10 video training trends for 2020

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10 video training trends for 2020

In today's corporate world, a training video It is more than a practical learning resource: it is a key professional training strategy, arousing interest and generating high levels of engagement.

In this content, you will find the 10 Video Learning Trends which are highlighted for 2020, in addition to learning about the main benefits that this technique can bring to corporate training processes. Check out!

The growth of teaching through videos

According to study Video Viewers carried out by Google in 2017, the consumption of videos on the internet grew Present in several = 90,1% in just 3 years. At the same time, consumption of content broadcast on television channels increased by just 3,1%.

The survey also revealed that a large part of the connected population sees YouTube as a substitute for television media. The highlight is the possibility for users to search for the content that interests them most and consume them whenever and wherever they want.

From the point of view of audiovisual producers, the “YouTube generation” It represents not only a challenge, but also an opportunity to explore new communication possibilities that help bring this audience closer together and keep them engaged for longer.

But what does this transformation mean for the corporate world? Find out more below!

Why is video essential to your learning strategy?

Bearing in mind that the organizational environment is made up of professionals from different age groups who deal with new technologies in different ways, it is essential that people training strategies involve all these audiences.

In this aspect, a corporate training video is an excellent alternative. The figure of the tutor helps to expand the connection with viewers, generating rapprochement and increasing content retention.

Furthermore, the “conversational tone” of the videos, combined with the use of sounds, animations and other graphic resources, means that the reach of the message is broader than that achieved through more theoretical materials.

Did you see how using videos can make a difference in corporate training actions? Next, we will list the main advantages of adopting this feature!

Benefits of using a training video

Every day, we receive a high volume of notifications on our smartphones, tablets, computers and even smart TVs. But this excess of information creates distraction and makes it difficult to retain content.

Videos are able to overcome this challenge, therefore making learning more dynamic, capturing the attention of viewers and bringing other advantages, such as:

  • Visual comfort, since the user is familiar with the format presented by YouTube;
  • Ease of understanding content that would be more complex through texts;
  • Control of the learning process, since it is possible to watch the videos more than once and pause whenever a question arises;
  • On-demand learning, respecting the individual study pace and ensuring motivation;
  • Objectivity in the presentation of content, ensuring better results in less time.

Types of video used in the learning process

In this topic, we list some of the types of videos most used by companies in their corporate training.

Interactive videos

As the name suggests, interactive videos guarantee an immersive and dynamic learning experience.

In addition to following the tutors' presentations and explanations, viewers take on a participatory role and can, for example, ask questions in real time or select additional content within the video itself.

Micro Learning Videos

For training focused on more specific subjects, micro learning videos are an excellent solution.

They are short and the content is consumed quickly, like knowledge pills that encourage constant learning and facilitate memorization.

Videos 360 ° for VR and AR

Both virtual and augmented reality, or simply VR and AR, from English Virtual Reality e augmented reality. Tare becoming increasingly popular, especially in the world of games. However, both possibilities can be very useful in a training video.

However, employees can, for example, take a tour of the company or learn how machines and equipment work 100% virtually, ensuring a more engaging experience.

personalized videos

Produced to meet the most specific needs of companies, personalized videos guarantee targeted, high-performance learning.

This model includes testimonials, interviews, videos with actors acting out day-to-day situations at the corporation, among other possibilities.

10 Training Video Learning Trends for 2020

We have reached the topic that gives this content its title and we are going to present the latest in corporate training video production!

1 – Focus on the company’s needs

Does the company need to update employees and improve their skills? Do you want to introduce strategic changes to your work routine to your teams? Should you train teams to use new technologies and equipment?

Whatever the intention, keeping the training objective in mind is essential to choose the most appropriate video option for each case.

2 - Using videos to support corporate initiatives

Videos can also be an interesting resource in the pre- and post-training phases, providing relevant information that will prepare employees for training and maintain the connection at the end of the process, ensuring a more complete and satisfactory training process.

3 – Micro learning tools

As we have already highlighted in the topic about video types, micro learning contributes to the absorption of content quickly and practically. It's a great solution to complement training or remind participants of the most relevant points.

4 - Interactive videos

This is another option that we covered in the topic of video types and promises to be a trend this year as it offers a creative and highly dynamic learning experience.

With diverse application possibilities, interactive tools are very attractive and help teach more complex concepts that require in-depth study.

5 – Branching Videos

This type of video is closely linked to interactive videos and features what we call a “decision tree”. Through this resource, the user can be directed to other content linked to the main video, complementing their learning.

6 - Integration of user-generated content

Enabling users to participate in the creation of content is a great strategy to ensure genuine engagement. The secret is to encourage them to create their videos and thus generate an inclusive and continuous learning environment.

7 - Integration of public domain videos

The integration of public domain videos can also contribute positively to employee engagement. The tip is to look for content related to the training topic and that can qualitatively complement the topic covered.

8 - 360° videos combined with virtual reality capabilities

As we pointed out in the topic about video types, this feature enables a high-impact immersive experience that, combined with other strategies such as gamification and micro learning, further enriches training.

9 - Personalized training

Acquiring online training may be more practical, but it certainly does not generate the same engagement. On the other hand, personalization ensures employees' interest by presenting situations compatible with their work routine.

10 - Assessment and recommendation

Allowing the evaluation and recommendation of videos is extremely relevant not only for popularizing the content, but as a way of making it relevant to a qualified audience.

Now that you know how the strategic use of a training video can generate positive results for your business, it's time to put this resource into practice. 

Find out how Take5 can help your company successfully enter the world of videos! Contact us:

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