Find out how to improve team management at the POS!

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The strategy focused on points of sale, also known simply by the acronym POS, is a point that deserves attention in any company's marketing planning. After all, this is where the customer will finally have the opportunity to have the product in their hands and decide whether to take it home or not.

In some cases, good product exposure may be the factor responsible for motivating a purchase that was not even in the consumer's initial plans, the so-called “impulse purchase”.

However, for this to happen, it is essential to invest in good team management at the POS so that professionals know how the item to be sold should be properly stored, positioned and presented to the public.

And to keep you up to date on this very important subject, we have prepared this content that will help you learn more about the concept, the challenges that companies may encounter along the way, as well as providing good practices for improving teams. Continue reading and check it out!

What is team management at the POS?

Conceptually speaking, it is interesting to highlight that all actions developed and implemented with the aim of promoting a certain product are part of a larger strategy: trade marketing.

This field of study looks specifically at the performance of items sold already on the shelves, encouraging partnerships between retailers and manufacturers.

In this scenario, good POS management includes a series of factors to ensure not only that consumer interest is aroused, but also that stock is sufficient to meet demand. Below, we will list some of these tactics:

  • Good organization of the establishment's shelves, making it easier to view products;
  • Prices visible both on the shelves and on the items displayed;
  • Publicity pieces with interesting design and highlighted attributes;
  • Presence of promoters prepared to provide good service and answer questions.

What are the main challenges faced by companies in putting this plan into practice?

To manage POS well, it is not enough to create flashy advertising materials, large promotional actions or bring in a charismatic team of promoters. On a daily basis, there are several challenges that companies need to overcome. And in this topic, we will present the main ones. See below!

1 - Establish good product distribution logistics in stores

As we mentioned previously, ensuring that the product is available for purchase is one of the main objectives of any POS strategy and also one of the main challenges.

This issue becomes even more evident if we think about the size of our country, and the diversity of establishments, which requires detailed logistics work to ensure a well-structured distribution network and avoid the risk of a disruption in the purchasing process.

2 - Ensure product visibility

Depending on the product sold, we know that the company may have to deal with massive competition. In these cases, it is not enough to just have quality merchandise, competitive prices and advertising pieces with a super creative and innovative design, you need to invest in visibility!

In this scenario, many brands forget to invest in the potential of sales promoters, who can make a difference by establishing good relationships with retailers, ensuring not only the distribution and good positioning of their product, but also providing the most appropriate advertising materials. to the profile of each POS and which will attract the public's attention.

3 - Adapt advertising mechanics to the establishments’ infrastructure

Speaking of advertising materials, another major challenge for companies is to ensure a trousseau of items that can serve different types of stores, from small traders to franchises and large retail chains.

After all, regardless of the size of the establishment, the objective is the same: to ensure both product visibility and a positive consumer experience.

Therefore, it is very important that manufacturers avoid creating a generalized trade marketing plan and invest extra time in studying the infrastructure of the establishments served and the most appropriate actions in each case.

Good practices to improve team management at the POS!

Now that you know the challenges faced by companies when it comes to trade marketing strategies, let's talk about how improving team management at the POS can contribute positively to sales results. Follow and find out more!

Start with planning

Who is your consumer? What is your product category? What is the best way to publicize it to make it stand out from the competition and generate a good volume of sales?

Well-structured planning, through research and market studies, can answer these questions and present information that will help teams take their merchandise to the point of sale and guarantee the much sought-after prominent place on the shelves.

Tell a well-executed performance review

To find out which factors influence the performance of your product in establishments, there are a series of topics that can be analyzed, such as:

  • Flow of customers on site;
  • Staying inside the store;
  • Organization of items on the shelf;
  • Sales volume in each store;
  • Arrangement of promotional materials for the different products offered.

However, to collect this information correctly, it is essential to have a team that knows how to operate the most appropriate analytical tools for each case and is prepared to interpret the collected data in a strategic way, generating consistent reports that help guide the decision-making of employees. managers.

Invest in new service technologies

Technological resources are excellent allies to ensure the success of your trade marketing strategy.

Nowadays, it is possible to use both routine tools, such as barcode readers that help control products in stock, and more complex software that compares sales rates in each location, helping to identify potentialities and also failures in the process.

Companies can also use technologies that promote interactivity between the brand and its consumers, ensuring an immersive experience that can generate high levels of engagement.

Invest in training sales promoters

Finally, as we have highlighted more than once throughout this content, it is essential to have professionals who are prepared to establish a good relationship with store owners and know how to put into practice the trade marketing tactics designed by the company.

It’s work that brings significant impacts to the customer’s purchasing journey. But to achieve these results, the main recommendation is to resort to training processes that contribute to the formation of high-performance teams.

Through corporate education tools, companies of all sizes and market segments can invest in their human capital, preparing their employees to perform with quality at the point of sale and truly contribute to the brand's growth.

And if you are looking for specialized support to successfully put your team management plan into practice at the POS, you can count on the support of Take5!

We are experts in technologies that will transform your corporate training and we offer customized projects to exclusively meet your business needs. Want to know more about our work? Contact Us and talk to our experts!



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