06 incredible reasons to digitize your corporate training

6 minutes reading

Corporate training is an important competitive differentiator, as it promotes the qualification and development of your teams, contributing to the development and growth of the organization and preparing the professionals on your team to always be one step ahead of the competition.

Current training needs to offer companies and their employees tools and experiences that deliver agile, flexible learning that prioritizes time management and cost reduction.

Faced with this demand, e-learning presents itself as a new and excellent form of learning, as it offers online and mobile education with benefits and interactive resources that create and develop new knowledge, skills and professional competencies.

The role of LMS in the digitalization of learning

Os Learning Management System are online teaching and management platforms, integrated systems that provide companies with total control over the structuring, content and delivery of training, while at the same time offering corporate students a different learning experience, more digital, connected, flexible and available on all web and mobile platforms.

LMSs provide a range of functionalities and tools designed for the storage, distribution and management of learning content, in a progressive and interactive way, supporting a multitude of essential resources for the development of courses and immersive activities, motivating the student to participate in an interactive way. active and lasting experience throughout the training, without him becoming bored or feeling disconnected from the themes and situations presented.

Through these platforms we guarantee the recording of all activities carried out by your students and also a constant and progressive evaluation of employees who are in corporate training. The various digital tools and interactions offered by the LMS offer important support for the construction of knowledge through discussions, decision making and the development of critical thinking.

There are countless reasons for your company to adopt e-learning strategies as a means of strengthening learning for your professionals. Below we highlight 06 incredible reasons to digitize your corporate training. Follow along!

Interactivity and instructional strategies

One of the main aspects of online training is the ability to provide interactive, multimedia activities and content. These materials are like triggers that facilitate and enhance the development of your professionals, making the digital classroom environment more attractive for your students. The LMS allows the creation, structuring, delivery and management of interactive content in a simple and organic way, without prior programming knowledge being necessary – these tools, brought together on the same platform, function as a built-in library of models and visual resources, where it is possible to facilitate the development of strategies such as self-directed learning, for example. Thus, digital learners are no longer adrift in the evolution of training, but rather turn to these instructional strategies to make the course more relevant and meaningful.

Rational use of time

Corporate training is affected by time in several ways: on the one hand we have the instructors and the time needed to carry out research, collections, studies and several other factors that imply the preparation of classes and planned activities. On the other hand, there is the issue of geographic dispersion or conflicting agendas that prevent teams from constantly being brought together to hold face-to-face meetings. What if it were possible to bring together all the effort of your instructors in just one place? What if all training materials were available on demand, ensuring continuous learning for your professionals? E-learning training, through the LMS, can be formulated in accordance with the company's strategic objectives, considering the learning needs of its professionals and ensuring easy and quick access to the most relevant information for their daily activities - these facilities result in a Rational use of time for both the company and its students, who will come to see training as a valuable aspect of their professional experience and no longer as a task to be completed.

Greater motivation and engagement                          

The variety of content and formats naturally connected to corporate training make online course classes much more attractive than long traditional classes, without interactive content. Instead of wasting time copying and reading materials in the classroom, you can finally focus on understanding, understanding, discussing and forming your own opinions regarding the content presented, which increases the individual motivation of your employees and increases engagement of your team not only in relation to your e-learning project, but also in the practical application of the knowledge acquired, leading the company as a whole to achieve increasingly better results.

Best value for money

This is another significant improvement: in e-learning training there is no need to copy thousands of papers, develop handouts, buy books and other printed materials, among others. Furthermore, with online training the student does not need to travel to a pre-determined location to attend lectures or face-to-face classes - they can practice and access all the corporate training information from their home, their desk and in free time, for example, greatly reducing costs with accommodation, food and transport. The LMS offers more advantages at lower costs - all materials are gathered online, in one place, available for downloading, reading, editing and sharing. In addition to offering a better cost-benefit ratio for the company and allowing students greater flexibility in the use of their time, it is also a sustainable way of thinking about the world.

Online exams and certifications

The LMS offers countless opportunities to evaluate the performance of your employees – through online exams and tests, we can assess whether engagement, understanding and the acquisition of new skills are within the objectives set. The learning management system is also beneficial for your students, as it offers an integrated platform where activities take place flexibly, at times that suit your professionals' time availability. Digital learning also helps to engage and motivate your students to continue their educational experiences through certifications that indicate the evolution and path they are taking in the search for new skills and knowledge.

Effectiveness in communication

Good online platforms for corporate training provide a wide variety of integrated communication systems, from sending messages to students and training instructors, to webinars, interactive videos and discussion forums, among others. This way, instructors can transparently establish tasks, delivery dates, group discussions and much more, without the need to wait for the possibility of face-to-face meetings. Online training expands the support system for professionals involved with the project and can also be an excellent tool for improving interpersonal relationships and group work.

Corporate training is an essential part of business success - organizations that broaden their horizons through the digitalization of the learning process deliver a much more relevant, scalable, practical and consistent educational experience to their professionals, generating much more positive results for the future of its operations.

Staff Take 5


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