How to carry out online sales training?

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How to carry out online sales training?

The use of online training as a way of training employees has grown exponentially in recent years, with a tendency for an even greater increase. There are already thousands of companies that benefit from this type of corporate training, with all the advantages it brings. The sales sector could not be different, with complete training bringing benefits to companies and employees.

The sales process is one of the oldest in humanity, dating back thousands of years before Christ. Since the time of bartering between goods, it was these activities that moved society, whether bringing flour to the chicken producer's house or eggs to the weaver's house. This evolved over time and we started to value things, instead of exchanging goods, we started using money.

With this, it is possible to understand the size of the role of the sales process in society, being what guides all commercial relationships. Any contract signed between two companies is, by definition, a sale, whether of services or purchase. 

This way, it is easy to understand the importance of having good sales training in your company. Going further, with the increasing importance of virtual environments, why not carry out online sales training? 

Throughout this text we will address some of the main benefits of carrying out online sales training, some of the most common mistakes to avoid and the main solution for quality online training. Follow us! 

What are the benefits of online sales training?

Cost reduction

In-person training has very high costs such as the location where it will be held, transportation to the training, often accommodation, if it is outside the city and the biggest of all, low productivity due to the absence of employees in the company. 

With the application of e-learning, it is possible to cut all these costs, being able to adapt a few hours a day for each employee. Furthermore, the fact that your training is in the palm of your hand means that each employee can progress through the course according to their own time and learning absorption period.


Because online training is typically multi-platform, employees can access it from their smartphone, work computer or even personal computer. In addition to creating convenience for the student, it also reduces the company's logistical problems, meaning it is not necessary to find a date when the trainer and employees have to be in person in the same location.

Absorption of knowledge

Unlike regular training, corporate training in a virtual environment has the advantage of being able to be attended more than once. If any employee has doubts about any of the points or lessons, they can watch it again to better understand its content. 

Another reason that gives an advantage to e-learning is the fact that it is possible to create fun mechanisms that do not make the content too heavy, such as interactive games, learning dynamics, among others.


The art of sales depends a lot on practice and repetition. Furthermore, seeing someone doing what is being taught can be essential for absorbing the knowledge and tips and techniques being exposed. 

Through video classes, it is possible to include video examples of everyday company situations, negotiations with customers, or even sales tricks being used. This helps employees understand how the theory applies when selling.

Turnover reduction

One of the main reasons why companies lose employees to other sectors or even rivals within the same sector is the feeling of ostracism. With a well-established online training program, it is possible to provide constant training for employees, thus keeping them satisfied within the company.

What are the main mistakes when carrying out online training?

Internal communication

If your employees are used to conducting corporate training in person, a sudden shift to online sales training may not have the desired effects. 

Internal communication regarding changes must be clear and precise, explaining the benefits of this change and how this new method will help them achieve their goals.

lack of support

Often, when migrating a course from a face-to-face environment to an online one, teachers forget the need for employee support, that is, a trainer who can answer students' questions. This is extremely important for the development of employees, so that they can resolve their doubts and advance in the training provided.


The principle of online training revolves around the possibility of giving students more independence and autonomy when studying. However, this point, if not handled well, can become a problem. 

Even though the employee's space must be respected, simply presenting the training is not enough, some guidelines must be given, such as daily time suggestions, timetable suggestions, among others. The employee cannot feel abandoned in this endeavor.

Lack of internal appreciation

Every company focused on sales, or that has a department in this area, has model employees, with incredible and enviable results. These employees should not be exempt from participating in courses and training, however, they can be used to adapt the content and improve it for the company's specific case.

For example, by making a model video with practical application, one of these employees can share some of their tricks and sales techniques with their colleagues in the sector.

Online sales training solution

Every online course must have management that controls the attendance of participants, carries out tests, corrections, answers questions, presents complementary bibliographies and even issues certificates of completion.

Imagine taking care of all these variables manually through a spreadsheet? Difficult, right? Therefore, the LMS has revolutionized online learning and the way companies deal with it, as it is a tool that consists of software aimed at managing online courses. 

After all, what is LMS?

O LMS (Learning Management System) or learning management system, works as an aggregator and manager of online courses, which provides materials for study, support and contact with trainers and any other type of input necessary for the student or collaborator. 

Now that you've learned the main benefits of online sales training, understood what mistakes you should avoid and what the best possible solution is for your company, don't waste time, update your training immediately. 

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