Gamification or Game-Based Learning? How to choose the best approach

3 minutes reading

In the first text on the topic, which you can read here, we discovered the difference between Gamification and Game-based learning. If you are thinking about adopting this strategy for your training or e-learning, you may be wondering how to decide between these two approaches, so in this text we raise important questions for you to evaluate which one can maximize your learning experiences.

A recent study by Dr. Yi Yang from Franklin University, Ohio - USA, identified 3 important questions to be evaluated when the two approaches are compared:

What is the purpose of E-learning? Training or learning?

The main question is to know what the purpose of your E-learning is: training or learning. For gamification the main purpose is modify learned behaviors ou motivate new behaviors, according to your requirements, that is, for training purposes. Game-Based Learning promotes the learning of specific skills and concepts using pre-made games. Identifying your purpose within e-learning is one of the guides for deciding which approach to use.

Are there any defined learning objectives?

Game-based learning works with well-defined and specific learning results that can consequently be measured. The expected result of the game is to have learning optimized or stimulated.

Gamification, on the other hand, may not have such well-defined and measurable learning results, as its purpose is to encourage and/or modify behaviors.

What are the desired end results and how to achieve them?

If your main objective is simply to offer a richer learning experience, promoting more motivation and engagement, you can probably opt for both gamification and game-based learning. Both are vehicles capable of delivering this result. In this case, you can choose based on the pedagogy instead of the vehicle.

Gamification works with badges, leaderboards, recognition and awards, encouraging disputes and challenges. You can then opt for gamification if you think that the content you want to convey will fit well in this format, in addition to others that gamification offers: progress bars, status levels, virtual currency, social connections.

Game-based learning uses a defined model with instructional content, game mechanics and results.

Now that you know how to decide considering the advantages that gamification and game-based learning bring to training, choosing a good e-training platform no longer needs to be a challenge, that's why we've created a quick and easy-to-understand quiz for you. help you choose the best approach.

Most current training platforms have gamification tools and strategies to help understand the training content and E-Training. Take 5 also! Our tool is a complete distance training platform that adapts not only to the manager's needs, but also to the user's daily life and convenience. Find out more at E-Training Take 5  or schedule a presentation.


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