Institutional video

4 minutes reading

Institutional video is a form of communication between companies and their audience. This aims to transmit your image and present the organizational culture.

This communication goes beyond creativity according to what the company wants to achieve. Whether it’s telling the story of your business, presenting your mission, vision and values, and even strengthening bonds and relationships with employees or customers. 

Regardless of the objective, institutional video is a tool that can help your company stand out in the market. 

We have prepared some tips on how to implement this strategy in your company, read on and understand how this production process works. 

Start planning your institutional video

Before carrying out any process within a company, planning is important, and here it would be no different. To start producing an institutional video, you need to organize yourself and put on paper what the objective of this content is.

Focused on promoting the company's image, first of all, define some questions: What will be presented in the video? How will it be addressed? Does the company want to strengthen a sector or product? What message does the company want to convey?

Once you have established these doubts, include a script in your video planning, how the video will be produced and edited, deadline for execution, investment budget and where you want to broadcast your video. 

Know your target audience

To segment the language of your video, define your target audience. It is not possible to obtain good results by presenting the same content to all audiences, it is much easier if we determine which audience the company wants to reach. In this classification we can consider customers, employees, partners and even investors. 

Build a story

One of the strategic and effective resources for creating institutional videos is telling stories through Storytelling. This is a way of involving your content in a narrative language. Therefore, facts told easily attract the consumer's attention and interest, allowing them to relate to the story presented. 

Invest in good narratives and tell a story! Use your creativity in the characters, sounds, words and images, taking advantage of good humor. Offer a delightful experience with your content.  

The soundtrack is also important

Don't forget to take your time choosing a soundtrack! What is the value of a video without sound or with sound that completely deviates from the idea the company wants to convey?

The most important thing is that your video's soundtrack needs to connect with the content and not simply be background sound. Just like video, music plays an essential role in bringing content to life. 

Understand each moment of the video and the feeling you want to convey, in lively, exciting and challenging parts, it all depends on your objective. Pay attention to the soundtrack and engage your content through sound. 

Remember the time

The average length of an institutional video is five minutes, but this is not exactly a rule. In any case, it is important to be aware and take care of the duration of your videos to attract and maintain the viewer's attention for as long as necessary. With good planning, your company will be able to transmit the message at the appropriate time. 

Be objective with your content 

Ensuring the main objective with the video means your company doesn't get excited or get lost along the way, ensuring that your content is attractive and effective. Focus on conveying the message, making the production process more practical. 


It's not that simple to produce an institutional video. One of the things we must consider when creating such responsible content is that your company's image is at stake - there is a very fine line between being effective content and unprofessional content. 

As this is something that will be broadcast within the company, the most appropriate option is to invest in the production of this material. If you want to produce your institutional video, it is worth paying extra attention to the following factors:

  • Scripting
  • Lighting and scenery
  • Production and post-production
  • Audio and video
  • Objective of your institutional video
  • Attractive soundtrack
  • Suitable time


Technology has grown rapidly and, to keep up with these innovations, Take5 is constantly updating itself with the market, which leads us to improve our knowledge and strategies.

When producing an institutional video, we must take into account what resources and methods the company can propose for its business, ensuring effective communication.

We are a company specialized in corporate communications and, throughout this journey, we have built our experience in video production, taking care of everything from scripting to the last minutes.

Therefore, Take5 Filmes has offered the best communication, developing web series, product videos, corporate training, success cases, documentaries, Corporate TV e advertising films.

We have a team prepared to transmit your message with the necessary quality, in video production and editing. We bring stories to life, using the best techniques, formats and languages.

Invest in your company's communication and reach your audience - count on Take5. Contact us!


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