How do you know if your company needs to improve training?

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improve training


Training in the business environment has always been essential for development and growth alongside the market model. The great competition meant that the human capital that each institution has was improved and valued. This capital, so that it does not become outdated, must necessarily be trained.

Training and development of the work team has been applied in organizations for some years now, but today, with the world going through a pandemic, the online format has become the main tool to overcome the crisis, keep companies growing and employees motivated to move forward.

e-Learning is currently responsible for a large number of the training offered. They are of different types and can be adapted to the reality of each location. From virtual reality training software to games, videos and infographics. That is, there are several ways to keep your body of work recycled.

But how and when should your company update its training program? How to identify the objectives that are needed and the models that will be effective? We will discover this and a little more in the article below. Come with us to understand when it is time to renew training.

Why should I update my training program?  

Updating the training program will ensure that the company maintains a high level in the market, which becomes more competitive with each passing day. This type of initiative will provide a qualified and motivated work team to face challenges.

Training is what keeps employees informed of new developments. This is a benefit both for him, who feels valued with his personal investment, and also for the company, which increases results from this evolution.

Now, with changes in the way we live, learning new skills and adapting to the new moment has become essential. The pandemic brought us a practice of diverse interaction in learning and development formats. It was necessary to adapt these new ways to work and training after installing the home office.

The work routine has become part of the home. And, thanks to technological evolution, a wave of changes has altered our learning models, making them easier to use and making updating training programs essential for the company's growth.

5 Signs that your company needs to improve training

One of the most important questions that managers always ask is: what are the signs that may alert that the company needs to improve training? We always need to be attentive and keep our eyes open to what is around us. So be sure to observe, plan and execute.

Let's look at some signs to help with this task:

  • Motivation - Is my team motivated? Often, theoretical courses that do not keep the employee's attention demotivate them. When we notice that even after training the results are negligible and the team is not enthusiastic, it means that something is not going well.
  • Decrease in sales – How sales are? This is one of the easiest indicators to recognize, as it depends solely on numbers. The sales team may need updates in the way they approach the customer, in their understanding of the target audience or even the product itself.
  • Low productivity – How are my company's productivity rates? The training itself may not have any effect if it is not applied in a correct, current and attractive way. There is no point in teaching content if it is only conceptual and does not establish practice.
  • High turnover - Why don't employees settle down? This is an important question to ask. High turnover can be directly linked to demotivation, lack of perspective for personal growth, relationship problems and lack of internal communication, among others. Some of these problems can be resolved by updating the training program.
  • Lack and tendency to dislike innovations – Have you noticed how the work environment is changing? Professionals, when they don't receive news, tend to stop in time. Updating training is one of the quick and efficient solutions.

Training - See how to create videos to add new skills

Most effective training methods 

Each organization will evaluate which training is most effective and important according to its needs and create a training plan. Only after this is it possible to implement the strategy that best suits the current moment.

There are several methods you can check out when planning and executing a training update, check out some of them:

  • EAD Platform – Distance education – a place that brings together various multimedia resources with training methodologies.
  • Microlearning – or micro learning – information is offered in small parts. That is, the content is divided, facilitating and optimizing the employee's available time.
  • Custom material – the characteristics, interests, skills and individual competencies are identified to later propose the form of the themes to be developed.
  • Gamification – Extremely playful, this model uses game elements to interactively apply the training content through virtual simulators.
  • Videos - Unlike live lectures, videos must be humanized so that those on the other side feel attracted to continue their training.
  • Mobile Learning – m-Learning is a methodology that uses mobile devices to apply distance learning. Its biggest difference is that the content must be topical, presented on a single screen and, above all, be responsive to different devices.

eLearning authoring tools

e-Learning authoring is a tool, as the name suggests, that allows you to create your own online course. These are so-called user-friendly programs or software – which facilitate and speed up the creation and use of digital resources.

Using an EAD platform – Distance Education or LMS - Learning Management System - it is possible to create and manage your own content. Its main benefits are:

  • The speed and ease of implementing articles (through templates);
  • Ease of updating content;
  • Low costs.

We can note that authoring tools for e-Learning enable tutors, teachers and managers to integrate a wide variety of media types. This is what will determine interactive content and motivate its use.

As authoring tools enable and facilitate the creation of digital products, they can be very well used to update training in your company.

As we know, the greatest capital of organizations today is human and one of the biggest challenges in Training and Development is keeping this capital active, motivated and capable of dealing with the market.

Maintaining this solid capital guarantees the growth of your company. To achieve this, it is necessary to always maintain an up-to-date training program focusing on theoretical aspects, but mainly on practical ones.

Thinking about the experience of your employees, the practice with communicative interfaces is much more dynamic. Investing in updating training and opting for the most effective solution will bring great returns to your organization.

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