HR: How to develop the best practical actions in talent management?

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talent management

The corporate environment brings with it numerous challenges for the Human Resources (HR) department. Recruiting, selecting, engaging and organizing actions that promote a healthy culture among employees is very complex. All companies have talented employees, but to keep them it is necessary to carry out talent management actions.

We know that administrative processes are always urgent and demand time and human capital from companies. However, it is essential to invest in practices that contribute to the professional growth of employees and businesses, staff engagement and quality in delivery, achieving good results from management. The purpose of this article is to teach you how to develop best practices in talent management to optimize your company's strategies. To learn and then put it into practice, continue reading.

What does talent management involve?

In short, talent management is the union of actions by employees in the Human Resources or Personnel Department with the aim of recruiting, training, developing and retaining talented professionals for the team.

People have become the center of the sector's strategies, processes are increasingly humanized. For example: most companies have a culture of feedback after a selection process. They send positive or negative feedback to everyone who went through the process. It is no longer considered normal to not forward a response.

When we talk about talent management, we understand that they are people who occupy a prominent role in organizations, as positions aligned with people management and leadership. In general, they are efficient professionals who engage those around them.

Discovering and retaining talent is related to achieving the goals proposed by the company and the person who understands this need and controls the process is the human resources department. Good practices help with engagement, meeting goals, employee retention and even the company's profitability.

Importance of talent management in the organization

Talent management is an important arm for the HR area, based on efficient selections, in which skills, knowledge and talent are measured, the sector is able to attract the best professionals for the company. 

However, it is in the employee's day-to-day life that department managers are able to identify the mistakes and successes of the person hired for the role and it is at this moment that maintenance takes place.

Continuity in the process is essential. Maintaining talent ensures that actions planned in the small, medium and long term are carried out according to schedule. In general, they are focused on high performance and workforce optimization.

The talent management strategy is separated into three stages: capture, retain and develop, that is, development needs to be constant or the company will lose good professionals. Therefore, we realize that the importance of having a team capable of recognizing these employees is crucial.

Now that you understand the importance of talent management, see what are the best practices to implement in your company.

Human Resources: Best practices for good talent management

Planning is the soul of success for companies. The best practices for good people management begin with action planning, that is, recognizing which mistakes your organization is making and how often.

Diagnosing failures is the first step to improving the standard offered by employees. Developing good habits, achieving impressive results, and having motivated employees are part of the HR sector's responsibilities. Unfortunately, a culture of rivalry has been established between the sectors and we need to put an end to them right now.

It is a need for companies to optimize recruitment and selection, as well as motivation regarding the professional growth of the team, based on performance analyses. To do this, we need to have inspiring and capable leaders. See now the best actions in talent management:

Optimize recruitment

We believe that this first practice in talent management is the most important. It is capable of guiding all the processes that follow, such as: creating an efficient and technological selection system will facilitate the recruiter's analysis, some companies only analyze the CVs of interested parties and do not test their skills. Of course, there are vacancies where skills can be developed along the way, while in leadership positions it is necessary to already have experience in the role.

Motivate employees

Hiring is a moment of happiness for the company and the person hired, however, it is necessary to keep the employee motivated in the following months and even years later. Offering salaries compatible with the market is a basic requirement, however personal motivation goes beyond financial motivation.

Bonus systems make the employee experience personal and meaningful. Examples include: improve facilities, offer technology, invest in accessibility and diversity, offer good benefits, but we will talk about this topic later.

Invest in Onboarding

The socialization process, also known as Onboarding, improves understanding of information by 66%, another interesting point is that 54% of employees were more engaged, according to research by Aberdeen Group.

It is very important to present the organization to the incoming employee. It is the time to align expectations and reality, so both will know what is expected from each party.

Empower leaders

Most employees do not feel motivated by their leaders, or even aspire to a management position. Investing in professional development creates mature leaders, passionate about what they do and capable of performing the role. Carrying out weekly, monthly or quarterly training with the team will show results in revenue, in addition to the company having qualified labor.

Offer good benefits

Employees are increasingly changing jobs in search of quality of life. It's nothing more than balancing your personal life with your professional life. Therefore, it is interesting to offer good benefits and flexibility, within the company's reality, to retain talented employees.

Among the items of interest to employees are: professional development incentives, that is, training, health plans, day off on birthdays, awards, among others. To understand your team's demands, conduct a survey with all employees, preferably anonymously. This way, they will feel more comfortable expressing their needs.

Practical actions in talent management never stop. It is important to know your employees, be aware of their needs and also of the market, 8 out of 10 employees resign because of their bosses, something worrying, while another part resigns due to a lack of career planning. Points that can be resolved with training and talent management.

Finally, how about developing practical actions in your company? The platform LMS enables the training and teaching of employees, through a cutting-edge system and management software that optimizes recruitment processes, develops skills, conducts training according to the company's needs and much more.

Are you curious? 

Talk to our team and see how the system can meet your demands.

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