Do you want to transform your training into online content?

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online content training

Do you want to transform your training into online content?

The idea of ​​engaging employees to participate in courses, lectures and teachings with the aim of increasing companies' productivity has been around for a long time. Over the decades, it has been possible to perfectly see the evolution of business training.

But, in the last decade, especially in 2020 and 2021, due to the global crisis caused by the pandemic, this process was so fast and forceful that we can say that its growth was exponential.

The transformation of face-to-face courses into online content is now part of the world of company training and development. Knowing this reality, we have prepared content full of insights and tips for you to transform your content. Stay with us and check it out!

New formats in the digital world

Corporate activities, in general, have undergone radical changes in their processes. The speed with which information is propagated must be analyzed and converted into practices in companies' routine.

This requires a lot of attention so that the application of these new training formats is carried out on time and at the ideal moment. That is why it is so important to evaluate and make a diagnosis before implementing any change in the work environment. Always remembering our human capital, which is the one who will actually implement the changes.

It is possible to say that the digital world has undergone this transformation using technology and this, consequently, has changed the parameters of the way work is carried out. We have to remember that the market is organized by several generations with completely different levels of skill in using digital media.

We cannot forget that many professionals are from a generation that needs stimuli and incentives to attract their attention. It is therefore necessary to produce instant, quick and concise content to motivate employees to be part of this change.

The importance of innovative solutions and the transformation of in-person training to digital needs to adapt to this, optimizing time and final results.

Each and every digital application of the methodology must be accompanied by metrics so that it is possible to understand, through indicators, which formats should be repeated, maintained or discarded. Your team is always the one who will give feedback on what is and isn't working in the chosen strategy.

What is the difference between in-person and online training

There are differences between in-person training and online training. Many companies have opted for the hybrid system (Blended in English), that is, a mix of the two processes, also known as blended.

To identify what your company needs, you need to carry out a radical analysis of all sectors of the company and then define the solutions for each case. Once this is done, carry out a mapping of existing activities to plan the next stage: the transformation from face-to-face to digital.

Until very recently, it was not imagined that such a large percentage of people interacted in this area on technological platforms. One way or another, a new culture of innovation and technological performance will generate digital transformation.

Furthermore, one of the great differences of opting for online training is that it allows for a shorter, more attractive and efficient learning period.

Do you want to know the benefits of online training?

The benefits of using online training are many and both companies and employees stand to gain from the transformation. Shall we take a look at some of them?

  • Engagement – Contributors embrace content when it’s personalized. Consequently, they optimize and apply them to their work routine.
  • Time management – The employee can adapt their schedule to the training. This in addition to saving hours in the process, not counting travel and accommodation.
  • Cost reduction – The possibility of receiving training in your own work environment considerably reduces training costs.
  • Competitiveness - With the digital training of your work group, your teams will be highly qualified to face certain challenges.

Corporate digitalization is for any type of company

Discover 4 steps to transform your in-person training into online content

  1. Identify the best format for your online course. There are several models that can be applied to your company. Define whether it will be taught through games, videos, podcasts, infographics, among other models.
  2. Define the type of content that will be used and divide the course into short modules. It will always be more attractive and effective, as it stimulates the participant.
  3. Promote integration between the tutor and the collaborator. This empathy is very important between them and is fundamental to the success of learning.
  4. Understand what your team needs, this feedback is necessary to correct the direction of training. Knowing what the difficulties are and what paths to follow is essential.

But, how and what to do to transform all this into practice?

Creating a development strategy, a personalized learning process and content according to needs is the essence of this transformation process.

The solution is to look for alternatives that provide new knowledge and promote the understanding of information. Therefore, observation and analysis will guarantee us the most suitable format and content for your team.

Some technologies are considered essential for digital transformation and will keep your team constantly evolving.

Map out the needs for building a new model, choose technologies that are adapted to your budget, never forgetting quality. Plan, execute and monitor the implementation and transformation of in-person courses to online content.

Now that you've seen the benefits of investing in the transformation to online content, you can redirect your company's training efforts and focus on platforms that will ensure engagement, reduce costs and increase your employee's productivity.

Don't forget: pay attention to your human capital, the most important asset of all organizations. Talk to one of our experts right now and take a step towards the digital transformation of your company!




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