Do you know how to engage your employees?

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Do you know how to engage your employees?

Do you want to engage your team and don't know how? Gamification can help you, as it is a learning method that provides a Level Up experience, giving employees a feeling of achievement. In addition to this concept, gamification focuses on offering teaching in a fun and motivating way.

At the same time as it benefits, when having contact with gamification, employees develop effective learning, as gamification aims to work on strategies and guarantee immersive learning.

Generating training in the employee's routine and awakening the need for evolution and improvement, gamification motivates your team and promotes engagement beyond the game.

Do you want to raise the level of learning in your company? Developing trained and engaged professionals? Continue reading, as we have prepared special content for you, check it out!

Getting to know gamification

Gamification or gamification, is a teaching method that has been widely used in corporate education. Created in 2002 by programmer Nick Pelling, the idea has stood out for its main concept: teaching through games.

Nick's goal was to develop a tool in which the world of games was not just a playful experience. But, it could be used for learning within this virtual environment and taking the game into reality, motivating people to find a solution to real problems.

Becoming a trend over the years, gamification works by encouraging employees to complete their journey with achievements and rewards that can range from a simpler game with tasks, phases or scores, to a more elaborate game with characters, stories and missions.

A way that companies have found to teach in a fun way. The game is produced based on the company's objective, focused on solving the team's problem and thus developing better employees.

Benefits of gamification in corporate education

Gamification is an interactive teaching method and it can provide numerous advantages, we list some of them below:

Makes the teaching process more enjoyable

A gamified process has the power to make corporate education more dynamic, awakening the team's interest in carrying out their activities. It's cool how employees start to see their training in a different way, no longer associating it with an obligation.

Games also awaken the desire for overcoming and leadership. This is where the famous “healthy competition” comes in because, in fact, gamification can awaken the competitive instinct, even more so if the platform provides placements or prizes.

But rest assured, because this gamification concept is a healthy teaching strategy for your team.

Awakens autonomy

As this is teaching in which the employee depends solely on the system to carry out their activities, this process also awakens autonomy by encouraging the employee to deal with its contents, whether individually or among the team. 

Of course, the tutor ends up being a mediator in the learning journey. If there are any difficulties or doubts, he will be at your disposal.

Stimulates memory

Gamification can generate several stimuli and one of them is visual. When we play we associate the content with the objective of the game and the visual stimulus in gamification works with the employee's memory, especially if he ends up redoing the level.

This practice aims to awaken the employee's memory and make them remember the content more easily. And, in this way, the employee will put everything they have learned into practice. A reflection that is linked to playful activities in the teaching process.

Improves understanding of content in theory and practice

Among these benefits, gamification provides the theoretical basis of the problem, encouraging your employee to find a solution. This perception is acquired at each stage, giving more meaning to your learning.

When we learn a new game and understand what needs to be done, the next step is to continue this journey and, as we evolve, we awaken a sense of agility and want to understand more and more.

In gamification, employees have the opportunity to make mistakes and redo their game. Which makes you understand the game better, showing what the meaning is and what needs to be resolved. All of this can be monitored by the manager and helps him measure the performance of each employee.

How to effectively engage your team

We understand how gamification works and what its benefits are, it's worth discovering how it can engage your employees. Follow along!

Develop a competition in your team

A great way to engage your team is by developing a competition. Many factors are addressed when we provide healthy competition between employees.

The concept of competition often ends up being misinterpreted, but in companies and specifically in gamification, it ends up becoming a benefit. In addition to reinforcing employee participation in the company, it motivates the team to set a goal and achieve it.

Remembering that this can be worked on in any department of your company according to the organization's needs, after all, what company doesn't want its entire team engaged?

Let the games begin! Review the objectives and create, for example, a prize for the top 3 rankings of the month according to the games' classification. This will encourage your employees to achieve the team goal.

Present the results accompanied by feedback

You can engage your team with recognition. Show the results of those who managed to reach the goal, demonstrating a simple reward for paying attention to the efforts of your employee, who was a good player.

In addition to demonstrating this recognition, giving your team feedback about their performance is a great way to engage your team. These tasks are often left aside due to the rush of a routine. But, book a meeting with your employees to resolve this.

Make feedback an important task in your management, as it is something that will influence your team's results. In addition to lending a hand in the performance of your employees.

Keep the spirit of encouragement

Without a doubt, a team to be engaged needs to be motivated, this action must be done daily in the employee's routine. Gamification plays an important role in maintaining this spirit of encouragement.

Building this motivating relationship with your employees is something magical. This can be done from an email to a conversation before starting the routine, always reinforcing the team's objective. 

Work with creativity

One way to be creative in the teaching process with gamification is to insert playful elements into the competition. And, as it’s a method that’s close to that, let’s take advantage of it!

Talk to your employees and create different and fun names, figures, symbols for your team. Let's say the prize is a pair of movie tickets, create names for the teams after characters from films, cartoons or series, for example. Use and abuse your creativity!

Invest in a gamification platform

Involving technology in your company's corporate training will help with your team's engagement process. For this education to be effective, it is important that your company invests in a platform that provides this experience for its employees.

If your organization already has a teaching tool, don't worry. Well, it is possible to integrate your system with a gamification platform. And, based on your company's objective to develop the game, one of the main points that your organization must evaluate.

Invest in gamified teaching, transforming your corporate training with Take5! Contact us:

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