Knowledge management: what it is and why you should apply it in your company

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Knowledge management


We are living in an absolutely connected world, where information passes in front of us at all times, from that which we notice and are interested in, to that which is not useful or even goes unnoticed.

The internet brought connections between people and institutions that were not even considered before, but at the same time it threw us into a bottomless pit of data, statistics, events and news. All of this, multiplied by the size of a small or medium-sized company, can be very useful, or harmful. What will define which of the options is knowledge management in organizations.

A company generates gigabytes of information every day, combined with external factors such as political events, changes in economic conduct, and social events. All of this must be managed in a way that does not drown people in information, but also helps those responsible to make the best possible use of it and make the best decisions.

We will better understand what exactly knowledge management means, how it will be used in your company and what its main characteristics are. Furthermore, we will address the most used practices in the business world and we will explain how videos can be ideal tools to manage knowledge within your company. Follow us!

What is knowledge management?

The concept of knowledge management in organizations comes from a practice that began in Anglo Saxon countries, Knowledge Management (or KM), which are actually a set of actions that a company takes (or should take). This means recognizing and identifying information and knowledge available to relevant employees that will aid their activities and benefit the company.

Initially, it is necessary to determine what information and knowledge your company and its employees have that can be useful for the company's operation and performance. After this, this knowledge must go through a globalization stage, that is, be transformed into processes within the company, so that no one monopolizes the competence. Furthermore, it is still necessary to check what other specific knowledge is necessary for an even better result.

What is knowledge management for?

Knowledge management in organizations is a way to improve the company's results, compared to the previous period. By applying it correctly, your company gains comparative advantages over its competitors, gives value to intellectual and human capital, values ​​its employees and even saves on research and hiring.

Management works with the company organization as a whole, generating and sharing knowledge created internally and externally. Because of this, from the skills and knowledge of employees to the observation of competitors, technological innovations and even where the company is located – sociocultural scope – are relevant to the technique.

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What are the main elements of knowledge management?

There are some points involved in knowledge management that allow the company to benefit from its results. Are they:

  • Collaborators – What knowledge do they have that is beneficial to the company? What is the level of communication between them? Is it possible to improve information sharing between colleagues, in order to decentralize knowledge?
  • Technology – How is the management itself carried out? Technology is the company's ally at this moment, with efficient technological engineering it is possible to store the company's real knowledge and distribute it to all relevant people;
  • Data – These are the raw information that the company produces, however, they are extremely important for any strategic planning. It is necessary not only to analyze them but also to store them for future reference;
  • Information – It is basically the data analyzed and understood. This can become knowledge using contributions internal and external to the company;
  • Processes – Information sharing processes within the company must be well structured and defined, so that the entire organization can grow together as a whole.

What are the main practices 

Knowledge management in organizations allows the implementation of different practices in the company. Next, let's talk about the main ones:

1 - Lay out processes

By starting to check all the skills of the company's human capital, it is possible to outline all the processes and knowledge that are already available. All employees must be observed and their profiles analyzed, thus checking where they are in their journey for each capacity, making it possible to relocate or train when necessary.

2 - Generate knowledge

By identifying the needs of each person, the company must begin to generate the necessary knowledge and apply it where the need was identified. By managing well what is already available internally, you can start creating content for training, pass it on to whoever is needed and archive it later.

3 - Benchmark

To maximize your company's knowledge, benchmarking is extremely important. Defining what the point of comparison will be, what indicators will be used, obtaining information, analyzing it and developing an action plan are essential for management development.

4 - Sharing

As we mentioned previously, encouraging the sharing of information and skills among employees is crucial for the company's growth in general. Often the solution to problems already exists internally but companies end up moving directly to an external solution.

How to use videos for knowledge management?

We already understand how knowledge management works in organizations, however, we can go even further. To generate knowledge and skills, it is necessary to engage and motivate your employees, in addition to sharing the information created with them.

For this, videos are proven to be the best option. Three-quarters of all employees prefer to watch a video rather than read a text with fast-paced content.

Conducting training via video has several advantages when compared to other options. It is possible to watch them from anywhere, view them again when necessary and even additional material can be made available.

The company also has much lower costs when compared to in-person training or training, as there are no costs for accommodation, transportation and the opportunity cost of employees for not working.

Knowledge management in organizations has been carried out for years by larger companies outside Brazil. With these Tips and help from Take5 you can start applying this technique right now, increasing the productivity and improving results of your company. Talk to one of our experts! 



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