07 incredible tips on what to evaluate when choosing an LMS

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Choosing the right Learning Management System for your project is the first step towards the success of your corporate training strategy. But before choosing, it takes dedication and focus to evaluate all the options available on the market, which may seem like a superhuman task – in the midst of so much information and alternatives, what should we analyze?

With this challenge in mind, we have put together 07 tips that will make this evaluation process much faster, simpler and more intuitive. Shall we check it out?

Study your current and future needs

The first step is to identify, study and understand the real training and management needs of your company. involve your employees in this process, as leaders are often unaware of problems faced by their teams on a daily basis and which can be resolved with the correct approach, for example. Consider all aspects of your operation and don’t limit yourself to your current scenario – the future is just around the corner and needs to be considered. What are the main opportunities and challenges of your market in the medium and long term? What does your team need to prepare to face the competition and achieve better results? Structure your questions to get answers transparently.

Meet your team

Each professional on your teams has a different background: beliefs, skills, experiences, academic backgrounds, everything has value and impact on your corporate training, so it is important to establish what your team's current skills are and what the main gaps and needs are. of learning that need to be worked on in your training. Using this data, it will be possible to develop specific content and activities to resolve these issues – and your LMS needs to be prepared accordingly.

Define the contents and interactions of your e-learning

Content and activities can be formatted and delivered in different formats: video classes, interactive videos, animations, illustrations and graphics, texts and e-books, webinars and podcasts – the options are countless and each of them requires different preparation and delivery. Once you have defined and known what your project's objectives and audiences will be, it's time to ensure that the LMS is prepared to deliver content and interactions as designed in your training strategy.

Establish the resources and functions necessary for management

Once the company is able to correctly establish its objectives and strategies, it is possible to define the structuring of the resources and functionalities that will be needed to manage training and deliver content. The clearer the requirements, the simpler the analysis. The company can divide its needs into three categories: functional (permission and control of administrators, access, CV and activity management), technical (reporting and data mining, support and integration with other systems) and cost (free technical support, license cost, customization values. Gather the main requirements and identify the best options based on the additional features offered by each supplier, such as prices, support options and implementation time, for example.

Flexibility is key

The ability to adapt and the ease of programming changes or new paths are fundamental aspects for a lasting LMS, a natural result of correct structuring. Learning management systems need to be flexible, allowing the company to simply and quickly update both its delivery strategies and its activities and content – ​​this flexibility is fundamental to building and expanding its training according to the current and future needs of the company. operation – the investment must be made thinking not only about the present, but mainly about the system's ability to adapt to the future needs of your organization.

Also consider technical limitations

A common mistake is to evaluate and think only about what the company/client needs, without considering any technical limitations faced by the LMS provider. Sometimes the platform delivers incredible authoring and management tools and features, complete reports and simple integrations, but fails in content structuring, navigation and the absence of a responsive design. Demand full transparency from the supplier about any limitations and if any are already being addressed, ensure that they are ready and running before closing your project.

Meet the supplier

Assessing the supplier's qualifications and history is prerequisite number 01 before any hiring: look for current and former customers to get an idea of ​​how the supplier operates and the quality of its service and support. Another way to learn in detail about the supplier's operation is through demonstrations and technical visits that demonstrate how the provider organizes and manages its service provision, the knowledge it has about the market and the level of engagement it has with its customers' business. , for example.

Choosing an LMS is no easy task: it requires a lot of market research, a lot of internal studies and intelligent strategic thinking. Although this process is not so simple or quick, it guarantees the company greater chances of success by basing decision making through proven evaluation and selection practices that will later prove to be essential for the success of structuring the Learning Management System and will make all the difference in the results of your corporate training.

Take5 Team


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