Is your company ready for Mobile Learning?

4 minutes reading

Among the new trends in corporate learning, Mobile Learning is one of the approaches that has stood out in institutional training. With mobile devices ensuring accessibility to content and materials literally in the palm of your hands and the use of E-Learning increasingly widespread in companies, this model can help bring learning and training closer to employees, but how do you know if Can your company implement and implement this feature in its work routine? Today we present several factors that can help you better understand the functionalities of Mobile Learning and how to use it in your company.

What is Mobile Learning?

Mobile Learning or mLearning (micro learning) is the use of mobile devices or mobile technology for learning. This can take place on smartphones, tablets or other devices that allow remote access to content and learning materials. Generally the same content should be available on multiple devices, leaving the student to choose where to consume the content.

This new way of learning, according to E-learning Industry It is already worth more than 5.3 billion dollars and it is estimated that in 2017 this value will reach 12.2 billion, demonstrating that the mobile learning market has great potential as a fruitful and profitable approach for training and companies.

The benefits of Mobile Learning

In addition to benefiting from current technology, mobile learning has other advantages that directly impact the engagement of employees and those who use the approach:

Promotes flexibility and convenience

Employees have the freedom to continue their training via mobile devices at any time of the day, including outside office hours, or reinforce their training in a moment of doubt, having the content available in seconds;

A student-centered solution

Mobile learning uses “on demand” consumption to centralize learning on the student. With this treatment, it can offer a unique learning experience and more focused on the employee's difficulties;

Good knowledge retention and reduced training time

As learning is carried out in small portions, information retention is faster and therefore training time is reduced, preventing the employee from becoming dispersed and having to repeat the content several times to retain the knowledge;

Motivates and engages employees

With the possibility of using gamification or a combination of learning models that promote interaction, mobile learning can help with employee engagement and motivation.

Are we ready for Mobile Learning?

There are some questions that should be discussed before implementing mobile learning in your training and having these answers helps you understand whether the approach can really work in your company:

Time available for training

If your work environment does not have opportunities to train employees during working hours, mobile learning can be an alternative to distributing the necessary knowledge. This approach can reduce the time spent on intensive training and use microlearning to complete necessary requirements for employees in a short time;

Content size and format

If your training content can be adapted for mobile devices, that's a great reason to implement mobile learning in your company. Content can be adapted into applications or distributed so that employees can retain knowledge in small, easy interactions;

Keep in mind the focus of the training

Despite the use of microlearning as a basis, mobile learning can remove the need to memorize content, as it will be a source of free consultation, which allows access at any time and consequently generates dependence on the device and content. Check your area of ​​expertise and you can use this attribute during training so that it will not harm the professional development of employees.

How immediate is your need

As the content will be available to the employee at all times, it is interesting to evaluate whether your training can be delivered in a simpler and faster way or if there is a need for intensive and more immersive training.

O e-training Take 5 It has been working on mobile devices, smartphones and tablets for a long time. In addition to being a completely responsive platform, there are setup options with the native Android APP. This way, users can download training and content directly from the application, which makes it possible to carry out the downloaded training later without the need for an internet connection. As soon as the device finds a network, the results of the training carried out are sent to the platform.

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