Distance learning training: 7 practical tips to engage your employees

4 minutes reading

You've heard that we live in the age of knowledge, right? In fact, information is the most valuable thing in today's world, and in companies it is no different.

To obtain a competitive advantage, organizations are increasingly investing in distance learning training. In addition to training and qualifying professionally, online training is also a way to encourage employees' personal growth.

And so that each individual in your company buys into this idea, we have listed seven essential tips. Follow and discover how to increase the company's results, motivating employees.


Discover 7 tips for engaging your employees with distance learning training

1. Offer useful content, always

Understand useful content that makes a difference not only in the development of skills and competences, as well as one that is also relevant to the employee's personal life.

Promote surveys, interviews, collect feedback. Understand where the gaps and what the collaborators' desires are will allow you to offer content that is always relevant, fresh and very useful. You will feel the result in productivity and, consequently, in the company's results.


2. Careful training design

As important as good content is an attractive visual that facilitates the absorption of knowledge. This ranges from the intelligent use of buttons, menus and players, to the simple choice of color palette for your training.

In the end, what matters is how you combine all these elements in favor of the fluidity of the content. Good LMS (Learning Management System) tools Today, they allow for various customizations in this sense.


3. Be multimedia

Bet on just one method to apply one online training It's a mistake you don't want to make. Always try to offer richness and diversity of materials, whether in videos, articles, links, quizzes, forums, among others.

The plurality of resources will bring more information, richness and interactivity to your training. And believe me: this triad is preponderant for student engagement.


4. Connect emotionally

Items such as a good choice of colors in the design and multimedia resources are great promoters of emotional connection. But you can go further. Try to find out what your employees’ real pain points, ambitions and desires are, and try to solve them through impactful content.

Mix the technical part of the work with good humor or even fear. This way, you will see greater involvement from each professional.


5. Work with rewards

Human beings are guided by recognition, and this intensifies even more in the context of a career, isn't it true? Therefore, the tip here is to use and abuse the resource of gamification, present in most LMS software on the market.

By earning points and rewards, you promote games for competition between people or departments. Gamification encourages employees to interact, collaborate and face challenges in a playful way. Another benefit is self-knowledge, as the individual begins to better understand their limitations and overcoming.


6. Consider an authoring tool

Maybe your T&D team is great at content and pedagogy, but is lacking in technology. This is when the importance of the authoring tool emerges, which, in addition to facilitating the creation of training, is a very interesting way to engage employees.

This is because you can apply experiences and situations from your company's universe in an agile way. These quick e-learning authoring tools (have features like drag & drop, for example) allow those responsible for corporate training to create their schedule and produce practical content in a very short time.


7. Offer pill training

Offering too much content at once can end up discouraging, not to mention scaring, your employees. No matter how much they face the avalanche of information, knowledge retention lags behind.

One solution to this problem is pills, or microlearning. Divide your long online course into small parts, in a series format. This way, the professional follows everything in modules and has more flexibility to stop to learn in the middle of the workday.


Did you like the tips presented in this article? We hope so. Take advantage and point out, in the comment field below, what your ideas are for engaging employees in distance learning training. To the next!


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