Is flexibility at work one of the main trends or reality in the business world?

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flexibility at work

flexibility at work

With the arrival of the pandemic, a large number of companies were forced to adopt different regimes to keep their employees active and, at the same time, safe. The most significant example was the adoption of home office.

But this trend isn’t limited to working from home. It goes further and covers issues such as technological tools, behaviors, training and working relationship models.

In this article, we will cover some important information, such as:

  • What is flexibility at work?
  • How important is flexibility at work?
  • Is flexibility at work a trend for the future or reality?
  • What are the benefits of flexibility at work?
  • How to develop flexibility at work?

continue reading and see the main trends that dominate the world of work!

What is flexibility at work?

In general terms, we can say that flexibility at work consists of a set of adaptations that make work activity more economical, efficient and sustainable.

In practice, this model gives more autonomy to the professional, regarding time, place, way of dressing and other factors. The format also involves a more horizontal and participatory relationship in the organizational culture.

In addition to being an alternative to dealing with health crises and keeping the company active, the flexibility process also covers economic issues and productivity.

How important is flexibility at work?

There are many factors that exemplify the importance of flexibility at work. We can mention the benefits that the company provides to employees - such as more autonomy in organizing their own tasks and better conditions for physical and mental health.

On the other hand, the tendency is for the company to be rewarded with better deliveries and more productivity, since professionals work more relaxed, without the stress of commuting, taking traffic or public transport.

Is flexibility at work one of the main trends or reality in the business world?

Is flexibility a trend of the future or reality?

This is an important question and has generated a lot of discussion. After all, are we already experiencing the trend towards more flexible work? The most appropriate answer may be the famous one: it depends.

If we were in 2019, therefore before the coronavirus crisis, the answer would certainly be completely negative. But after the long period of social isolation, it is possible to say that we are already experiencing this reality, albeit in an incipient way.

According to a study by the Brazilian Institute of Economics - IBRE, from Fundação Getúlio Vargas, the remote work modality was adopted by approximately 10% of workers in the country.

The most significant concentration occurred in the economically strongest and most urbanized regions, such as São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Brasília.

Is it still too little? Yes, but it is already a demonstration of progress. This is because a more flexible working model offers many benefits for both business owners and employees.

What are the benefits of flexibility at work?

We have already mentioned some in previous topics, but they are worth highlighting. The main benefits generated by flexibility at work are:

  • More efficient journey;
  • Economy (cost reduction);
  • More autonomy and independence;
  • Increased productivity;
  • More talent retention;
  • Among others.

How to develop flexibility at work?

In fact, this initiative depends exclusively on who runs the business. In this case, excluding the health issue from the scene, it is necessary to gather some information to assess whether or not it is worth investing in this group of flexibility.

The first step is to identify the company's main needs and assess whether it is really necessary to have employees working in person. Furthermore, it is necessary to know which technological tools are necessary for remote work to work, as well as what the communication channels and policies will be in the case of a more flexible regime.

In this sense, it is also very important to listen to employees and analyze what they think. Recent research shows, for example, that most workers in Brazil prefer a hybrid work regime, alternating between remote and in-person work.

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