Case: Electrolux and Group Take 5 celebrate first year of corporate training program with air conditioning installers

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Electrolux Instala platform achieves record results in relationship marketing and sales

When you access the Electrolux Instala website, the first sentence you will read is: "The best training and rewards program for installers in Brazil!". An advertisement of this type cannot be mere rhetoric, and in fact it is not, since in just one year the platform has captured the attention of almost a third of air conditioning installers in the country.

If attracting is already a huge task, engaging and retaining loyalty are even greater challenges. The results achieved not only showed the interest of these self-employed professionals in the program, but also proved the real participation and engagement of the public, who currently has access to useful and personalized information and rewards that help in their day-to-day work.

All this success came from an already consolidated relationship between two companies that are experts in what they do: one of the largest manufacturers of household appliances in the world, Electrolux; and a specialist in distance corporate education, with complete training solutions, the Grupo Take 5.

Below, check out how a well-implemented and conducted corporate training program was able to create a new and fruitful relationship between the Electrolux brand and an extremely technical audience.

The challenge

Electrolux realized that it needed to be closer to an audience that makes a big difference in the daily lives of those who buy and sell air conditioning devices: self-employed professionals who work in the technical area of ​​installing and maintaining these appliances. They are the ones who know every detail of this item that is already so important in Brazilians' routine, although it has little "emotional appeal", since the only expectation we have in relation to an air conditioner is that it works well when the "On" button is pressed. Unlike a stove, for example, this appliance will not tell the stories of a birthday cake or a Sunday lunch. Electrolux understood that a close and lasting relationship with these professionals would be even more promising due to this specific context to generate a feeling of appreciation, increased appreciation for the brand, and the natural recommendation of Electrolux appliances.

Aware of this issue, the manufacturer sought out its long-time partner in corporate education, the Grupo Take 5.

A good idea

Before a relationship between the brand and independent professionals, the long-lasting relationship between Electrolux and the Group Take 5 It was essential for the challenge to be well understood and, from there, the strategy to be drawn up. After some conversations, the team listed all the practical objectives to be met by the developed solution, which should offer high-quality content directly from the hands of Electrolux to independent installers.

The next step was to define the three main fronts of the program, which would be: attracting participants interested in corporate training; engage and retain the LMS user base (“Learning Management System”) and monitor and measure data and results (Business Intelligence).

Far from being a distraction or just fun with bonuses for participants, Electrolux Instala deals with technical issues that generate a real impact on day-to-day work and raise the quality of the service provided by professionals who participate in the program.

And this line of action portrays one of the secrets of any relationship program, which is knowing who you are talking to, using appropriate language, listening to those involved and delivering solutions that really make sense to them.

Thinking about the engagement pillar, the Group Take 5 It included direct and attentive service to users in its success strategy, and received in return a present, active audience that contributed constant suggestions for the tool's advancements. Still in the first year of activity, lives were launched with highly relevant content and direct participation of Electrolux experts for the public, allowing interaction, all within the LMS platform in an integrated manner.

To make everything work well, the Group Take 5 acted as the main agent of the program, coordinating the actions of all stakeholders involved with the project: Electrolux professionals, digital marketing agencies, technical contact center, among others who also contributed to achieving the targets.

The results

Idea approved, objectives defined, lines of action determined. It was time for action: creating the project's digital platform, where professionals could sign up completely free of charge to access the courses, download exclusive content, complete training, obtain specialized assistance and participate in playful learning challenges.

When the first technician signed up, everything was ready to welcome him to Electrolux Instala. Therefore, the results soon came:

- 72 courses and training were offered, with updated and diverse content through videos and texts available on the platform.

- 4 thousand hours of content were consumed.

- Thousands of certificates were issued on the training platform (more precisely, an average of 8 certificates per participant in the first year), making clear the genuine interest of installers in improving their work and gaining more and more knowledge about new products to solve your customers' problems.

In short, in its first year of operation, Electrolux Instala exceeded all expectations and helped thousands of installers to improve their profession and provide higher quality services with extensive knowledge of the brand's products.

a look to the future

Satisfied? Not yet!

The current stage of this partnership is focused on the installer base that already participates in Instala to nurture the relationship with them and ensure that interest in the program is maintained. The challenge for the second year is to expand access to the content offered and increase the adoption of technicians, ensuring that these installation professionals continue to consume and absorb the content with quality and disseminate its benefits to customers, generating a chain of trust.

The results, which will certainly continue to surprise positively, will be closely monitored through data analysis via Business Intelligence and, without a doubt, will reflect on the quality of service provided by these technicians to Electrolux customers, old and new, and on the growing results in marketing. company relationships and sales.

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