How to create an efficient corporate training plan.

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How to create an efficient corporate training plan

When the subject is corporate training plan, it is very important that every marketing professional understands the importance of keeping their team up to date with the latest trends in the market, which is increasingly dynamic and competitive. This corporate investment has become essential for any sales strategy or people management.

O corporate training boosts your team's performance and quality of work. But do you know the best strategies for creating your own? training plan? To achieve goals efficiently, you need to know how to take advantage of the opportunities and tools available on the market.

A very valuable resource for any corporate training plan é content management through an LMS platform (Learning Management System or Learning Management System in Portuguese), whose purpose is to manage learning activities in a digital, practical and responsive way, making corporate environments more comfortable for users.

As LMS platforms are widely used by organizations seeking to centralize and optimize their business processes. training and development plan. Generally, these tools offer the possibility of customization and data analysis, providing more scalable and solid results.

In this article, in addition to learning how to how to put together a training plan, you will learn about practical examples and services of LMS platforms and everything related to an training plan efficient. Continue reading and check out the tips that our experts have put together for you on corporative education.

Training plan: 8 steps to create one for your business

Um training plan A well-structured corporate structure improves both the individual skills of your team members and the communication and effectiveness of the team as a whole. When using LMS platforms, you can even customize the strategies according to training needs and the skills of each person.

Check out eight simple steps to put together a training plan efficient for your company:

  • Needs identification

Assess which skills and knowledge are essential for key functions within your company. Then consider what needs to be improved and how to do it. Talking directly to people on your team is a great way to identify these areas for improvement.

  • Definition of objectives

Set specific and measurable goals for your training plan corporate, always aligned with the strategic objectives of the business. If your company needs to update macro objectives, do so before reaching this step. Also don’t forget to set deadlines for all goals.

  • Target audience overview

Determine who your target audience will be training plan corporate, that is, which employees and/or departments of the company need learning paths specific. If necessary, adapt the training content according to the needs of each group.

  • Choosing the training method

Define the format of the courses, whether they will be in-person, online or hybrid, the type of content presented, whether there will be workshops, mentoring or webinars, among other factors. Use an LMS platform to facilitate management and tracking of project progress training and development plan.

  • Content development

Create relevant and engaging materials on your topic training plan, fully adapted to the needs of your public-bowel. At this stage, it is important to have the support of a company specialized in capturing and editing audiovisual materials and e-learning, if you opt for online courses.

  • Implementation and evaluation

First, establish and present the training calendar for your team. Afterwards, carry out the learning paths, always offering flexible options to accommodate all team members. This is a great time to collect feedback and start evaluating the effectiveness of the training plan.

  • Analysis of results

To effectively monitor the progress of course participants, review performance indicators before and after the course. training plan. If necessary, adjust the learning paths and add extra resources, mentorships, and follow-up sessions.

  • Continuous update

keep the training plan updated based on micro transformations, within the company, and macro transformations, in the market as a whole. You can evolve the project according to feedback from participants, so always be open to hearing the opinion of everyone involved.

Advantages of investing in a corporate training plan

Investing in professional training has become essential in all areas of business. This results in advantages such as reducing turnover, increased work efficiency, stimulation of creativity and reduction of complaints. You can see many cost-benefits by dedicating time and resources to improve your teams.

For Fernando Zen, partner and director of development/IT and new business at Group Take 5, “the gains are in terms of agility, efficiency and competitiveness. To cite an example: an employee who learns to better manage time and manage projects will be more efficient and productive, bringing broad benefits to the business.”

Fernando still argues that a training plan It is essential for employees to reach their maximum potential and maintain a high level of engagement. Well-qualified employees become more competent, increasing confidence for internal promotions, which reduces the need for qualified external hires.

Check out some more advantages that Fernando highlighted in his opinion article on the portal Our Environment:

  • Increased productivity

As employees improve, they perform their activities more easily, avoiding frequent rework. Furthermore, he can become a disseminator of knowledge of the training and development plan, motivating the entire team and, consequently, improving results.

  • Increasing quality levels

A company's business success is directly linked to excellence in employee delivery. With more capable teams, efficiency increases, resulting in improved products and businesses, which in turn culminates in a substantial competitive advantage.

  • Greater competitive advantage

The organization that maintains a highly trained team positions itself ahead of the competition. Invest in a training plan for employees, in addition to being more economical than hiring specialists externally, it encourages internal motivation and the creation of career plans within the company.

In short, all these advantages form a virtuous cycle: better trained employees provide improved deliveries, generate stronger businesses and receive positive feedback, resulting in greater motivation and continuous engagement. That's why it's so important ride a training plan and corporate education effective.

Take 5 LMS: the best option for your training plan corporate

O Group Take 5 has more than 28 years of history and is positioned as a reference in the area of corporate training. Over this period, the company has gained international recognition due to its high-tech solutions and expertise, serving customers throughout Latin America, the United States and Canada.

O Take 5 LMS is a comprehensive platform for Learning Management System (Learning Management System), which offers a complete solution for managing teams and learning content training plan corporate. Furthermore, the system guarantees security and exclusivity in the management of employees, collaborators and partners.

With total customization, the platform adapts to training needs of your company, promoting learning through an innovative system of blended learning and multiscreen content. Enriched with gamification elements and personalized reports, Take 5 LMS provides a unique training experience.

Count on the expertise of experts at Group Take 5 to raise the standard of corporate training of your company, boosting your team's results through advanced technology and innovation solutions. We are here to guide your path towards growth and excellence.

Click here and schedule your free Take LMS demo now.

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