What is the difference between distance training and distance learning? Find out in this content!

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What is the difference between distance training and distance learning?

Do distance training and distance learning have the same meaning? This is a very common question for many people, however, when not resolved properly, it can end up hindering the objectives that the company wants to achieve.

With this in mind, we prepared this content to help you demystify this issue. And to do this, we will present the concepts of each of these strategies separately, with their characteristics and main advantages.

Continue reading and stay informed to find out which of these options is the best for your company!

Distance training and distance learning: find out why it is important to differentiate these concepts

Not understanding the differences between online training and distance learning can end up harming the results of your training actions. After all, each learning format has different qualities, meets specific needs and, therefore, is supported by different tools. to  transmit knowledge and information to your audience. Next, we will delve a little deeper into each of them. Follow along!

Find out what distance learning is and check out the advantages of this methodology

Distance learning, also known by its acronym: EAD, is a broader concept and is related to all methods of teaching and transmitting knowledge that do not require the presence of students and teachers in the same physical space or on the same day and time.

The interesting thing is that this practice not only covers online dynamics carried out through virtual learning systems and platforms, but also includes correspondence courses, very popular until the 1990s, or those carried out through CDs and booklets. , purchased in specialized establishments such as bookstores and newsstands.

Another significant characteristic of EAD is that the term can be used to define courses of different durations: technical, undergraduate, postgraduate or more specific options, such as specializations in different areas of knowledge.

In addition to reinforcing the development of self-taught characteristics, the EAD format offers a series of other benefits, such as:

  • Allows students to follow their own learning pace and review content whenever they want;
  • Breaks down geographical barriers and promotes flexibility in days and times to study;
  • Stimulates valuable skills, such as discipline and time management;
  • Significantly reduced production costs compared to in-person formats.

Stay up to date with the concept of distance training and learn about the benefits of this modality

When we talk about distance training, we refer to a distance learning modality aimed specifically at the corporate environment. In other words, the training of professionals carried out virtually with the aim of developing the skills necessary to carry out specific tasks and which will contribute to the individual growth of the trainee and, consequently, of the organization.

For this process to happen, companies use the resources of an LMS (Learning Management System) platform, which promotes relevant benefits, such as:

  • Facilitated access to educational materials through devices such as computers, tablets or smartphones;
  • Interstate and international coverage without location and schedule barriers;
  • Standardization and unification of training content, leveling the entire team;
  • Significantly reduced operating costs compared to in-person training costs;
  • Development of content in different formats, ensuring more creativity and dynamism;
  • Practicality to update study materials and thus meet the objectives of each training;
  • Interaction between participants through forums and chats to hold debates and share valuable information;
  • Optimized management of the different stages of training: from implementation to analysis of results;
  • Greater security for sharing user data and information.

Furthermore, distance training can be divided into two different categories: synchronous, which requires the presence of participants in real time, such as web conferences and online meetings. And asynchronous ones, which can be consulted by participants at any time, such as presentations, video classes, podcasts, assessment tasks, quizzes and gamified activities.

Another very relevant aspect of training is the possibility that companies have to personalize e-learning platforms and create content with a language that reflects the company's values ​​and that encourages employee participation, generating high levels of engagement and much better results. satisfactory.

If you enjoyed learning about the differences between distance training and distance learning and are interested in checking out other content that will further optimize your training actions, continue here on our blog!

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