How to keep employees engaged in online training?

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keep employees engaged


Having a team of engaged employees is essential not only for building a good organizational climate, but also for the growth of the company as a whole.

Speaking specifically about online training, the big question for managers and HR specialists is: how to arouse the interest of participants? Or, even, how to keep them motivated even when they are on the other side of their computer or smartphone screen?

In this content, we will talk a little more about this subject, in addition to sharing valuable tips that can help you with the challenge of keeping teams truly engaged. Good reading!

Why is it so important to keep employees engaged?

When your team is truly engaged with the company's projects, it means that everyone is committed to achieving the best results.

For this reason alone, it is possible to see how important team involvement is. But, to highlight this aspect even more, we will list below the main benefits of having a truly willing team:

  • Increased productivity;
  • More quality in deliveries;
  • Strengthening interpersonal relationships;
  • Improvement of the organizational climate.

What are the main challenges of corporate learning?

And now that you know how important it is to keep teams motivated, let's put a magnifying glass on the main challenges companies face when putting this plan into practice. Check it out below!

Lack of familiarity with online tools

Depending on the profile of employees, certain technological tools are still quite unknown. Or, it may be that these same employees still have in mind the fixed thought that some tasks can only be carried out in person.

Considering this scenario, if the organization simply implements a training platform online overnight, it is certain that participation rates will be lower than expected and participants will be quite dissatisfied with the process.

Therefore, before investing in advanced virtual resources, evaluate the professionals' relationship with different technologies and provide the necessary support so that everyone can have access to the activities.

Internal communication problems

Unlike what we pointed out above, sometimes professionals are up to date with their technological knowledge and have the necessary devices at their disposal, but some communication noise ends up disrupting the process.

Situations like This may happen for reasons, on the table:

  • Employees are not properly informed about how the training dynamics will take place;
  • There is no adequate step-by-step guide for accessing virtual platforms and carrying out activities;
  • Lack of specialized support to answer participants’ questions throughout the process.

These factors can seriously harm the progress of online training, hindering the quality of the learning journey and, consequently, everyone's engagement.

Content with very complex language and no practical application

The language used in study materials, presentations and lectures is often not suitable for the public, making it difficult to understand the message.

Furthermore, participants need to see how to put the concepts learned into practice. Otherwise, they will not know how to adopt the new teachings in their daily lives and will return to a work rhythm that no longer meets the company's needs.

For these reasons, methodologies need to be chosen carefully, and the content must be clear and objective to arouse the interest of employees and achieve the expected result.

Lack of recognition

Imagine that you managed to get your teams to participate in training and perform all activities with flying colors. It would be amazing, but it's still not enough to keep everyone motivated forever.

Leaders must also recognize the commitment of their employees so that they feel valued and willing to continue contributing to the company's growth.

How to engage your employees

How to increase the involvement of professionals in distance training?

To overcome the challenges listed above, there are some measures that can be adopted, regardless of your company's size or segment of activity. In this topic, we will list some of them!

Set achievable goals

Reflect for a moment: is it worth doing hard work if the established goal has unattainable levels that are incompatible with the company's infrastructure and the teams' current knowledge?

Well, for professionals to engage in a project, it is important that they feel that they are really progressing and that their efforts are bringing positive results.

Based on this principle, the ideal is to set goals that are possible and, little by little, in accordance with the development of new skills, increase the levels of demand. This way, everyone has the possibility of walking together, in an integrated and motivating way.

Leverage the diversity of content formats

Much of the success of online training depends on the commitment of the participants. Therefore, they need stimuli that encourage them to access the proposed content and exercises.

A good solution is to rely on the various possibilities that technological tools offer, such as video classes, podcasts, gamification, forums and chats, interactive presentations and many other options.

Just adapt the chosen format to the training theme and invest in quality content to guarantee the success of the initiative!

Ensure that employees are able to actively participate in activities

There's no point investing in an excellent platform, creating in-depth content and motivating the participation of all employees if they can't access training, right?

But this issue can be resolved in two different ways:

  • The company can offer the necessary equipment or devices for employees to carry out training actively and comprehensively;
  • The company can provide suitable spaces equipped with the necessary technology so that professionals can carry out their training with quality and safety.

Offer incentives

Having your work recognized is priceless. But a rewards system can greatly stimulate professional engagement!

Here we are not just talking about a salary increase or a bonus at the end of the month, but also about non-financial gains, such as growth opportunities within the company and specialization courses.

These incentives can even be included in training as a result of the accumulation of points earned in gamification challenges, further increasing involvement in the training processes.

Build a feedback system with quality and frequency

Last but not least, feedback is essential for employees to receive feedback on their performance, identifying their skills and having a clearer view of the points that need to be improved.

This way, managers can build a close and trusting relationship with teams, creating a healthier corporate environment, an efficient flow of communication and encouraging professionals to always do their best.

Here, the tip is to promote both individual and group feedback, transmit the message positively and objectively, in addition to leaving an open space for employees to also bring their point of view.

It is also interesting to highlight that engagement must encompass not only the professionals' involvement in their own work, but also the team's achievements and the company's growth, as a single, integrated organism.

This way, everyone wins: employees can evolve in their careers and the organization can gain an increasingly relevant place in its market.

And when it comes to investing in efficient training, which will keep your employees engaged and ready to wear the company's shirt, you can count on support Take5 specialist.

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