How to work from home: Using technology to your advantage

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Did you know that in Brazil 58,8% of professionals adopted home office in their routines? A large part of this percentage was due to the growth of technology that developed new resources, platforms, means, software and applications.

Uniting sectors with the help of the internet, technology has reached the homes of many employees who have started to work from home and, thus, are achieving greater productivity, improving processes, giving mobility to managers and their teams for professional improvement.

We have prepared below some tips on how your company can take advantage of some resources that technology proposes in the routine of those who work from home. Continue reading and check out each one of them!

Empowering video calls with technology

If technology has stood out in recent times in any capacity, it is undoubtedly the transmission of videos in real time. You have probably already used this resource, after all, it is a means of communication that has grown within companies, allowing meetings with clients and teams and enabling interaction through video conferencing.

In an agile and very interactive way, video conferences can be carried out using applications and platforms customized by your company (the safest and most recommended way). And, in addition to video and audio interaction, it is possible to send files, information and screen sharing, which makes presentations easier.

Technology in planning and organization

Staying organized is an important factor for productivity in a home office. The best thing to do is to plan, understand your routine, establish roles, identify priorities, meetings and how tasks are progressing.

So that you can organize yourself, consult your company about the availability of software or applications that help with these functions. This will help you plan and share your routine with managers, as well as notes and tasks that may arise throughout the day.

Secure storage with technology

As essential as other tools, cloud storage is not new to our routine. Facilitating access to that computer file via cell phone or being able to consult it on tablets.

The access mobility it provides us is enormous, especially for companies that need the availability to store and access their files at any time and anywhere. An online server that is connected to the internet allows us to store this in small or large quantities.

Extensions through technology

Another way that companies adopted for many employees to work from home was the implementation of a Virtual PBX. A technology that takes care of all calls that are made in this digital telephony. The software is responsible for carrying out internal and external communication, between the team, customers and partners, through extensions that carry out this transfer of calls over the internet.

Technological software management

How to coordinate the distance? Good, we have content especially for managers who are facing this challenge of working from home and managing to manage remotely.

To understand a little more about the subject, we prepared this tip for managers: it is important to consider that technology played a big role in the development of software, such as tools that help manage your team through a system that centralizes key information and generates reports, being a platform that all managers can have access to.

Efficient training with technology

Technology has brought us more efficient education by developing corporate training, generating tools and software that are capable of performing functions in distance learning, and this training has grown in the home office.

Therefore, it is important that managers align their team with the provision of online training, encouraging them to complete those contents that remain pending. This is a way to develop the professional side of employees and teach resources that will improve the adaptation of this remote work.

Another role that helps managers in the development of their team in the home office is teaching new resources, tools and products that can be performed without instructions from managers, leaving this role to technology that will prepare your team to deal with new challenges .

How does your company use technology? Would you like to carry out a project, but don't know how? We of Take 5 We can help you, don't hesitate and talk to us!


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