Why mobile learning is necessary to develop people

4 minutes reading

How much of the day do you spend away from your cell phone? It must be little, right? Smartphones and tablets have changed the way we connect with the world and relate to each other. And, of course, this new behavior is also reflected in the corporate environment.

Today, companies are increasingly incorporating the so-called mobile learning in its people training and development processes. Dynamic content, which can be followed from any location, at any time, facilitates the absorption of knowledge.

The so-called BYOD, or bring your own device (in Portuguese: bring your own device), it also made life easier for organizations in this issue of mobile learning. In most cases, the employee uses their own device, ensuring flexibility to follow the courses and reducing costs for the company.

To offer mobile learning effectively, it is recommended to use an LMS (Learning Management System) platform for this purpose, as it includes the mobile learning as part of the student's journey of knowledge. This access can be either through the browser or through a specific app.


What is mobile learning?

Unlike a traditional e-learning course, the idea here is to require less time from the student, but still provide impactful content. Even by the nature of using a mobile device, at any time and place, the intention is to offer more fluid, interactive and dynamic materials.

Mobile learning is characterized by access to online courses through smartphones, tablets and even laptops. The knowledge passed can be either a complement to a face-to-face or virtual class, or also the application of a complete course. But be careful: it is necessary to offer shorter and less loaded content, due to the internet connection, for example.

The materials must be easy for the user to consume. Videos, images and audio files, or even produce them and send them to colleagues, enter social networks to debate topics studied... Anyway, there are many possibilities.


Discover 5 advantages of mobile learning

If your company has not yet adopted this teaching dynamic, now is the time. Below, we list five advantages of mobile learning.

Employee engagement

Motivating and empowering trainees depends largely on engagement. Not only on mobile, but in all company processes corporative education. And an advantage of passing content through mobile gadgets is offering flexible content and solutions for the student's daily life, giving them the freedom to undertake knowledge trails whenever and wherever they want.


Learning and getting a reward for it is amazing, don't you think? This is precisely the concept of gamification, which works perfectly in mobile learning. Learning games are highly adaptable to cell phones and tablets, allowing employees to practice on breaks at work or commuting to and from home.

Adaptability to all generations

Who, today, is not familiar with their cell phone? A good mobile solution from an intuitive LMS tool will ensure that, whether older employees or your intern, they will not have difficulty absorbing knowledge on a daily basis.

Speed ​​of content absorption

This flexibility in using the mobile device allows the student to optimize the monitoring of classes. Speaking of which, put together short classes. This also facilitates the download of possible materials and allows the trainee to take advantage of breaks to carry out activities.

Videos also help a lot in this context; as many say, it is the future and present of e-learning. Consider videos with a maximum of 5 minutes in length, for the sake of adherence and internet bandwidth – the user will think twice before “playing” very extensive content in these cases.

Directions for microlearning

Mobile learning has no limits: you can apply video content, tests, quizzes, games, forums, social networks and even slightly more dense readings. The point here is to take advantage of this dynamic characteristic of content consumption on mobile to apply it to microlearning.

With bite-sized learning blocks that focus on no more than one or two key objectives, your employees can access the course on mobile devices and immediately apply what they learn at work. Imagine how you can increase individual and team productivity?


Want to know more about Mobile Learning? Talk to our team!


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