and reducing costs, you thought that we were going to talk about reducing the number of employees, but that is not what we are going to propose.

There are 5 smart initiatives in the context of continuous culture improvement that are easy to apply and do not require staff cuts. Amongst them:  

1. Corporate education and training

Corporate education is a strong ally of continuous improvement, as it invests in the development of skills, in the recycling of knowledge and in the training of people who have never had the opportunity to acquire certain competence(s) required for the position they are in. occupy or even to meet the new method of consumption.

We only obtain results when we teach employees the importance of using the tools that are at our disposal; In this case, continuous improvement aims to keep the corporation up to date.

Training appears as a lifeboat for companies that are sinking; they improve performance, productivity and layoff costs. When companies invest in training, employees tend to show solid and effective results, breaking the hire-fire-hire cycle

2. Operational excellence 

You know that phrase that says “every rule has an exception!”? Unfortunately, operational excellence often falls into this concept. Therefore, we need to eliminate it as quickly as possible from our business. Excellence must be the rule and point!

Doing excellent work must be part of employees' internal culture, after all, when we deliver a high-quality product or service, there is a greater chance of it being produced or sold more often. He will have effectively entered the Business DNA.

3. Participative leaders

The human resources sector should not be the only one to invest in improvements for the company. All leaders must actively participate in learning and developing formulas and steps that streamline processes.

Just as a conductor conducts an orchestra, a leader commands the team. A good leader adds value to the work of his followers, embraces new developments, actively participates, trains his team and assists in this process.

4. Workspace improvements 

We spend more time working than in the company of our friends and family. The environment in which we spend so many hours must be comfortable, have good lighting and tools that work properly.

Continuous improvement involves giving more autonomy to employees, including in the workplace: actively listening to employee suggestions and complaints and repairing equipment is the minimum. A team that has its needs met will be more willing to cooperate.  

5. Employee retention

There is nothing more enjoyable than watching employees grow within our company. How would you react if your company changed bosses every week? You would probably think something is wrong, right? The same thing happens with customers! 

A united, transparent and long-lasting team has a greater potential to create bonds with its customers. To this end, it is important that leaders pay attention to the most talented employees and work to keep them motivated and interested.

Training - See how to create videos to add new skills


build a A culture of continuous improvement doesn’t happen overnight. Is required plan, execute, replan, execute again and go back to the beginning again and again

Every time something new appears in the corporate world, the team responsible for continuing the project must look into the requirements and understand how to adapt them to the values, concepts and culture of the organization of which they are part.

Companies have singularities that need to be respected in the process of implementing and sustaining a culture of continuous improvement, so keep in mind that this last step happens over time. 

But how? 

Investing in efficient corporate solutions, like, for example, the LMS from Take 5, which aims empower employees and business partners offering 360º management customized training and with gamification solutions that facilitate the  learning anywhere, anytime to continuously obtain the best results for the company.

Do you want to revolutionize your company's training strategy? 

Chat right now with one of the our experts and promote an effective culture of continuous improvement in your company!


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