Business Agility: learn everything about this strategy to overcome changing scenarios!

6 minutes reading
business agility


Ensuring a position of stability in their segment of activity is still a primary project for many companies. However, the market itself is in constant movement, especially with the increasingly rapid development of business-oriented technologies.

With this in mind, the ability to adapt to new demands quickly, without losing quality, can be considered a highly valuable characteristic for companies that wish to remain competitive in today's world.

This competence is called Business Agility and should be part of the vocabulary of professionals from the most diverse areas. In this content, you can stay well informed about the concept, in addition to knowing the importance of being agile and the benefits that this can bring to the corporate routine. Continue reading to find out more!

What is Business Agility?

In a few words, Business Agility can be defined as an organizational method that helps companies, regardless of their size and area of ​​activity, to gain the necessary expertise to adapt to internal and external changes in a truly agile and efficient way.

Although this concept originated in the field of technological sciences, with the development and implementation of software to improve everyday processes, today agile practices can now be analyzed with a broader perspective.

Currently, Business Agility has already become a fundamental solution, which encompasses the organizational culture as a whole, including the improvement of the corporation's human capital and the continuous delivery of value to customers.

In this way, Business Agility becomes an integral part of the company's development, unlocking old routine procedures and bureaucracy, and ensuring that it grows effectively even in markets with higher levels of volatility.

How does the Business Agility culture work?

In more traditional organizations, there is a mistaken view that investing in changes is complex and requires precious time that could be used to expand production.

However, the dynamics of Business Agility come to demystify this impression, proving that this adaptation to new demands can be done through the creation of a simplified structure, but which can generate even greater gains.

To achieve this, it is important to focus on three different pillars:

  • Knowledge of the current scenario to identify what changes will be necessary;
  • Adapting products and services to meet the new needs of the public served;
  • Mapping the goals and opportunities that will guide the company's launches.

By defining these objectives, aligned with the use of agile tactics, it is possible to promote the evolution of methodologies, the constant updating of technologies and the growth of teams, which will be aligned and better able to successfully face the most current challenges.

How important is it to be agile in business?

As we have already pointed out in previous paragraphs of this content, adopting an agile culture is essential for any company to be able to keep up with the fastest changes in the market and, thus, ensure its competitive potential against the competition.

However, there are a series of other benefits that a well-implemented Business Agility structure can guarantee:

  • More agile responses to new customer and market demands;
  • Frequent deliveries, with high quality and efficiency;
  • Reduction of failures and rework rates;
  • Identification of opportunities and threats in a reduced time;
  • Development of a culture of constant learning and high level of training;
  • More motivated, engaged and consequently more productive teams.

3 steps to apply Business Agility in your company!

Now that you know what Business Agility is and know some of the advantages that the methodology can bring to your business, let's finish with a step-by-step guide on how to put this strategy into practice in your company. Check out!

1 - Study the market, your audience and short, medium and long term projections

For the company to be able to adapt to the most urgent demands, the first step is to have in-depth knowledge of all aspects of the market in which it operates and also the public that will consume its product or service.

Furthermore, it is very important to pay attention to fluctuations in the segment and have resources that allow the calculation of realistic projections so that the company not only adapts, but can predict certain movements that could put it ahead of the competition.

2 - Analyze the company's current organizational culture and understand the potential of your business

What is your company's positioning today? What are the most recent investments in new technologies and more efficient processes? Is there a policy for frequent training and qualification of teams?

Knowing the answer to these questions is essential for anyone who wants to grow consistently even in the most volatile environments. After all, there is no point in knowing the market and the consumer public in depth if the organization is not prepared to serve them with quality, right?

The best solution in this case is to rely on the benefits of an agile culture to identify weaknesses by eliminating bureaucracy, updating the way operations are conducted and improving communication between teams so that everyone is aligned with business objectives.

3 - Invest in the necessary adaptations

After making sure that your company has a bank of detailed information about its audience, has the appropriate tools to monitor even the smallest movements in the market, and already knows what internal changes are necessary, it is time to implement them. necessary changes in practice!

It is important to consider, however, that the transition process to the agile methodology needs to align the aspects mentioned above, but we must still consider other highly relevant factors: o core business of the company and the budget available for the plan to be executed successfully.

Here, the best option is to start by identifying the areas that need to implement the Business Agility methodology with more urgency to become efficient and, thus, contribute to improving organizational culture.

Next, a phenomenon known as the “waterfall model” comes into action, that is, the division of processes into stages so that the delivery of one only occurs after the completion of the previous one.

This dynamic of small deliveries not only makes it easier to monitor processes, but also helps to identify both those that are working effectively and those that are flawed, allowing corrections to take place in less time.

Finally, in addition to having strong and committed leadership to make these changes happen as expected, it is essential to carry out an in-depth study so that businesses can adapt to the necessary digital transformation tools.

Establishing a Business Agility culture is a path that requires planning and choosing the right technologies, but which contributes very positively to the growth of organizations of different sizes and fields of activity.

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