7 essential steps to developing a training program

4 minutes reading

Being prepared for the great demands of the market is what makes a company stand out. And since people are the center of this issue, there is nothing better than having teams that make a difference.

Therefore, having training capable of developing skills and competencies, in addition to stimulating productivity, is essential. Not to mention the great advantage of retaining talent, as employees who feel valued do not want to leave where they are.

It is for this reason that, when thinking about training your organization's professionals, you need to structure a solid, fluid training program that delivers results in the short term, both in day-to-day technical issues and with regard to people management.

Below, learn seven detailed steps on how to develop a great customer service program. corporate training.

1. Assess your audience’s needs

When we speak in public, understand employees and the company. The idea here is to understand what people need, but that meets the company's macro needs.

Survey employees’ weaknesses and main difficulties, preferably with the help of department managers. Another cool tip is to carry out an organizational climate survey to raise important points about people.

Regarding the company itself, find out what its short, medium and long-term goals are. This way, you can identify needs by phases of the process.

2. Create the plan

After understanding the needs of the company's entire ecosystem, it's time to point out the path to new knowledge.

What will be taught? Will the training be in person or online? Which methodology to use? Will I need a subcontractor for any stage of construction? Inside my budget, what would be the limitations?

Questions like these will come naturally. So, record all these questions, along with possible solutions, and start putting together a training outline.

3. Develop the content

All preparation was thought out and executed. Now, it’s time to develop the training content. This part of the process can vary greatly, depending on the profile of the professionals who will be trained, as well as the company's investment power.

You can opt for more traditional training, on the spot, in a classroom format. This option is usually cheaper, but does not have the dynamism of the online proposal.

Today the market offers several training options on the web, which gives students flexibility to absorb content wherever they are, at any time of the day. Resources such as videos, interactive PDFs and games give training a different dynamic, accelerating learning.

4. Offer the appropriate structure

You concluded that certain training will be more productive if applied in the company, in person. OK, so you will need items such as a room that can hold a certain number of employees, a computer, television or big screen, and so on. Oh, and don't forget to think about the coffee break, as people will notice that point.

Now, if the option is an online application, ensure that all employees are able to access the content both at work and outside of work. Furthermore, you will need to hire a company specialized in setting up and offering content via the web.

5. Choose a guardian

Choosing a tutor for training ensures that a person fully immersed in the process will always be close to the students. Its main function is to keep the public engaged in training, and must have characteristics such as didactics, empathy and a spirit of leadership.

6. Put training into practice

This step isn't much of a secret, if all the previous ones have been done well. Here, the responsibility falls on the listed executors, whether they will apply the previously agreed methodologies, respond to students' doubts and respect the completion deadlines.

Another essential issue is the good dissemination of training. Use and abuse e-mail, intranet and bulletin boards, so that everyone knows the existence and importance of new content.

7. Measure results

The final stage can happen either in the middle or at the end of training. To understand whether learning is being effective, ask for feedback from participants and speak to managers in their areas so that they can develop productivity indicators.

One last tip is to prepare certificates of completion. This is a way of recognizing the participants' efforts, engaging them in future journeys.


Speak to a training program development expert.


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