7 tips on how to coordinate your team remotely

4 minutes reading

In the home office world, routine stops being our friend sometimes. The coffees are free, and the functions... Ah, those don't change! We need to feel integrated with the team or manager in this universe where our office is our living room.

If the role of the manager is already important during day-to-day life in the company, imagine outside of it! The work and responsibility only increase.

Therefore, we have put together 7 tips that will help you coordinate your team remotely, check them out below!

1 - First, align the functions!

Define with your employees the objectives of their roles. Don't be afraid to set some goals, each manager decides to coordinate the team according to their relationship and routine in a professional environment and, working from home ends up generating a routine different from what we are used to. However, as the roles and responsibilities do not stop, it is necessary to adapt them to the home office concept.

Setting and measuring these objectives encourages employees to commit to their work, prioritizing their activities. Furthermore, it is important that you define the working hours and breaks that each employee must take, this will help keep your team aligned and organized.

2 - Organized management

Organizing a team starts with the manager. This person, in addition to carrying the responsibility of being a leader, needs to determine goals and objectives, direct team activities, organize training, control and evaluate results and find ways to manage all of this in the best way, keeping the team and its sector aligned.

But how to manage a team remotely? With the growth of home office, platforms have emerged that assist in this management, with complete administration through systems that will plan and keep all employees integrated with information during their routine. On a management platform it is possible to generate reports and measure results.

3 - Maintaining corporate training

You know those training sessions that got backlogged due to the rush? Talk and encourage your team to complete this content, encourage employees to carry out this training through platforms that offer a distance learning teaching. Create a routine by determining objectives and encouraging the company's corporate education. Through distance learning education technology, your team will integrate with the content!

4 - Taking care of the Infrastructure

Involve employees with platforms that promote interaction between the team, facilitating the home office routine and attracting everyone to this technology. It is essential that you, as a manager, offer the support and infrastructure necessary for your team, as this will count in development and results, guaranteeing everything from platforms that will add distance work to tools that your employees need on a daily basis. 

5 – Don’t forget to hold meetings

Working from home generates many advantages for the company and the employee's performance, however the routine ends up being more lonely than in a corporate environment, both for managers and even for employees, which is why it is important to manage regular meetings.

Remote work was encouraged and issues to be improved through videoconferences were put on the agenda. Propose to fit these meetings into your employee's routine, offering access to platforms that have this tool. 

6 - Even far away, be present

We know that managing a team remotely is not such a simple task, which is why we value communication between managers and employees. Regardless of the environment employees are in, there are platforms that bring the team closer together, whether through training, sharing information and being present in the team's routine.

Stimulate this proximity with feedback, definitions of objectives and goals, stimulating training, holding meetings via video conference, clarifying doubts and maintaining this relationship even at a distance.

7 - Time management through training

One of the difficulties that managers encounter when coordinating their teams remotely is controlling their routines, as being able to measure working hours in a home office ends up being challenging. Therefore, many managers are faced with the difficulty of creating very rigid or unfair routines in relation to each employee's daily workload.

An important tip to help measure working hours is to coordinate with employees the completion of weekly training, so that they complete one or two training sessions during the week. This way, you will be able to see the number of hours your team has dedicated and measure how each employee's development and qualifications are going.

Even remotely, you can coordinate your team while maintaining organization and communication with the help of platforms that will add to your routine and we at Take5 can help you with this. Contact us and find out more!


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