Are you already using blended learning to train your employees?

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blended learning


Nowadays, offering innovative products and services is no longer enough to survive or stand out in a highly competitive world. It is necessary that the professionals who are part of your organization follow the changes, which happen at an increasingly faster pace and who are prepared to create or learn new skills and knowledge that make your company surpass the competition.

Now you may be asking yourself: what is the shortest way to deal with this scenario? And, one of the alternatives is certainly: invest in the learning of your employees through blended learning

So, let's try to analyze what is behind this modern methodology. continue reading and know what it is blended learning and how it is inserted in the corporate world! 

What is blended learning

Blended means mixture, combination of different things and Learning the Learn. Hence blending learning ( b-learning) is a learning method that combines pedagogical practices from face-to-face teaching and remote teaching to facilitate rapid assimilation of what is being learned.

But what are these practices? They can include traditional debates, lectures and even games, case studies, simulations, webinars, chats in discussion forums, anything that is didactic and motivates the student to learn.

So basically, the blended learning It's a mix of an immersive classroom experience with an online learning space to impart knowledge.

blended learning in the corporate environment: how does it work?

O blended learning It is a very effective learning solution for groups with different skill and ability levels. And, for this reason, it works very well in the corporate environment, where participants are not always at the same stage of knowledge.

So that professionals can really assimilate the content, the blended learning adds the use of technologies in a traditional classroom and at the same time provides the online environment to provide access to discussions and educational content.

But let's see how the blended learning It works in practice both in face-to-face and distance learning.

blended learning in face-to-face teaching

For increase the level of engagement, prioritizes interactivity. Whether between the person transmitting and receiving the information, an interaction that involves the participants among themselves. 

The content covered in the face-to-face meeting is usually released in advance on a virtual platform so that it can be discussed in a group by participants. Research and work are done at home, with face-to-face moments only for assessments or presentations.

blended learning in distance learning

Here, unlike what happens in face-to-face teaching, the virtual platform is the protagonist of the story. In addition to receiving and sending materials and work online, employees also participate in discussion forums, chats and live broadcasts.

blended learning

benefits of blended learning

1 - Allows each employee to get the most out of learning  

Imagine participating in a marathon and being forced to maintain the same pace as the winner of the last São Silvestre. Impossible, right? The reality of employee training is not far from that. 

Everyone has different levels and needs, but with the blended learning everyone will have the chance to assimilate learning at their own pace, accessing the content as many times as you want and being able to ask the person responsible for the training or even other participants for guidance.

Another difference that tends to impact learning is that some employees may find it easier to learn by reading texts accompanied by presentations, while others may understand the subject better after watching related videos. 

Well, blended learning meets all of them, incorporating Power Point material, images, audio and video files, as well as many others resources capable of guiding them to reach their maximum potential.

2 - Increases training ROI

No blended learning, the biggest impact in terms of ROI (return on investment) is on efficiency, as the objectives to be achieved are defined beforehand and the results are recorded, making it possible to individually evaluate all participants and analyze what is working and what needs to be improved.

3 - Reduces costs

Companies are always looking to reduce costs, right? But it is even more true that, in times of crisis, like the ones we are going through, saving on everything possible is essential. As blended learning, that happens.

There are no travel or accommodation expenses for employees or potential speakers and there is no need to bear the costs of renting physical spaces. 

This minus account also includes factors that are not numerical but impact the final cost, such as time that is not lost in traffic, punctuality, schedules that do not need to coincide to set dates and times, an end to monitoring refunds and bureaucracy. Anyway, the list is long, but the advantages are even greater.

4 - Promotes the assimilation of learning

The combination of online and offline resources for transmitting knowledge makes the experience very rich, helping participants to assimilate and retain teachings more easily and quickly, as concepts are reinforced consistently.

5 – Facilitates communication

In purely online teaching, the difficulty of having questions answered as they arise is a fact. Already in b-learning, participants' doubts can be clarified during the face-to-face meeting.

6 - Encourages exchange and collaboration

Hybrid teaching brings people together, encourages contact and allows course participants to work together, engage in discussions, exchange experiences, give each other feedback and support each other, which results in greater engagement, motivation and learning.

7 - Allows you to measure student progress in real time

In traditional learning methods, participants' progress is only known during formal assessment, which usually takes place at the end of training. But in blended learning, Online test reports allow you to identify which areas test takers need help with reach your full potential.

Why invest in blended learning?

Investing in the training of your company's professionals through this innovative teaching modality means promoting a more dynamic and assertive education without having to do significant expenses.

Participants tend to engage more easily, as each person's needs are in focus, in addition to their natural skills, abilities, and improvement and learning goals.

As in the best combinations that please us so much, the blended learning possibility take advantage of the best qualities of both face-to-face and remote teaching at the same time. These are methodologies that add up and complement each other to enhance results. 

on the one hand, interaction, the possibility of exchanging experiences and closer contact between participants, on the other hand, the flexible routine of online training and the practicality and ease of accessing content at any time and from any place, via a virtual environment .

O blended learning brings together the best of online and offline to make teaching more efficient and motivate your employees, encouraging them to actively participate in their own learning and the positive and permanent results in the company!

If you want to learn about more topics like this, visit our article on: Agile Learning: the best way to make success come to your company faster.

But remember: the transition from a fully in-person model to a hybrid model requires a strategy to be successful. So, if you want to know more about the blended learning, speak to one of Take5’s experts:


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