Investment in training in companies: 5 reasons to start now

4 minutes reading

In-person, distance or mixed. Regardless of the model, the fact is that the investment in training in companies It is part of the best people development practices.

In the information age, employees are the most important assets in any organization, whether small, medium or large. Therefore, prioritizing investments with the evolution of skills and abilities of the workforce is what will make your company grow in a more structured way.

Training costs are often seen by leaders as just expenses, generally prioritizing investment in other areas that apparently deliver more results in the short term, such as sales, actions at the point of sale and technology, for example.

In this article, you will learn five reasons why invest in training and development and why it is so important to get ahead of the competition. Continue monitoring and understand that the return on investment in T&D is certainly positive.


The top 5 reasons to invest in training in companies

1. Gain a competitive advantage

When approaching this topic, we must think that achieving such competitiveness and coming out ahead is not just about better products or services. Of course, this is the end result of the entire company, but what is certainly behind all this is the preparation of the human capital through training.

After all, for the market to see high value in what your company offers, it takes a lot of work from competent people. This includes excellent customer service, having competitive prices and increasing productivity, whether on a daily basis (in processes) or in the final product.

count on a good T&D planning will ensure better prepared and engaged employees. Thus, your ROI will be compensatory, naturally.


2. Consolidate a good image for customers and the market

Any company that aims for higher floors needs to take care of its reputation. This perception, both by customers and the market in general, is a consequence of the quality employed at each point of contact within the organization, from product/service offering to customer service.

Investing in T&D will provide more and more consistency in your company's actions, and this will be reflected in the market. It's not something short term, obviously, but having continuous investments and monitoring training indicators It will make you, as an HR and T&D leader, directly contribute to the company's positive image in the market.


3. Attract and retain great professionals

Good remuneration is nice for any professional, however, it is often not 100% satisfactory. Many people see themselves welcomed by the organization where they work due to the appreciation and development of skills and competencies.

In the most varied areas of activity, good professionals today look for places that allow them to contribute to the growth of the entire chain – capital, company and people.

If a company makes it clear that it invests in T&D and is committed to employee development, the likelihood of attract talent and retaining them is huge, especially because each individual's particular interests such as evolution, knowledge and certification are important factors and employees take this into their career and personal life!


4. Promote an environment of innovation

Currently, with such competitiveness in the market, it is impossible to talk about success without innovation. Training and developing employees has everything to do with this creative environment and encouraging new developments, especially because you will be preparing people for high performance, with different attitudes.

Creating and innovating are related to presenting skills and knowledge outside common sense – which is entirely possible with right investments in training and development.

Keep in mind that the ROI in T&D is directly related to the creation of new solutions for the market, and not just internal processes.


5. Produce more and better

It's no secret that well-prepared people deliver better results. It is in this matter of productivity that training expenses are highly justifiable.

When productivity increases, processes become smoother and everything flows. With this optimization, there is generally time and money left over to invest in areas that may be deficient. This way, you correct certain gaps and make your company’s wheels turn more efficiently.

As already stated in this article, human capital is the greatest treasure of any organization and, even though machines perform part of the functions, productivity is intrinsic to people.


Did you like the reasons we listed? Now that you see more value in T&D, it's worth starting to think about how and how much to invest in this process that is so important for companies.


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