Discover how to measure employee engagement in 7 steps!

6 minutes reading


Carrying out a performance assessment of your employees is extremely important to ensure greater productivity and, consequently, business growth.

However, many companies still do not know how to measure this engagement, or do not have the necessary tools to do so. 

As a result, these companies miss a valuable opportunity to learn about the strengths and weaknesses of their teams to make the necessary changes.

In this content, we will delve deeper into the concept of performance evaluation, in addition to highlighting its importance and presenting a list of methods and steps necessary to transform this project into practice. Check out!

What is a performance appraisal?

Performance evaluation is one of the main tools used by HR to measure employee development!

It is used to measure levels of involvement in activities and with the organizational culture itself. And, when applied properly, it works as a true thermometer to measure the productivity rates and growth of the company as a whole.

Through performance assessment, it is possible to carry out an in-depth study of several factors, such as:

  • The relationship between leaders and their teams;
  • The commitment of employees to the company’s objectives;
  • The attitude of professionals during the workday;
  • Absenteeism and turnover rates;
  • The relationship between meeting established goals and employee productivity;
  • The levels of satisfaction or stress generated by the organizational routine.

These results are reflected in the quality of products and services offered and have a great impact on customer satisfaction and the company's image in the market.

Therefore, it is essential that managers pay special attention to each of the criteria scored in the assessment to identify possible improvements, the need to offer training and training courses or even make strategic changes in teams and in the execution of internal processes.

How important is it to carry out a performance evaluation?

With performance evaluation, managers can have accurate and tangible data on the results of each sector of the company. Thus, these leaders can understand the real potential of their teams to develop tactics that contribute to increasing integration and productivity effectively.

By understanding the profile of each employee, it is possible to create an environment in which they feel motivated to do their best every day, in addition to offering opportunities that contribute to the development of their career within the company.

And here we are not just talking about bonuses, increased pay or job changes, but also about offering working conditions that guarantee employees more security, emotional stability and a sense of belonging.

The importance of a good performance assessment is also reflected, finally, in the speed and quality of deliveries, ensuring greater prominence compared to the competition and contributing to the loyalty of internal and external audiences.

What are the main performance evaluation methods?

Nowadays, companies can find a wide variety of performance evaluation methods. The secret is to choose the one that best meets the company's objectives. Below, we will list some of the main tactics used by HR departments.

1 - Self-assessment

As the name suggests, the employee will be responsible for evaluating their own performance using a questionnaire previously defined by the company.

It is an important method for enabling self-reflection, but it must be applied carefully as, depending on the employee's profile, the results may not correspond to reality. And this can happen in two ways:

  • The professional gives a lower score, because they charge excessively or do not feel properly recognized;
  • The individual may overestimate their own work for fear of suffering negative consequences if the result is not what managers expected.

Therefore, if the company chooses this technique, the person responsible for the evaluation process must know the employee's work history and have a keen eye to identify what is behind the answers provided.

2 - Direct or “one-to-one” assessment

This method can be very effective in enabling a clear, objective and transparent conversation between the employee and the manager. But for everything to go as expected, it is essential to consider some important factors.

The manager must know the professional in front of him and must keep in mind the objective of the evaluation and which points should be highlighted throughout the evaluation. Furthermore, it is very important to adapt the language used so that the employee does not feel intimidated and better absorbs the information given.

This assessment can bring many gains to the creation of a quality relationship within the corporation, bringing the company's management closer to other departments.

3 - 360º Assessment

This type of assessment encompasses different audiences: managers, HR staff, teams of employees and, in some cases, even customers and suppliers.

Here, using a structured questionnaire, all participants evaluate themselves and, based on this meeting of different points of view, personal development specialists will be able to assess where the company's real needs lie.

As it involves so many personalities, the ideal is for the company to already work with a good feedback culture to obtain the expected results.

4 - Customer evaluation

This assessment is most suitable for those employees who work in direct contact with customers and can be applied through a questionnaire presented by the employee himself, through an online opinion survey or even through testimonials and impressions “collected” throughout a conversation.

Whatever the tactic used, it is possible to evaluate important data such as the quality of service, the image that the customer has of the company, satisfaction with the product or service provided, among other factors that contribute to the formation of a loyal audience.

7 steps to measure your employee engagement

Now that you are well informed about performance evaluation and its importance for strengthening teams and the healthy growth of the company, let's finish with the 7 steps you can follow to measure your employees’ level of engagement. Observe and take note!

  1. Start by carrying out a skills mapping to better understand talents that are already in the companies and understand the skills that need to be developed;
  2. Establish the objectives of the assessment and how the results will be used to engage employees;
  3. Choose the method that best suits your company’s profile and the objectives established in the previous topic;
  4. Structure the questionnaires with questions that bring up relevant topics, such as technical skills, behavior, performance goals and relationships between teams;
  5. Apply performance assessment to employees, encouraging everyone’s participation and reinforcing the importance of the tool;
  6. Once the process is complete, carefully evaluate the results and produce a complete report with all the information collected;
  7. Provide feedback to each participant individually, thus preserving their privacy to reflect on the results obtained.

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