EAD: understand what it is and how this model has stood out in companies

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EAD: understand what it is and how this model has stood out in companies

It is possible to notice the growth in the reach of organizations that have adapted to the corporate EAD teaching model. One of the reasons why this methodology has been highlighted in recent months is due to social isolation due to the coronavirus.

Even though the EAD education system is in our midst, some companies were not used to the distance education model and, as they did not want to stagnate or compromise their employees' training, they adapted the EAD methodology.

A challenge that resulted in many advantages for companies, these benefits were previously only seen as: a teaching model that provides mobility for professionals. However, today we can have a greater perception of the impact that distance learning can have on companies.

Read on and understand what the EAD teaching system is and how this teaching methodology can provide many advantages for your company.

Getting to know EAD, corporate distance education

If you don't know what EAD system, EAD methodology, EAD teaching or simply EAD means: it is distance learning in which the contents are made available through an online platform, such as, for example, LMS (Learning Management System or Learning management system) which is a virtual environment where employees carry out their corporate training.

It is not new that this learning model has been growing, standing out in educational institutions and in turn in corporate environments. Your goal is to expand more and more.

The EAD system offers technology to your team and is a methodology that is very close to your employees, as corporate training is not only available on the platform, but tutors are there whenever necessary.

Content can be made available in different formats, such as: video, PDF, PPT, SCORM, YouTube, among others. Remembering that the concept is to provide distance learning, online and mobile, that offers practicality in training your employee and the opportunity for on-demand consumption.

Advantages that distance learning can offer your company

As it is a new teaching model, the question always arises: Why take a distance learning course? Compared to face-to-face teaching, the EAD system has generated advantages for both companies and employees. Well, we are talking about broad teaching that can be approached through various online methodologies.

But do not worry! Because, even from a distance, it is possible to maintain control through reports that are available on the platform. This way, learning management in your company can be done in a clear and objective way. Check out other benefits below!

1 - How to study in the EAD system model? 

Mobility in learning, as it is online teaching, we can say that distance learning helps break down physical barriers, that is, it is a methodology that provides teaching mobility. Providing content that is within reach of employees, a benefit that gives the ability to teach and make your team really learn, even from a distance.

Therefore, it is a different teaching method compared to the traditional model - in which the employee is in a physical location with in-person assistance from a tutor. However, this is not a problem, as with EAD your employees will have online support in case of any doubts.

2 - Why take a distance learning course?

Cost reduction for companies is one of the main benefits for companies since the EAD system provides mobile teaching, companies are automatically able to obtain a significant rate in the cost reduction of their corporate training. This is due to the fact that organizations do not need to invest in several factors, such as:

Shipping cost: Your company will not need to spend on transport for employees, managers or tutors. Your employees can carry out their content online, without the need to travel.

Accommodation: To be responsible, when dealing with mass training, many companies have high costs for hosting professionals.

Food: This is a topic that is always involved in in-person training, as many companies end up offering a snack for the occasion or even when dealing with events that require hours from the employee. With EAD, companies do not have to cover food costs, making it even more advantageous.

Courseware: Even with online teaching, some companies end up choosing to send physical content to employees, but it is one of the costs that organizations are not obliged to provide.

Because, employees have everything they need on the teaching platform, content in video, PDF, audio and even a forum that gives the opportunity to debate the subject and expand knowledge with other employees.

Renting a space: If this is one of the problems your company faces, with EAD you will no longer have to worry about finding a place to train your employees. Thinking that it is close, that it accommodates your team or that it is available at the moment of need.

3 - Reduction in working hours

In addition to the EAD teaching system providing cost savings, it provides a reduction in the workload of your team, whether with travel or even during the training itself. Offering greater flexibility to produce content according to the employee’s most suitable schedule.

With the materials made available by an online platform, your employees can complete the content during their routine, without the need to set aside hours of their day to schedule participation in that in-person training.

Well, it becomes easier when the content is available to employees. Even though it was a live broadcast, the platform allows the company to save and make the training available online for employees to access at any time of the day.

A solution for many companies that deal with this lack of flexibility in their team's schedules.

4 - Standardized corporate training

When we talk about the EAD system, we address standardization in content and to understand it a little better, we compare corporate training that is made available by various units.

Although companies have the same objective of disseminating their content in a standardized way, they end up dealing with discrepancies in the different methodologies applied to in-person training.

Therefore, with distance learning, companies can have control and make the same content available to all employees. Of course, this may vary depending on the sector and the objective that the company has for each area.

Platform with 360° management

But, how can you want to provide all of this to your company without having a platform that meets your needs and provides personalized resources?

Rest assured, we have developed a high-performance LMS platform for distance learning that helps you manage your training, allowing your organization to generate online reports.

A platform that provides control over the teaching of your employees and can offer the best in technology for your team, in an intelligent and innovative way, your organization will not need to worry. Well, 360° self-management can manage content, make it available in different formats, train and evaluate each employee according to their performance.

Furthermore, it is an EAD platform that, after completion and evaluation of corporate training, generates a personalized certificate online and for printing. This way, your employee can add value to the company and their professional career.

We provide technology and innovation to our clients and thus seek to offer the best in corporate training. Invest in distance learning, talk to Take5 to find out more:

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