5 ideas to stimulate Active Learning

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Learning is the path that leads us to new knowledge, skills, behaviors and values. But how can you help your students learn in a deeper and more meaningful way?

Teaching requires much more effort than simply presenting a list of facts and data and expecting people to understand the practical importance of this information in their lives.

Developing new skills involves much more than requiring your students to memorize what was presented: work on engagement, Critical thinking, collaboration and problem solving are fundamental aspects of learning that truly prepares professionals for the challenges of the corporate environment.

But what is Active Learning and what are its main benefits?

The concept of “active learning” is relatively simple: it involves planning learning through a series of content and activities that involve the student in the learning process, making them participate more in the classroom (real or virtual) and actively collaborate with their personal development and also the development of their colleagues.

In active learning, corporate students are not indifferent figures, who sit, listen and passively memorize the training content: they are the main actors of learning, capable of demonstrating processes, analyzing and constructing arguments and applying theoretical concepts in situations that replicate the environment real business.

This learning strategy offers numerous benefits for corporate training:

  • Values ​​independent, critical and creative thinking;
  • Encourages interpersonal collaboration, strengthening teams;
  • Meets different learning needs;
  • Adds value and relevance to training;
  • Facilitates practical understanding of concepts and theories;
  • Reinforces important behavioral skills, such as cooperation and leadership;
  • Increases motivation and engagement levels;

How to strengthen your corporate training through active learning?

Digital training, through its interactive and flexible content, provides students with activities that mirror real-world challenges, spaces for group discussions and collaborations and interactive problem solving, for example.

The practical experience of learning improves retention and helps your professionals connect new skills and knowledge with the corporate environment in a more immersive way, ensuring that training obtains faster, more robust results and aligned with the strategic objectives of your e-learning project.

Do you want to know how to include and encourage active learning in your corporate training? We have separated 05 tips below, check them out!

Problem solving based on real cases

Exercises with this type of approach help students develop critical thinking and analytical skills - case studies are relevant for students as they bring complex and subjective concepts closer to the real world and encourage them to transform theory into practice, applying what they are learning taking into account the impacts and results that will be felt in the day-to-day life of the corporate environment. Solving problems based on real cases is also a useful tool for reinforcing best practices and promoting corporate culture.

Online debates

This is another active learning technique that helps develop critical thinking and logical reasoning skills. Debates reveal the complexity of the issues covered and help students understand that every issue has not just two, but several sides. Presenting different points of view and assigning students to defend one or more of these competing points is an interesting exercise that allows professionals to assume different roles and learn according to the angle of each issue addressed, adapting to reconstruct their positions each time they change sides. in simulations.

Small group discussions

Reflecting on what was presented during training is important to ensure that all students have time to reread and study the most sensitive points of learning, deepening understanding and retention of new knowledge. Discussions and group work also help to develop leadership and communication skills, while strengthening the interpersonal bonds essential for building cohesive and cooperative teams – those that always achieve the best results.

Brainstorm sessions

Thinking and discussing alternative possibilities without judgment, in an environment that values ​​freedom and the exchange of ideas is an important step towards developing active learning in your corporate training. Brainstorm sessions allow professionals to discuss ideas about how a concept can be applied to a problem that interests them and naturally opens up space for new ideas and solutions. It is important to remember that in these sessions there is no right or wrong – the intention is to create an environment that encourages new ways of understanding the topics covered, increasing engagement levels.

Questions and answers

It is our ability to question that has brought us here: questions are powerful learning tools and important allies when it comes to gaining the participation and attention of corporate students. The instructor can begin the training session with thought-provoking questions to capture students' interest, motivating them to participate through their responses. Or you can develop the habit of finishing each stage or module of the course, opening up space for students' questions, allowing colleagues to answer these questions, for example.

Engaging and winning over a corporate training audience is an exciting task: creating content and formats that encourage the exchange of ideas, cooperation and sharing of experiences is a sure way to encourage the active participation of your professionals throughout the training process. corporate and should be an essential strategy of your project!

Staff Take 5


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