Trade Marketing Challenges

4 minutes reading

Consumer behavior has changed and, as a result, the challenges in trade marketing have intensified, shaping the ways in which we create relationships with consumers. Whether through communication or technology.

This connection has been growing and helping points of sale with improved service, offering and management. Therefore, we will present the main challenges encountered in trade marketing and solutions for your point of sale. Continue reading and see below!

Presence management

One of the difficulties encountered within points of sale is ensuring that your brand is present, which is why trade marketing strategies need to be evident in the eyes of the consumer who, in addition to giving visibility to your product, must be attractive so that it arouses the interest of purchase.

This is challenging in an environment where competition is great with so many options. Your products or services need to be present in the eyes of your consumer, and this does not happen when disruption speaks louder. This is what happens when the product is not available to the consumer, a factor that should be avoided within points of sale.

Presence management is precisely working on strategies and means expanding your planning to guarantee the availability of your product at points of sale, always remaining present.

Be visible

To stay connected you need to be visible. With so many products on the shelves, what makes you different and guarantees your sale? It is necessary to draw your audience's attention to the image that the product conveys and, especially, if it is well positioned.

Therefore, your product needs to meet trade marketing strategies. Being in the right place and at the right time for your consumer. Furthermore, it is necessary to be well positioned to be seen, a challenge found within points of sale that are often assisted by salespeople, promoters and technology.

Controlled stock

Trade marketing work is the sum of all strategies within points of sale. These actions will lead your consumer to the product, when they actually find it. If it is missing, this often demonstrates poor management in trade marketing.

Not only is there a lack of product, but the absence of follow-up. To prevent this from happening, managers need to pay attention to the products and maintain stock control, indicating replacement whenever necessary. This situation applies to companies that offer products and provide services.

Establish positioning

This performance is carried out by promoters, consultants, salespeople and, in short, the professional representative of your brand. They are fundamental pieces in trade marketing and within points of sale.

The function is to represent your company through a person who makes himself available to the consumer, with the main objective of creating a relationship and maintaining a position regarding your decision.

Representatives need to be confident and demonstrate that they understand the product/service presented. To do this, you need to know, train and know that the power of action is in your hands. A work that is built by trade marketing and gains strength within points of sale.

Invest in transformations in Trade Marketing

If your company faces one of these challenges, it’s a sign that you’re in the right post! We have prepared some solutions that Take5 can offer in your company's trade marketing, helping you achieve good management at points of sale.

Staying informed and knowing your employees' routine is necessary when your team is in the field. That's why the 4 Traders is an application developed with the aim of making employees' lives easier and maintaining control at points of sale.

With management organized by the control panel, it is possible to consult the current location of each user, validate hours worked, route traveled, mileage, control over visits, price, actions and general data pasted at points of sale.

To help with sales representatives we have the Flash Sales, a system that helps your company maintain its positioning in terms of sales and its routines, making it possible to consult and learn about the product/service.

We provide content in the form of corporate training, produced in videos and PDFs through the famous “knowledge pill”, this tool will help your employee to offer information to your audience.

We believe that technology can improve the management of your company, developing systems that are efficient and effective in the routine of employees and managers.


Have you ever thought about how Take5 can add value to your company? We can help you, talk to us.


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