Discover 5 auxiliary tools for your training videos! 

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Training videos


Corporate training is a very valuable practice for companies of different sizes and market segments. However, in order to achieve the proposed objectives and be aligned with the most urgent demands of each sector, it is important that the tactics used are frequently updated.

With this in mind, we can say that the videos are among the highlights of this time! By opting for a dynamic language, but none the less didactic and informative, these resources promise to bring more efficiency and interactivity to training processes.

With this in mind, we will highlight in this content the importance of investing in training videos and the benefits they can bring to the company. And, to close on a high note, we will list 5 auxiliary tools that will make a difference in the production of your material. Continue reading and find out more!

Why is it so important to invest in corporate training?

Having deeper knowledge about the company — both its trajectory and its objectives and projections for the future, is essential for employees to feel more engaged and contribute to the company's growth. This is, in fact, one of the main merits of well-structured corporate training.

For employees who have been part of the team for some time, this process helps to improve the skills necessary for their work routine, in addition to developing new skills and expanding the spirit of integration and collaboration between teams.

For newly hired employees, training is essential so that they have a true immersion experience in the corporation's culture and feel more motivated when carrying out their daily functions.

On the other hand, each training requires a considerable investment of time and financial resources, as it is necessary to manage different stages, such as:

  • Prepare a schedule that does not harm the progress of the company's activities;
  • Have a place that has the capacity to bring together all participants;
  • Verify the need to hire the services of speakers, rent spaces and equipment, arrange accommodation, transportation and food;
  • Provide materials needed to carry out training, such as handouts and exercise books.

In this scenario, videos emerge as an interesting and cost-effective alternative, bringing several benefits to both companies and employees.

And, in the following topic, we will list some of the reasons why audiovisual resources are increasingly sought after options. Check out!

What are the main reasons for using videos in training processes?

Both during work and leisure time, we are constantly connected. And among the large volume of content that we access daily, videos have a special highlight, both on specific platforms for this format, such as YouTube and Vimeo, and on social networks.

Therefore, it is possible to observe that corporate training can also be included in this trend, becoming even more interesting for its participants and resulting in benefits like the ones you can see below!

Flexibility of times and locations

For companies that have branches, for example, the use of a training video eliminates the need for the speaker or participants to travel to a single location and the same date, even reducing financial costs.

Likewise, once the content is made available on a specific platform, it can be accessed entirely online. This way, employees will be able to watch it according to their availability and wherever they are, increasing the reach of the message.

Ease of understanding and retaining content

The association of images, texts, sounds and other audiovisual resources not only makes the content more dynamic and interesting, contributing to the learning process throughout the training.

Along with these factors, the possibility of pausing videos and reviewing certain sections more carefully results in an increase in the potential for information retention and its application in everyday life.

Content standardization

Through videos, it is possible to ensure that the same message will be transmitted to all employees, regardless of their location and when they will have access to training.

This way, the company guarantees that content will have standardized language and avoids the famous noise that can seriously harm training results.

Increased engagement

During online training through interactive videos, participants have the opportunity to ask questions and make comments in real time, which increases engagement rates.

Furthermore, the platforms have chat and forum features, ensuring interaction even after the training period.

Check out 5 auxiliary tools for your training videos

Now, the time has come to put your project into practice and start producing a training video that sparks interest and provides valuable information for your team. To help you with this mission, we have selected 5 auxiliary tools that will make a difference in this work!

1 - Soapbox

Soapbox works as an extension for the Google Chrome browser and, in addition to being completely free, it is also designed for those who are taking their first steps in the world of audiovisual production.

Although a good option for beginners, allowing videos to be recorded using the computer's or cell phone's webcam, the result is professional in quality! Just press the record button and let your imagination flow.

2 - Sony Vegas

Well known among audiovisual professionals, Sony Vegas is one of the most advanced software available on the market, requiring higher levels of video editing knowledge from its users.

On the other hand, this prerequisite is fully offset by the very high quality results it can bring to your corporate video. Therefore, it is worth dedicating yourself and getting to know this tool more closely.

3 - Adobe Spark

Adobe products are already beloved by communication and design professionals due to their vast possibilities in processing and editing images. Adobe Spark is not left behind and also has the advantage of being free for its users.

With Spark, in just a few steps you can create a quality video and adapt its format for sharing on different platforms, including social networks.

4 - Price

Both for creating graphs and organization charts and for producing more playful content, animations are an excellent alternative.

In this regard, the Prezi online platform goes far beyond its well-known functions for creating presentations, offering a wide range of functionalities and resources so that you can create attractive and engaging animation videos.

5 - iClone

Just like Prezi, iClone is an excellent tool for creating animations, but it also has one more difference: the possibility of generating 3D videos!

This option will certainly surprise both users and training participants, as well as bringing an extra touch of modernity to your audiovisual material.

Videos are truly incredible tools to make any corporate training more interesting and with highly positive results.

Speaking of positive results, how about taking the opportunity to get to know this Take5 solution for training your teams? Contact us and, together, we will come up with the video model that matches your company profile!



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