Trade Marketing: the importance of developing actions aimed at the point of sale

4 minutes reading

Marketing plays a fundamental role in promoting your company's products and services to the consumer market.

It is through marketing that we create interest, demand and also drive sales – but have you ever stopped to think that the end consumer is not the only customer of your operation? What about how marketing can help create a new relationship with the distribution network responsible for placing your products on the market?

How Trade Marketing can help

Trade marketing works to increase demand from wholesalers, retailers or distributors for your products and services, establishing a partnership model between manufacturers and distribution channels to reach consumers.

It connects products, logistics and marketing strategies - from this perspective, trade marketing can be understood as a B2B strategy, which constantly seeks to ensure that your company's product or service presents the most attractive and advantageous proposal for retailers.

But is this approach enough for companies that want to achieve a new level of sales and results in their operations?

A new approach considering the point of sale

To win in this new business scenario, you need to guide your operation towards understanding the market as a broad universe of interests, where manufacturers, distributors and consumers act in an integrated and organic way.

In this scenario, the point of sale can no longer be seen as just another variable, but rather as a crucial aspect of the operation, which requires personalized strategies to deliver unique experiences not only for consumers, but also to guarantee excellent results for retailers. , also (and mainly) affecting the manufacturer’s results.

The main challenge of trade marketing directed at the point of sale is to ensure that sales of the manufacturer's products and services run smoothly and to the advantage of everyone: if the distribution channels face difficulties in selling these products, the manufacturer's sales will be directly affected – To prevent this from happening you need to provide adequate support to ensure your products are displayed, promoted and marketed correctly.

This question expands the range of your commercial strategy so that you consider, in addition to the B2B approach, new action tactics also focused on the B2C market, in an integrated way.

Conquering the point of sale through trade marketing

With the growing importance of the point of sale and always working with a focus on sales profitability and strengthening the brand, Trade Marketing must work together with other company departments to develop and improve the attractiveness of its products and services, ensuring efficient operation. sustainable and avoiding the risk of dependence on distribution channels.

To work with POS assertively, it is necessary to consider some essential aspects of the business, such as:

Clients: A successful trade marketing strategy involves establishing new partnerships also in relation to strategic market data. With the integration of B2B and B2C data, it is possible to create comprehensive and scalable information assets about the consumer market, a fundamental issue for developing and directing more intelligent and effective strategies to meet the needs of these different types of customers;

Hand Wrapps: it is necessary to work with total focus on supporting field teams, so that they are always one step ahead of the market, closely observing both opportunities in distribution channels and new behaviors in the consumer market;

Marketing: the marketing team must be prepared to offer inspiration and support to the sales team and also to the distribution channels, through promotion and merchandising actions that add value (tangible or intangible) to their products. This should be done through market research and retail analysis, for example;

Financial results: the new commercial relationship proposed by trade marketing, fed by the information assets generated about the consumer market, takes us to a new level of activity, with more valuable and profitable sales and even new revenue streams, which results in better results.

Trade marketing teaches us a very valuable lesson: if your company wants to be successful, it cannot just rely on itself – your team's efforts will not be successful if they do not consider the particularities and specific objectives of your B2B and B2C businesses, for This is why it is essential to take a new look at the integration between point of sale, distribution channels and strategic planning.



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