6 training indicators to apply to your company management

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6 training indicators to apply to your company management

KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) are key performance indicators, that is, they are a way of quantifying your results by evaluating calculations about a certain area of ​​your company. And, it aims to analyze the performance of these processes.

KPI = Performance indicator

Also used to measure the results of corporate training, KPIs can be calculated based on your organization's needs. There are different types of indicators that your organization can use for analysis, whether within sectors, on your company's website or even to evaluate an employee. 

Known as an HR metric, the indicators seek to show organizations what can be improved. It is not enough to just collect the data and wait for the answers, but it is important to evaluate correctly to obtain the correct data.

In order to determine the performance of employees in training, the KPI is a way for companies to identify these possible flaws, correct and improve the content.

Continue reading and discover which of these indicators your company can apply to your organization's corporate training. Follow along!

Identify the best training indicator for your company:

#1 – Adhesion indicator

This indicator aims to evaluate the rate of people who were interested in the training, better understanding the involvement of its contents. This way it is possible to know what percentage of employees are interested.

This way, your company's management can evaluate the number of people who were invited or who had access to the training based on the publicity of the event. Finding out who participated and can undertake the training.

This survey is done in a simple and practical way. Let's assume that 100 employees were registered for your event but only 30 of them confirmed their presence and completed the training, your adherence rate is therefore 30%.

This is a simple example that your company can follow to assess publicity or even interest in your company's training.

#2- Abandonment indicator

As we can predict from the name, this indicator evaluates the behavior of abandoning your training. Here the collaborator has already signed up and started the content, but often ends up leaving it aside along the way.

The main objective is to identify the abandonment rate of your training, evaluate the results and understand at which stage they are experiencing difficulties to the point of abandoning the content.

Is it the methodology? Or the degree of difficulty of the content? And, in this way, find out if they are having difficulties or simply giving up on training. By identifying this problem, it becomes easier to improve your content.

#3 – Reaction indicator

The reaction indicator is the main channel that your company can use to find out employees' opinions, as the purpose of this phase is to see each employee's point of view on the training and content.

It ends up being a consequence of the abandonment rate, because when identifying a high rate of lack of interest in training, it is time to understand what has caused this abandonment.

It is a way of measuring team satisfaction and dissatisfaction and, for it to have an effect on your company, employees need to be as clear and sincere as possible. Therefore, it is important that anonymous feedback is provided, without them having to identify themselves, giving them complete freedom to express themselves.

An important factor is to carry out the assessments after a few days of training, giving them time to consume the content and be able to talk about it with confidence and without any pressure.

The reaction rate is carried out as an evaluation or satisfaction survey and, in this way, your company can measure the results.

#4 – Average learning assessment indicator

In this indicator, the company evaluates the learning rate of employees, identifying their level of knowledge based on the training applied. This aims to show whether employees are applying their learning and whether this is bringing results to the company.

This process ends up being a little longer than the others, as it requires information about the behavior of employees. Therefore, it is legal for your company to carry out tests before and after applying the content, to obtain a more efficient average of results.

As your employees complete the training, your company must administer a test or test that presents everything covered in the training. And, shortly after, release the certificate to employees. This way it is possible to calculate the results and obtain the average learning rate of the content.  

#5 – Individual achievement indicator

It seeks to identify how many employees performed new skills and what was the importance of training for this change. Evaluating the scope of new positions, it seeks to understand whether the employee applied the knowledge in their routine and how this added to their professional journey.

#6 – Training indicator  

Finally, the indicator that all training management needs to carry out and create the habit of evaluating was missing. In order to measure the investment your company makes in corporate education, this indicator considers the cost of training per employee. The calculation is made based on the formula:

Per capita value of training = (total amount invested in training / total number of participants) x 100

This process can be treated as a strategy within the company, as it seeks to identify what results your company is obtaining with training. It is also possible to relate the rate of increase and the rate of reduction in results compared to previous months. And, thus, recognize whether your investment is paying off.

Benefits generated by indicators

Now that you've seen some of the main training indicators in your company, learn about the advantages that this metric can offer in your organization. Check it out below!

Know the processes and their organization: It is essential to understand the current situation of processes within your company and diagnose possible failures. With the indicators, your company can measure these results and seek intervention strategies.

More objective results: Linked to results, KPIs enable organizations to analyze their sectors and processes, measuring their results with greater objectivity and precision, which helps companies to set goals and plan major actions for their employees.

KPIs are essential for the HR team, as they facilitate decision-making in the sector and propose more objective results. When dealing with people management, indicators offer a more direct channel for evaluating the organization.

Goal structuring: The indicators seek to present the impacts that training is having on employees and, thus, present monitoring of your team's performance.

By structuring these results, your organization can work on developing new goals and objectives that are present in your reality.

Apply these strategies to your company's training management and discover what points your organization needs to improve. If you need help, count on Take5. Talk to one of our experts!

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