9 types of corporate videos that your company needs to know!

6 minutes reading
Corporate video types


Whether to win new customers, establish partnerships or increase engagement among employees, audiovisual tools are truly the favorites of the moment!

It is possible to choose from different formats, image and sound resources, and production techniques so that organizations can transmit their message in a more authentic and creative way. But, with so many possibilities available, how do you know which types of video are best for your business?

In this content, we will present 9 different options so that you know the characteristics of each one and can choose the one that best suits your company's profile. Check out!

Why should your company invest in a corporate video?

According to a Cisco study, the forecast is that, in 2020, around 80% of internet traffic will be generated by videos. And only through this index is it possible to realize the potential of audiovisual tools for companies in different market segments. But there are still other good reasons to invest in these resources.

Due to the different formats and ways of transmitting content, videos can be adapted to the needs and reality of each company. In other words, it is possible to obtain a message that really “feels like the business”.

From the public's point of view, audiovisual materials naturally arouse greater interest — just look at the success of television and YouTube in comparison to other media. This stance ends up resulting in a higher message retention rate.

How to choose the most suitable video style?

Here, the keyword is: planning! After all, there's no point in producing that incredible video if it doesn't represent your company's profile and doesn't speak to the audience you want to reach, right?

Therefore, before turning on the cameras it is essential to take some time to think about the content and how it will be presented. To achieve this, there are some aspects that need to be evaluated very carefully, such as:

  • O what you want to highlight in your video — the company's history and values, a specific product, a new project, etc.;
  • Qwho is the spectator — consumers, investors, potential partners or your collaborators;
  • Qwhat type of message is best suited to the audience you intend to reach;
  • QWhat is the budget available to make the video;
  • QWhat is the deadline for delivering the project.

All of these aspects directly impact the result of your project. Therefore, invest in detailed planning and strictly follow the schedule so that everything goes as expected!

What are the 9 types of videos that will make a difference in your strategy?

And now that we've highlighted the importance of corporate videos and listed some relevant points so you know what type of material is ideal for your company, let's delve deeper into 9 types of videos that could be a good option for your business.

1 - Success stories

As the name suggests, the objective of success cases It is precisely to bring the projects that stood out in the company and promoted a rapprochement with the public.

In terms of a script, the idea is to tell the customer's journey — from the first contact with the brand to the acquisition of the solutions offered through a product or service. This real record is what makes the content humanized, expanding its potential for persuasion and involvement and bringing credibility.

2 - Documentaries

If the company's objective is to tell the public about its trajectory in the market in an in-depth manner, using rich language that conveys credibility, the documentaries They are an excellent option!

In this type of video, the company's story can be told through a timeline, with testimonials from founders, employees and customers, images that show the evolution of the business and other resources that help to engage and captivate the audience.

3 - Dubbing and translations

Many multinational companies have branches in different parts of the world, but choose to develop a single institutional video to ensure that the message is transmitted in a unified way.

In these cases, a good alternative is to invest in dubbing and translations so that the content becomes understandable to different audiences, regardless of their language. In addition to a lower investment cost, the visual identity designed by the head office is fully maintained.

4 - Advertising films

Both for the launch of products and new services and for the dissemination of events and promotional actions, advertising films continue to bring highly positive results.

With a dynamic and objective language, these materials stand out among the sales strategies of companies from the most diverse segments and, with the internet, they have gained new format and interactivity possibilities.

5 - Corporate TV

This type of video is aimed exclusively at companies' internal audiences, bringing more informative messages with an institutional character. On the other hand, this does not mean that production requires less planning!

The programming of Corporate TV In the same way as other materials, it needs to arouse the interest of viewers and can present very different content, such as:

  •         Ccontent used in corporate training;
  •         Apresentation of products that have not yet reached the final public;
  •         Mgoals and results achieved by the organization;
  •         Ninternal oticiary.

6 - Institutional videos

Os institutional videos They can be aimed at both internal and external audiences, and their objective is to highlight the company's potential.

Depending on the focus covered, it is possible to explore different topics, such as organizational infrastructure, the company's values ​​or its human capital. And it is this wide range of possibilities that makes this type of video so interesting for strengthening the brand and generating rapport with its customers.

7 – Product videos

Just as institutional videos are designed to highlight the strengths of the company as a whole, product videos They aim to present precisely the specific characteristics of a specific item sold by the company.

The messages are very direct and informative, increasing the public's level of interest, and the materials can be disseminated in different formats, both on television and via the internet, on websites and social networks.

8 – Training videos

Bearing in mind that audiovisual resources increase the retention potential of shared messages, when we talk about internal training processes, these tools cannot be left aside!

In this aspect, the production of training videos can bring many advantages to the company, facilitating the understanding of the concepts presented, allowing professionals to access the content more than once to delve deeper and enabling the insertion of interactive resources that increase participant engagement.

9 - Web series

Dividing content into chapters is a great way to ensure more in-depth learning, and through webseries, this objective can be achieved in a creative and highly engaging way.

The secret is to build a story that keeps your audience interested and, from there, generate an immersive corporate education experience with excellent results.

Do you still have any doubts that audiovisual tools can transform your company’s marketing strategy? Investing in this resource guarantees quality material that will speak directly to your audience.

And here in Take5 has all the support to discover the best types of video for your business, in addition to counting on our professionalism to put your project into practice. Contact Us and discover our solutions!


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