Training for promoters: how to do distance sales efficiently

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Training for promoters


Sales promoters, as the name implies, are professionals focused on selling, helping to serve consumers in stores. They can support the sales of products or services, through demonstrations, explanations and even consultative service, in addition to organizing the space and display of your company's products at the point of sale.

These professionals are often the decisive point for the customer to purchase the items and therefore, it is essential that they are always trained and updated with the guidelines, services or products offered and in tune with what is happening in the market, thus being able to provide information of quality that convince the consumer at the time of purchase. 

Let’s understand how this professional’s profile is being adapted to the current scenario. Continue reading.

New professional profile, now more connected

In times of pandemic, more than ever, digital services have become essential, and many tasks have had to be adapted to a virtual format. Even professionals who did not need to use a computer or cell phone so much to carry out their tasks, had to reinvent themselves with a new profile, more connected, and capable of meeting demands now online.  

Companies that provide training for promoters, which previously held face-to-face meetings, are now providing platforms that allow training to be carried out virtually. All this work and investment aims to bring benefits to the company, which we will learn about below. 


Advantages and benefits of a well-trained team of promoters

The sales promoter can be considered the company's business card. It is often the consumer's first and main channel of contact with the brand. When faced with a shelf full of similar and competing items, a first-time consumer, who wants to discover new products, or who is just passing through the aisle, ends up coming into contact with the sales promoter.

It will be the key to the customer's choice. We can also consider B2B sellers and even merchandising presenters on TV shows as sales promoters. 

They are the “face of the brand” and therefore it is essential that they convey their values, through their posture, attitudes and positions. Having a highly trained, qualified promoter who can be the essence of the brand through his presence and service brings several benefits, we list some of the main ones here:

1 – Purchase consultant: One of the main benefits of providing adequate training for the team of sales promoters is that they become purchasing influencers, capable of giving their opinion and accurately indicating the best option for the customer's needs.

2 – Authority at the POS: a well-trained prosecutor, able to answer questions and provide quality information, ends up becoming an authority on the subject in the POV, acting as an expert, having knowledge and ability to offer the best solution to the problem that the consumer is facing and even to the store's salespeople

3 – Brand presence at the POS: Having a promoter in the sales environment is already a differentiator, as it adds brand presence to the environment. Whether through your service, or even indirectly, through the use of uniforms carrying the company logo. A representative working at the POS is able to capture exposure opportunities, expanding the space and prominence of the company/brand in the store.

Now that you know the advantages and benefits of a sales promoter's presence, find out how to keep them up to date through remote training.

Corporate digitalization is for any type of company

Training for sales promoters remotely and efficiently

Carrying out distance training for the team of promoters in itself is already a great advantage, as it guarantees savings on resources such as transportation, physical space and speaker.

Providing relevant training in a simple way, through applications that are just a click away, which the user can access whenever and wherever they want, is another benefit that makes a lot of difference for those who have a hectic routine and are always subject to unforeseen events such as traffic, among others. This agility of having updated information at the point of sale in record time also brings advantages compared to the competition.

To ensure the efficiency of team training, you need to pay attention to some points:

Content: the material needs to be relevant, something new, easy to understand and in language that speaks to the audience that will be trained. In addition to promoters who help end consumers, training platforms are also used to train sellers, who provide B2B service. Therefore, make sure that the language and all elements are easy to interpret. Use training to not only provide product information, but also convey the company's vision, mission and values. Other relevant content is also related to the attitude and form of service that must be followed by all employees, whether internal or external.

Formats: Videos are one of the most used resources in training, as they enable the demonstration of a new product or service. Studies show that our brain assimilates information conveyed in video much faster than in text. Explore resources with greater potential for retention and understanding.

Learning Guarantee: make sure prosecutors are truly understanding what is being conveyed. Carry out follow-ups and tests to ensure that the content was assimilated correctly. Ask for feedback on the format and be open to suggestions for improvements from participants.

Engagement: A good way to achieve good results with online training is to keep the team always engaged in the content and carrying out these activities. Encouraging employees to complete training is often not an easy task, so we have another article with more tips for you to overcome this challenge, check it out at Distance Education: engage your team remotely.

Now that we've given tips on how to develop distance training for promoters, here's a list of seven mistakes you shouldn't make in online sales training: Sales training: mistakes you can't make.

Still talking about the efficiency of training, it is possible to say that today the main way to offer distance training is through applications. They have several features that make it easy to personalize and update content on a constant basis. They can be made available for different types of devices and operating systems, their installation is simple, like any other application that the user is used to dealing with.

Discover Flashtraining®

After reading this article, knowing all the importance and advantages of distance learning training, we want to invite you to discover the Flashtraining®, a Take5 application exclusively for distributing training videos at the POS. Covering more than the team of promoters and salespeople, it even reaches end consumers, in a practical, efficient and bureaucracy-free way, with registration and login.

Customizable layout, exportable reports, offline operation and live streaming are some of the advantages and differences that Take5 brings through this tool.

Contact Us and get to know all the advantages and solutions to keep your team always updated and with efficient training, which standardizes your company's communication at all points of contact, ensuring that the well-trained team is highly capable of leveraging your brands and products in the POS.




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