How to use business intelligence in trade marketing? Check out valuable tips!

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How to use business intelligence in trade marketing?

Knowing how to harness the potential of business intelligence in trade marketing is a skill that can make all the difference for businesses, bringing highly positive results.

But if you're not yet familiar with this strategy, this content will help you stay on top of the subject.

Let's start by outlining the impacts of technology on trade, we'll go through the advantages of using BI and, finally, we'll share valuable tips for optimizing the planning of your actions at the POS.

Continue reading to find out more!

How does the evolution of technology impact trade marketing?

The advancement of technology, as well as the emergence of increasingly functional and interactive tools, has been promoting transformations in all types of companies and market segments and when we talk about trade marketing, the dynamics are no different.

Nowadays, many activities that were previously carried out manually can now be carried out in an automated way, such as analyzing the arrangement of products at the POS or carrying out research among consumers.

With the support of specific software, the entire data collection and monitoring process becomes much more agile and practical, allowing companies to calculate their performance indexes and return on investment - ROI, effectively.


What are the advantages of using business intelligence strategies in trade marketing?

Business intelligence aims to integrate and process a high volume of data to transform it into information that contributes to making projections and the company's strategic planning.

By investing in the integration of BI with trade actions, it is possible to achieve a series of benefits, such as:

  • Making decisions based on valuable data and indicators;
  • Development of more assertive POS strategies;
  • Increased productivity and integration between teams;
  • Optimization of activities and reduction of failures;
  • Agility in measuring results.

But, how to use BI at the 3 levels of trade planning?

Now that you know more about the potential of business intelligence for your POS strategies, we will tell you how to implement BI in the different stages of your trade planning. Follow along below!

Strategic level

This first stage is linked to a more macro view of the business, therefore, it includes aspects related to the brand's positioning in its segment and long-term decisions that will impact the company's future.

Because it affects the performance of the company as a whole, strategic-level planning is a responsibility exclusively associated with managers and the corporate board. In this case, business intelligence tools come into play to identify trends and market movements, allowing leaders to prepare adequately to face new challenges successfully.

Tactical level

Also called analytical, the tactical level is related to more specific departments of the company, focusing on establishing medium-term goals to ensure that the objectives established at the strategic level are successfully put into practice.

At this stage, BI provides managers and leaders in each sector with information about team performance and identifies possible flaws or points for improvement in processes, allowing investment in important actions such as training and updating equipment and infrastructure.

Operational level

Last but not least, the operational level defines the company's most specific and short-term actions, such as establishing schedules and corporate routines, defining the professionals who will make up the different teams, as well as the responsibilities and deadlines for carrying out tasks. activities defined in previous planning stages.

Because they are more practical and sectoral, decisions at this level are generally made by technicians and analysts, who use BI resources to organize information and monitor processes in real time in a much more agile and efficient way.

Whatever your company's profile, having the most appropriate technological tools is essential to establishing a successful sales strategy.

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